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Power build


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Hello people of Herodom:


I was wondering how my fellow Hero System Engineers would build this. I was reading this book and came acrossed this creature, and I thought to myself(as I often do) "How would you build this in Hero System?" Only this time I was stumped on what way would be the best way to get the desired effect.


The Creature in this case is a Large Humanoid that has a basic symbiotic relationship with several Blood Sucking Flies. They travel with him and when he stops to eat then they scour the land feasting on anything that is alive. But in doing so they cause agonizing pain to the victim(not necessarily causing Damage). The Characters Had to actively control themselves to keep from screaming out in pain, thereby revealing there position to the beast. The flies obviously attack multiple people at once. And the Range should be around 100+ feet(so about 17 inches.)


The reason it is a symbiotic relation ship is because the beast sheds his kill's blood on its chest for the flies to feast on.


My First thought was to have a 1 pip killing attack over a large area that only effect ceatures with blood. But the characters that went toe to toe with this thing(other than fright) came out of it unharmed. So what do you all think?


La Rose

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Re: Power build


Yeah, I like the CE idea. Substitute "EGO roll to not cry out" for "DEX roll to stay on your feet" and you're good. Buy BOECV for the CE if you really want to be precise.


Another idea: Mind Control, one action ("Cry out in pain."), AOE, 0 END, Persistent, Personal Immunity, No Range. Buy dice to taste.

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: Power build


Mind scan visible if you get enough in to target victim they have failed to resist pain and cry out also lim if target is mute mind scan cant target.

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Re: Power build


Yeah, I like the CE idea. Substitute "EGO roll to not cry out" for "DEX roll to stay on your feet" and you're good. Buy BOECV for the CE if you really want to be precise.


Another idea: Mind Control, one action ("Cry out in pain."), AOE, 0 END, Persistent, Personal Immunity, No Range. Buy dice to taste.


I like the CE idea better. It's more elegant and would better allow for people who have bought Resistance and the like to bite their tongue. You also wouldn't have to argue over what level of effect it is. To get a "trained spy" to do something that would give away his position during a stakeout could easily be a +20 effect because you're trying to get them to do soemthing they really don't want to do and are highly trained not to do. You could end up needing 10d6 Mind Control to consistently get such a person.

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