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Transform: How Far can I go?

Thia Halmades


Hey Steve;


How far can a Major Transform go? Could I use it to create a "Geas" spell, where the effect combines both the desire to complete the quest, AND the penalty associated with not fulfilling one's duty? Or should I instead use [plus] to combine the desire to complete the quest (Transform) plus the penalty separately (Drain)? If Transform can kill you, as its cost indicates, is there any reason I can't have "one total quest effect" with the dice alloted?


Thanks as always;



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Re: Transform: How Far can I go?


Just to be clear, Transform cannot kill a character. It changes, it does not inflict damage. If you want to injure someone, you'd need to use a Power like Energy Blast, RKA, or Drain. Letting Transform do the things those Powers do would violate the general meta-rule about not using one Power to do what another one already does.


As for how far Transform can go, that's generally up to the GM. To construct a geas such as you describe, I'd probably just use some sort of Triggered Attack Power. After all, nothing about a geas forces you to do (or not do) what's described/proscribed... it just specifies the consequences if you choose to do otherwise. :eg:

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