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Terminator II


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Re: Terminator II


I'm too lazy for a real write-up. However, from what I can recall of a movie I last watched more than a decade ago, he was basically a shapeshifter.


Give 'him' a few powers liberally blended into the Framework of your choice.

Shapeshifting, shape and voice & such, no scent alteration since John Connor's dog could still tell who he was

some Regeneration, not when frozen, not vs body loss due to heat, can regrow limbs

a HKA, enough to kill a normal in one shot, say 1d6+1, 2 1/2d with Str

a smidge of Stretching (1" or so) for stabbing people across the room

a few inches of extra running to fail to catch speeding cars with

some automaton powers, like Doesn't Bleed and Can't Be Stunned, since 'Uncle Bob' stunned him with a pump shotgun at the mall and stuff but he bounced back real quick

some Desolid, not through solid objects, not vs energy if you don't want to have him use shapeshift to puddle himself under a door

some enhanced senses, like IR Vision & Ultrasonic hearing, maybe some Telescopics on sight and sound, add a few Per bonuses to make up for Terminators not being the sharpest knives in the drawer



As to stats, hmm...

Str seemed around 30, the Terminator series didn't seem to throw cars much and the tussle in the mall mostly smashed up some interior walls, sides, they can always stand there and haymaker for 10d6 to batter through tougher barriers

Dex is tricky, if this is against superhumans, you may wanna cook the stats to fit your group, 15 for Heroic, maybe? 20-23 for Supers range? Lightning Reflexes might work nicely here

Con ? I dunno, they didn't get tired but that could be 0 End on things, with Automaton powers, they aren't gonna get Con-stunned

Body-hmm, I dunno, he took a grenade and de-splatted rather than discorporating like a good little nanomolecular menace, I'd say 20+, make him hard to put down

Int 13 max, and I'd go for 8-10, the Terminator is no master of improvisation

Ego, you may wanna go for none and build him with a Computer mind and some programs but at least he's machine class so most telepaths can't dance him like a puppet, if he's got a score it's none too high, maybe 10

Pre-he's just not as spooky as Arnie untill the freaky shapeshifting and then it's Presence Attack Bonus time

Com variable, leave it at 10

PD & ED are gonna need to scale to what the adventure calls for, and don't forget a smidge of Damage Resistance or Armor

Spd, tough call, a 4 would clean house against the crunchies he usually fought/killed but that's kinda slow against superhumans

Rec- not too big a deal if he's 0 End & Regen style, go for 15 or more otherwise

End - Ennhh, I'm leaning more to 0 End now for style

Stun -50-60, he's like a nanotech psycho-killer with his Can't Be Stunned


Anyway, that's a start for you and 5 or so minutes of work for me.

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Re: Terminator II


Thanks for the reply....wow only five minutes huh? Good goin' mister! I've done a character like this for an old superhero campaign I used to be involved in...the background was different so he wasn't a total psychotic...but the powers were the same...thanks for the fresh eye...I can see there was some minor stuff I missed out and some major stuff I may have over tweaked!



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Re: Terminator II


I've been mucking about with Champions since '88-89. I have a habit now of cataloguing characters in my head when watching movies and TV. It's gotta come in handy sometime' date=' y'know?[/quote']




LMAO! You too?! My cousin and I do that all the time! We see something cool on TV or a film and think "Now how would that work in Hero!"

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