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Else Earth: Black Magic People


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Weldun's Black Paladin thread has made me want to work with the mystic elements over in Else Earth.


Here are some of the main evil Arcane oriented groups in Else Earth


Caveat: "Human" organizations.


The Order of Tiamat:

I've mentioned this one a few times in other threads. To sum up; they are a cartoon style supervillain organization. She gets her powers from some supernatural force. She can command true dragons as well as being frighteningly powerful herself. She has Dragons, superhumans, cultists and agent followers. Her agents weild blaster weapons and carry modern armor. Her Cultists are dabblers in magic and tend to mix modern and archaic weaponry. Her Superbeings run the gammut between wizards, supermen, and cyborgs. Don't get me started on the Dragons.

Luckily for the world at large, she's rather crazy and her plans are both far reaching and (at times) completely random. She generally does little localized damage.


Luther Dane:

Crime lord with trappings of magic. They just happen to be real. He's a powerful enough mage (a match for 250 teams of supers.) and has agent back up. His agents are thugs armed with conventional weapons.


The Grandmasters:

Chess themed Psionic/Magic group. Some Psionic and Magic based technology. But definately tends to keep towards the mysterious whenever possible. Superhuman agents and "Pawns" who are humans(maybe)


The Onyx Brotherhood:

The SCA of the Villainous magic user. The Onyx Brotherhood (or Black Brotherhood as I've called them in the past...) are magic oriented, their agents wear archaic armor, and weild medival weaponry.



Lady Abyss:

Fantastically powerful but in "remission". She is unpredictable and crazy but in a scarier, deadlier way than Tiamat. She summons and controls beings from the Crux dimensions (Demons).

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