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The Magistracy Hunt


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Re: The Magistracy Hunt




The Magistracy gathered around their meeting table. The screen was set up to run Maker's presentation to her grim audience. Knowing that you had enemies was a little different than knowing that one of your enemies was taking steps to get rid of you.


"This is Jeff Stafford," she began, clicking the first picture to life. "He attacked us. We broke free. He collapsed into a coma. He was placed in a hospital until he could recover enough to be questioned.


"Stafford escaped. I checked on it after we got back from upstate. The hospital doesn't know what happened."


"He was awakened by the same man who funded the clone superhumans," said the Chemist.


"That's a good guess," said Maker.


"The proof is there was a spell on the phone," said Chemist. "I didn't think anything of it at the time but it had the same imprint as the spell that put Stafford asleep. I remembered the feel when John reminded me."


"So we have Stafford hooked to this doc through the same magician?," asked Silver.


"Pretty much," said Maker. "He had some surprises in his background too when I helped the School look into it."


"Dr. Werner Krueger worked for Hitler, the Russians, the Chinese, some private institutes," said Maker, placing his picture on the screen. "All superhuman agent programs as you might infer from his medical degrees. He always walked away before something bad happened to whatever project he was on.


"He fell off the radar after the Israelis tried to shoot him in Rio a few years ago."


"Obviously that's when Krueger was recruited by the guy who hired Stafford," said Luna. "He spent that time building his lab."


"That's what we think," said Maker. "The School tried to backtrack the money to see where it came from."


"They couldn't find the source," said Silver.


"I couldn't either," said Maker. "Somehow Krueger's lab was built without any paperwork, transfers, permits. Even the house was built without anyone filing boo at the local records department."


"There was nothing anywhere?," asked Silver.


"Almost like the construction company didn't exist," said Maker. "There wasn't any type of inspection on what we found either."


"So we have a hit man, and a rogue doctor," said Silver. "Both are connected by a magic spell. We don't know where Stafford put his pay, or how Krueger got paid in the first place. Does that sum it up?"


"Pretty much," said Maker. "The School is still looking but I don't think they will find anything that I missed."


"The government has the best money suckers in the world," said Silver, lighting up a cigarette. "They won't find anything you didn't already find."


"Where does that leave us?," said Luna.


"We have to find Stafford now that he's back in play," said Silver. "And squeeze him before his boss shuts his brain down again. He's our only lead at this point and he has spent a lot of time underground already."


"We're sitting ducks," said Luna.


"We have some leeway to defend ourselves," said John Public. "Stafford is a lone wolf with very few friends. He'll be hard to track down, but we know that he's going to be used. That's something we can plan against."


"All right," said Silver, slumped in his chair. "Maker, give Quick and Public what you found out, then I want you and Chemist working on repairs and defenses for the Tower. Luna and Phaeton, I want you to check on our former guests if the School will let you. Maybe one of them saw something we can use. We might as well stay busy while we're waiting."

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Re: The Magistracy Hunt


Thanks. Enjoyed it. COuld we have a who's who too please? :)


Thanks Mike.


Jerry Silver- Blaster/leader of the team with health problems


John Public- man capable of absorbing mental power to make himself stronger and faster

Maker- controller of various technologies

Chemist- magician who uses secret letters

Luna and Phaeton- a pair of lovers who are a fighter and solar powered hero


Jeff Stafford- A mercenary who works under the name Halbiedier


The School is the nickname for the government supers project.


This like the middle story of the set.






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