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Your Favorite Patriot Character?

Captain Emu

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So, discusssing patriot character concepts led me to talking about a fun idea I once had but never wrote up for HERO. The concept was for a superhero who fought during the American Revolutionary War. He was Iron Patriot.


Iron Patriot began as an office-talk bit of humor that grew into a fleshed out character who's origins lie with three of America's founding figures - Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Paul Revere.


Jefferson found an ancient manuscript on one of his trips to France and presented it to Franklin who varifies it as a strange, alchemical/scientific formula and plans for a strange sort of armor given amazing abilities by harnessing the power of the elements, namely lightning. Jefferson and Frankling decided that such a weapon would be perfect to help turn the tides of the revolution in favor of the colonies.


To build the armor they enlisted Paul Revere who, in addition to being the legendary rider who alerted the Minutemen to the coming of the British, was also a renowned metal-worker. Revere's skills allowed them to create the introcate parts required to make the armor work. Once Franklin had perfected the devices and materials needed to give the mechanized suit life, all they needed was somebody to don the collosal creation and take it for a test. Jefferson selected, of all people, a young slave man named Joseph.


Joseph was strong, intelligent and and had always been eager to help the revolution and so was happy to be the much-needed guinea pig. It was never the intention of neither Jefferson, Franklin or Revere for Joseph to become the armor's permanent recipient but during the initial test run a British surprise attack facilitated immediate action, action that Joseph could not pass up.


Charging the still untested armor suit into battle with the British soldiers, Joseph made short work of the shocked and terrified attackers and when the dust and smoke cleared, the trio of patriots could not deny that they had found the suit's riteful commander. Joseph was to become the revolution's secret weapon.


In a secret ceremony, Joseph and the armor were warn into service of the birthing nation and dubbed Iron Patriot. Jefferson and Frankling postulated that Joseph's identity as a simple slave should be maintained in order to better serve the secrecy of the weapon and it's origins. Afterall, nobody would suspect that a simple slave was at the command of one of the world's most powerful weapons.


Plans to create more Iron Patriots were made but before they could be implemented, the manuscript and all the original plans for the suit were destroyed by agents of the crown who did not realize the documents they had captured could have given Britain the key to victory.


Anyhow, here is Iron Patriot as I have cobbled him together. I'd love feedback on him as well as to see any other fun "Patriot" type characters others have created, regardless of who they are patriotic to.

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