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Time Travel/Time Stop - the great "How do I...?"

Thia Halmades


Hey Steve.


Sorry I'm not at my most articulate today. While threading the boards we were asking the obvious: "What can other systems do better than HERO?" aka, "What can another system do that HERO can't?" One of the big ones was Time Stop.


On the SRD, Time Stop is a 9th level spell that creates a 'time freeze' effect, allowing the caster to move unmolested through the zone. However, they cannot at any time interact with the environment; they can only take things that aren't nailed down (i.e., frozen in time with another character) or move in and out of the zone. I think they could also 'puzzle solve' but only by placing Tab A into Slot B. That's about it.


The spell strikes me on the surface as a giant handwave as it is; "Sure, you can move through time. Forward only. About 20 seconds. EH... and you can't touch anything. Yeah. That's the ticket."


So I was going over the rules, and I checked EDM - the only way I saw to do it was as a massive handwave as the player moves asynchronously against the flow of time in a sort of limited EDM; a dimension exactly like this dimension in which time isn't moving for one minute. Is there a better way to handle this? Any sort of general 'clean' way to do it? If the answer is in either Grimoire or FH, I can look there again, but didn't find it on my first pass.


Your thoughts?



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Re: Time Travel/Time Stop - the great "How do I...?"


My thoughts are expressed in detail in the HEROglyphs columns in Digital Hero #8 and #9, also available in our "Best of HEROglyphs" PDF collection. ;)


But those are really just exercises in pushing the system, when it comes right down to it. Sure, EDM is a handwave, but so is the D&D Time Stop spell. "Here ya go -- use this power and you can rook the world over however you like!". ;) Stopping or manipulating time is so grossly powerful that I don't think any game is really going to handle it 100% "well" -- it's the sort of ability that works great in fiction, but not so well in a gaming context.

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