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csyphrett last won the day on August 14 2021

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  1. West NC was hit bad by the hurricane. Drivers are warned to stay east of i-77 CES
  2. I know. It just hasn't been touched on much in recent years because of all the rebuilds for the Legion that has happened, and Supergirl's weird status. There are six different versions of the team now. CES
  3. Disc 10 of JLU gives us a story of the Viking Prince's funeral, Deadman thinking that he was saving the day and screwing up to walk the Earth forever (which is opposite of his usual adventures), Flash's rogues hate his new museum opening (scenes with his rogues fill the scene with Mr Element and Dr Alchemy sitting next to each other except they either are the same man, or hate each other), The Seven Soldiers face Eiling at a parade after he became the Shaggy Man ( which happens in the comics and he forms a team that turns on him I think, and the use of the Spy Smasher to prevent Captain Nazi from coming into being was on point), Luthor and Flash switch minds for a bit, Roulette is back for an episode, Supergirl joins the Legion to romance Brainiac 5 (something that happened in the comics briefly). Geoff Johns retells the first death of Hawkman and Hawkgirl with her being unfaithful with his general and being poisoned by Hath-set in a literal obeying of a random wish (I did not enjoy this retelling because it breaks up the partners which has gone on in the comics after being partners for almost eighty years.) A two parter at the end of the season deals with Lex Luthor saving the world from Darkseid. (During the invasion, one scene has the Ditko leaguers working together. Hawk and Dove, The Creeper, Captain Atom, Starman, and the Question are taking care of business.) CES
  4. When I was at lunch, cable news was projecting class four. Be careful out there, Grailknight. CES
  5. Dave Arronberg is reporting that before Stines shot Mullins in his chambers, cameras saw them swapping phones. No one but the prosecution knows what was being looked at that moment. Speculation is this is what caused Stines to shoot the other man. CES
  6. Waller wanted to kill his dad but Bruce's old girlfriend said forget it, but Mr McGinnis died any way because the guy who took over Wayne Enterprises killed him with a radioactive blast. I don't know why she didn't use Deadshot. He would have done it. Maybe Floyd was dead by that point. (For those of you who haven't seen the episode, the killer Waller wanted to use against the McGinnis family was the Phantasm from the movie Mask of the Phantasm. She was Bruce's girlfriend at one point before she started killing mobsters.) CES
  7. the next to last disc for Justice League reveals Lex Luthor was playing Cadmus all along and as Waller invades the satellite with her army of clones, Luthor tries to wake up his secret partner. The Flash shows why he is the most dangerous man alive. Epilogue is a wrapup for Batman Beyond which felt like a end of series but then they got approved for one more. The last three episodes are the lead in for the next season as Grodd recruits Luthor to raid Blackhawk Island, a guy who may or may not be crazy takes on the guise of Hawkman to woo Hawkgirl and the League helps Travis Morgan the Warlord against his old enemy Deimos. A thing that bothered me from the blackhawk episode, the symbol was on the wrong side of the jacket the whole time. CES
  8. Thanks Clonus. This wasn't in the article. It just said they were arguing and Stines shot Mullins multiple times. This is like the shooting here in town. A guy got mad at some guys. A third party broke them up. The first guy got mad and got a gun and shot the third party who returned fire. CES According to the paper, Routh the second assassin had numerous runins with the police in Greensboro. The retired officer interviewed said that Routh was strange and seemed to show up when he was out off duty with his family. CES
  9. That is something you expect to see in a love triangle. What was the argument about? The article doesn't say, It seems weird to me that he just walked into the courthouse and shot the judge when there doesn't seem to be an obvious connection. And then he turned himself in? CES
  10. I wish the picture of Trump on his Twitter wasn't covered in the flag. It reminds me too much of Nuke. CES
  11. Why does this guy have to be from my state? CES
  12. another disc down for the Justice League. The Atom is back to stop an alien invasion. A trio of nerds summons a spirit that turns Solomon Grundy into a rage monster. Chronos makes his debut forcing the League to join forces with Jonah Hex, Pow Wow Smith, the western El Diablo, Bat Lash, and Terry McGinnis. Black Canary tries to get Wildcat to stop cage fighting for Roulette. When the League refuses to help Mister Miracle with a mission on Apocalypse, the Flash jumps in and shows the world's greatest escape artist what a little speed can do. Professor Milo lets Doomsday loose forcing Cadmus to shoot a nuclear kryptonite missile at Superman. The Suicide Squad infiltrate the watchtower to steal Ares's automaton, but then loose it to Felix Faust's ghost who invades Tartaras with it. Huntress and The Question take on Green Arrow and Black Canary over a mobster Huntress wants to kill. Things about this that stand out is Hex letting Batman know he has time traveled in the past. Smith uses his Indian name, but the villain calls him Pow Wow. El Diablo was a comatose bank teller brought back to life. I never thought of him with a Spanish/Mexican accent. Roulette is from the Johns JSA and is supposed to be Terry Sloan's granddaughter. It is a retcon to match up with Infinity INC, but she is a villain. Professor Milo has a horrible fate in this just like he does in the later Brave and Bold. Plastique faces Captain Atom who in the comics becomes her husband. Tala and Hugo Strange is helping Cadmus. Monica Baccarin is Black Canary, and Adam Baldwin is Rick Flagg. Eiling, the military contact for Cadmus, is Captain Atom's superior in his revival comic after Crisis. This version of the Question is one step ahead of everyone who constantly underestimates him. Ditko's Starman, Aztek the Detroit League except for Vixen, are in the background but no speaking lines yet. Main thing that kills me is Batman being a hypocrite. I don't know if they thought about it when they did it, but it sticks out when you watch the episodes back to back. Batman is mad at the League for exiling Doomsday to the Phantom Zone which is a harmless punishment, but he traps Chronos and his wife in a time loop forever. CES
  13. Robin is the fireball King, Cyborg the tough Ten, Beast Boy the stretchy Jack, Raven the magentic Queen, Starfire is Ace. CES
  14. The Olympian Affair by Butcher. Albion's enemy has a new weapon capable of destroying the city towers of the setting. We find that the setting is a postapocalypse Earth, and two alien races are fighting a proxy war over the setting. CES
  15. Two discs from the Justice League are up with Grodd forming his secret society of super villains, Superman teaming up with Vandal Savage, The Flash and Ultrahumanite save Christmas, The Joker forms the Royal Flush Gang to turn people insane, and Hawkgirl's people show up to try to blow up the Earth for a faster than light spaceflight tunnel in the first disc. The second disc opens with the recruitment of Green Arrow and helping China with a version of Brimstone, a retelling of the man who has everything, the Hall brothers helping Wonder Woman deal with Ares, The Question and Green Arrow help Supergirl deal with her clone Galatea, Mordred banishes adults from the planet and his mother makes members of the League kids to deal with it, Wonder Woman gets turned into a pig, Amazo arrives back on Earth after his galactic flight, Booster Gold gets confused with Green Lantern, and the Ultimates show up and learn they are clones destined to die. There were a lot of things going on that were cool and strange at the same time. The actors who played the original cartoon Titans played the Royal Flush Gang. The scene in Initiation where the unlimited League are assembled has the Seven Soldiers, members of the JSA and Infinity INC, The second Ray, and Ditko's Starman. The Booster Gold story has Mordru attacking the present just like the first story from Robison/Goyer/Johns JSA except he is wearing his Legion stomping gear. This season hints at Cadmus and Task Force X with Amanda Waller on the scene. CES
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