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Characteristics, a special type of framework


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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


The value quoted for INT is not correct. The rules specifically state that 5-point levels with INT apply to all int-based skills and rolls' date=' including PER rolls. Thus INT is 1:1 just as PRE is.[/quote']


So I guess the question then is: why buy INT at all?


Answer? It works against all your INT skills all the time. I think (just shooting off the top of my head here) that skill levels need to be split between the indivdual skills.


If we got an give, say... a +2 advantage to the +1 with all INT skills to make it apply to all INT skills at the same time, then INT really has an effective cost of 3 pts per point of INT.


Same goes for PRE I guess.... and probably the DEX skills too...


And someday I want someone to work out the rules for an INT attack (ala presence attack) where you dazzle someone purely with your intellect, and not charisma :D

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


Why would you want to restrict INT levels to only one INT skill at a time? What's wrong with having INT and INT skill levels be 1:1 for cost? They should be worth the same thing, if they do the same thing, and vice versa. If they don't do the same thing, then they should not be worth the same number of points. That's the essence of a balanced system.

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


Why would you want to restrict INT levels to only one INT skill at a time? What's wrong with having INT and INT skill levels be 1:1 for cost? They should be worth the same thing' date=' if they do the same thing, and vice versa. If they don't do the same thing, then they should not be worth the same number of points. That's the essence of a balanced system.[/quote']


Because "A character can only apply a Skill Level to one task at a time." (5ER, p70). So when you are using them, or any skill levels, you must decide which skills, abilities etc they add to.


Otherwise those Overall levels become OVERALL levels I guess:D

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


I suppose it comes down to your definition of 'at the same time.' :)


I can see restricting usage of INT skill levels to only one task in the same phase... but most INT-related tasks are not done in combat time. In non-combat situations I'd have no problems allowing the level to be used for all appropriate skills being applied to the task at hand.


Certainly I would never consider the ability to use INT for all INT applications simultaneously versus the ability to use INT levels for 'one skill at a time' to be equivalent to a +2 advantage. If you allow INT levels to behave as described above in non-combat situations, it seems to me to fall somewhere between +0 and +1/4 at most. Most of the time, in combat, you aren't going to be doing more than one thing to which you could apply an INT level at a time anyway.

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


Yes, the trouble seems to be that length of time required for use of INT skills is generally quite arbritrary (spelling?) but here's how I'd play it.


If someone was applying the skill levels to say... a Science and I said it would take 10minutes to work out, then those skills are stuck for those ten minutes on that skill. After that time, the player rolls with that bonus. If they wish to shift them (say for a PER roll) during that time then the task still takes 10 minutes, but at the end the roll is sans skill levels even though they may have 'applied' them for 9 of those 10.


Also the reason to not make them apply is those complementary rolls, which for INT skills are often more INT skills.


Anyway, if INT and PRE skill levels cost 5 pts per, why don't DEX levels cost 15?:)


Finally I pulled that +2 modifier out of the air based on the adjustment power advantage to affect all relevant powers/abilities at once.


Also (sort of tangent alert) I once played in a game where INT actually cost 2 pts per point because the GM said that too many skills were based on it. And SPD was based on DEX + INT, not DEX +10. And DEX + INT was also your initiative. And skill costs were different too. And all in a Champions game. It worked, strangely enough.

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


I don't see the point in coming up with rulings that reduce the viability of INT skill levels. All it will do is encourage people to buy INT instead, whether it's in concept or not. Maybe if you're going ahead and modifying characteristics cost values, but not if you're trying to run a game without modifying the existing rules.


If you're doing something that takes 10 minutes, you get the benefit of being able to think of how you could apply more than one skill to the task in my book. Locking a skill level to a particular skill for that length of time doesn't make sense to me. But, to each his own.

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Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework


...to each his own.


Yup. And isn't that great? Makes for a heap of variety when playing and running games. And your way is just as viable a playing method for INT levels too.


Plus we tend to forget that they aren't really rules - they're guidelines:)

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