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VVP and Magic



In the manual it says that magic spells must be played in a group called magic and not taken as seperate powers but in the sidebars there are a couple of spells listed ;


1)how can they be used?

2) can GM tolerate that powers can be used as spells (as in the Superheroes game of Marvel )?

3)can a hero in current timeline have a mixture of spells , powers , etc ? or must they all be spells?


4) If spells are located in a Variable VPool (magic Pool) it is put that only points are located to that branch (Magic) with a certain of points (eg 60 Magic points); Where does the hero get his spells ? Can they be the sidebar spells? Or can the hero create a list of spells up to 60 points that he can use always and never change?

5)can magic be put in a package?


I use my reference of magic to Marvel Heroes RPG from 1989 (defunct game) because that is what i liked...

Magic here is a group but the player may create a list of spells which are listed on his gamecheet with powerlevels


Magic spells (Master of Order)

Universal : Beam of Develment 30 damage

Personal: Shield (30)

Dimensional: Bands of Cyttorack: 30 to break

Personal: Alter self (30)


Each time he learns a new spell or he gains one or he retrieves an item that spell is listed under his/her batch

Spells are or in a spellbook or in an item or on scrolls

depends how the character is formed

Sometimes it is knowledge

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There isn't one single, defined, absolute way to create or buy magic spells in the HERO System. Sometimes characters buy them through Variable Power Pools, sometimes through other Power Frameworks, sometimes individually. If you have Champions, take a look at the characters Witchcraft and Solitaire for some ways to buy spells. CKC also has quite a few mystically-powered characters.


If a character does buy a VPP for spells, he typically has a list of spells he can choose to cast through the Pool, but depending on the Pool he may be able to make up and cast spells at will. It all depends on how much in-game power creation the GM allows; most GMs prefer for characters with VPPs to have set lists of powers so they don't slow down the game.

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