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Query to the Architectural Folks - GUGGENHEIM DISASTER!

Lord Hobie

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Here's the setup:


I'm running what basically amounts to a New Mutants campaign. By numerous quirks of circumstance, the PCs happen to be accepting an award in the rotunda of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, when several astounding things happen.


* Magma, whose mutant powers are just now coming to the fore (she isn't an NPC member of the team yet), essentially draws a magma flow up through the center of the floor, creating a smoking crater about 15 feet wide and God only knows how deep.


* Sentinels sense the immense power surge and fly down through the rotunda skylight, attacking the assembly. Six of them. The PCs manage to destroy three of them, and the other three escape with thorough scans of everyone present.


* Roulette of the Hellions uses her 'bad luck' mojo to bring down the entire Rotunda - thank heaven most of the bystanders have been evacuated.


What would be the major effects, both in Hero System terms and real-world terms, of these events? Would the Rotunda just collapse down the brand-new lavatube? Would the basement be eradicated? Would it bring the annex buildings down with it? What kind of seismic damage would be caused to the surrounding area (some VERY expensive real estate indeed)?


Thanks for any and all advice and assistance. :D



Lord Hobie

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Re: Query to the Architectural Folks - GUGGENHEIM DISASTER!


Can't say much about the architectural details of the collapse, but as to real-world effects, the loss of such a renowned collection of art would be devastating, and would probably end up being a black mark on the career of anyone involved.

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Re: Query to the Architectural Folks - GUGGENHEIM DISASTER!


Ah-ha! Spontaneous volcanoes and "bad luck mojo". The easy answer is "at your whim." With effects like these taking place, anything can happen and be reasonably plausable. Ask yourself is you want to basement gone or the annex buildings to remain standing or whatever else and make it so. When describing everything to the players, put a "Fortunately..." in front of all the good stuff and an "unfortunately" in front of all the bad stuff. I've found that when you do this, players tend to accept the results regardless of how absurd they may actually be. I don't know why, but they do.

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Re: Query to the Architectural Folks - GUGGENHEIM DISASTER!


Considering that the Guggenheim has that spiral-shape that is larger on top than the bottom, if the building split apart, much of it would fall outwards, onto the street and surrounding buildings, with less rubble falling on those within the rotunda. Of course, there's still the roof.

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