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CSLs and Dive for Cover...



Hey Steve,

Could I please get a clarification on something I just read in the rules FAQ. According to the Rules FAQ:

Q: Can a character apply Combat Skill Levels to Dive For Cover?


A: Yes. Two-point CSLs would improve his DEX Roll, thus making it more likely he’ll avoid the attack. Appropriate 3-point or higher CSLs could increase his DCV when he dives.


However, later it says:

Can a character use Skill Levels, or even 8-point Combat Skill Levels, to improve his DEX Roll when Diving For Cover?


A: Provided a character has not already allocated his Skill Levels in the Segment in which he Aborts, he could use them to improve his DEX Roll with Dive For Cover (assuming the Levels are of a type that can apply to DEX Rolls). He cannot use Combat Skill Levels for this, since they don’t apply to DEX Rolls.


Is this a mistake? It seems strange that a 2pt CSL would do the trick while an 8pt level would be insufficient. Am I missing something? Just curious if this is either a) a mistake B) a nuance of the rules I'm not familiar with or c) my inability to properly come to terms with the English language at 5:49 in the AM :)


Thanks in advance (and much appreciation)


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