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Two Guns -- suggestions?


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I'm trying to build a superheroic character whose schtick is two-fisted gunslinging.


The idea is to allow her to shoot twice in one phase, either both at the same target, or at different targets. I'm in a quandry as to the simplest way to model this.


My original thought was to add Autofire - 2 shots as a Naked Advantage on her guns. Then maybe add some Autofire Skills (Accurate, Rapid, Skipover).


In reading closer through the Rapid Fire maneuver, I started to think that maybe just doubling her Charges and adding Two-Weapon Fighting - Ranged would work.


Making it a Multiple-Power Attack is out, 'cause she wouldn't be able to target two different opponents.


Suggestions, anyone?

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Guest Keneton

I have several characters built this way. I buy two weapon fighting ranged and rapid attack ranged. In addition I buy the weapon plus another 5 point duplicate of the weapon. You can therfore rapid attack with the gun.


Hope that helps.


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Generally with two gun-style I purchase a slightly higher (if not double) DC ranged attack and simply throw on the limitation "Two-Handed" or a slightly more limiting variation "Must fire both guns" (for a quarter more limitation). If you purchased that asa multipower, you could get other tricks in there as well (including single-shot attacks for situations when you don;t have both guns)


Alternatively you could purchase one gun and use Autofire (either in the cost of the gun itself or as a Naked Advantage if you can convince your GM), again with the special effect of "must use both guns for autofire" (probably only worth -¼ or at most -½ since you could use all of the other stuff without).


The only problem with either of those two solutions is that troubling situation where they wish to fire at two entirely different targets at the same time, and while the Skipover Sprayfire ability can accomodate that somewhat there are some situation where it will not (radically far apart targets for instance). Check with your GM about a "SFX exception" to the Skipover limitations in return for limiting autofire to a maximum of 2 rather than 3. As a GM myself, I'd count that as fair, but that's just me.

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Oops. I see I forgot to mention that I am the GM, and that this character is likely to be played by someone unfamiliar with Hero. Hence my quest for a simple solution.


Anyone have any comments on how easy-to-use the Rapid Attack and Sprayfire rules are? Confusing? We've not had it come up, yet.


I'm also looking at the high cost of these Skills -- Autofire Skills, Two-Handed Attack, Rapid Attack. I suspect they're costed more for Heroic than Superheroic level campaigns.


Thanks for the suggestions so far. More appreciated. :)

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Guest Keneton

The rules are not that confusing if you read through te examples. I still contend that you should do this via two guns with two weapon fighting. If you are using automatic weapons do buy the autofire skills. Here is an example baddie named Goth. Look at how she is built as an example.




Player: NPC


Val Char Cost
30 STR 20
26 DEX 48
30 CON 40
15 BODY 10
13 INT 3
14 EGO 8
25 PRE 15
10 COM 0
20 PD 14
20 ED 14
6 SPD 24
12 REC 0
60 END 0
45 STUN 0
10" RUN02" SWIM010" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 196


Cost Power END
5 Demoneyes: Flash Defense (5 points) (Sight Group)
6 Demonform: Life Support , Longevity: 400 Years, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat
30 Demonmove: Teleportation 10", Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass 3
2 Demonsmind: +2 Mental Defense (5 points total)
10 Demonskin: Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED)
15 Demonsight: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) N-Ray Perception (Real Cost: 10) plus Nightvision (Real Cost: 5) [Notes: N-Ray not through holy, magic, or blood.]
7 Slow Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Does Not Work On Some Damage Two or More Types of Damage (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: Not vs Holy or Magic Damage]
9 Strong Legs: Leaping +4" (10" forward, 5" upward) (Accurate) 1
8 Very Fast: +4" Running (10" total) 1
8 Wall Walking: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4)
30 Gun from Hell: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. PD), 2 Clips of 12 Charges (+0), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF Durable (-1)
5 Another Gun from Hell: Custom Power (5 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 135


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
3 Basic Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike
5 Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike
3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, STR Strike; Target Falls
2 Weapon Element: Default Element, Ninja Weapons, Staffs
Martial Arts Cost: 22


Cost Skill
3 Acrobatics 14-
5 Accurate Sprayfire
5 Concentrated Sprayfire
5 Rapid Autofire
5 Skipover Sprayfire
3 Breakfall 14-
9 Fast Draw 17-
3 Language: Infernal (Completely Fluent, w/Accent)
1 Language: Spanish (Basic Conversation)
5 Rapid Attack (HTH)
5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
3 Security Systems 12-
3 Stealth 14-
3 Streetwise 14-
3 Teamwork 14-
10 Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH)
10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
4 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Small Arms
24 +3 with All Combat
4 +2 with any single attack [Notes: The Guns from Hell]
Skills Cost: 113



Cost Talent
9 Ambidexterity (Eliminate Off Hand Penalty entirely)
Talents Cost: 9



Total Character Cost: 475


Val Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Demonic Body Not Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
20 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
15 Hunted: DEMON 8- (Occasionally), As Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
15 Hunted: Trismegistus Council 8- (Occasionally), As Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
15 Physical Limitation: Must obey commands when commander knows true name. Infrequently, Fully Impairing
15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy Common, Strong
15 Susceptibility: Holy Water 1d6 damage, per Phase, Uncommon
15 Susceptibility: Holy Places 1d6 damage, per Phase, Uncommon
5 Unluck: +1d6

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 125

Total Experience Available: 125

Experience Unspent: 0

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Thanks, everyone -- both in this thread and otherwise. ;)


I've decided on making the second gun another Focus, of an Autofire Naked Advantage. Added to that with some PSLs that someone pointed out as a good idea, and rounded out with a few Autofire Skills.


With only 2 shots, she won't have much use for Skipover Sprayfire, but I'm sure she'll find something useful to do with it. :)


Give me a sec, I'll see about posting the character here, too...


edit: Probably need some explanation, here.


Fermáta (russian: "Pause") is intended for a classic Cross-Time adventure, where the superheroes go from alternate timeline to alternate timeline, meeting different versions of their friends and others.


She's actually a little under-powered for my campaign (defense-wise). But my secret intent is to merge all her analogues into one multiform character in the "true" timeline. Maybe.


Her world is a Soviet dystopia, where the Nazi superhumans were defeated, the Soviets got the a-bomb and triggered a nuclear winter, and the West was defeated. Now the nasty Faerie-like things (Koschei, the Wild Huntsman, etc.) are roaming the ruins, hunting the survivors.


p.s., if my Russian is incorrect, please excuse me and correct me -- it'd be appreciated. :)


edit edit: and yes, I know about the slight rules-bends -- like the Naked Advantage in a Power Framework. I'm the GM, so I can do that. ;)

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Alternate IDs: Marjéta Luna


Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
21 DEX 33
20 CON 20
11 BODY 2
15 INT 5
15 EGO 10
15 PRE 5
15 COM 3
5/11 PD 2
5/11 ED 1
6 SPD 29
8 REC 2
40 END 0
30 STUN 1
7" RUN22" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 120


Cost Power END
3 Absolute Time Sense
3 Detect Time Alterations 12-, Discriminatory, Sense (10 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2)
5 Luck 1d6
47 Step Outside Of Time: Multipower, 70-point reserve, all slots: (70 Active Points); Concentration 1/2 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (-1/2)
4u 1) Stop Time: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension, Any Location), Position Shift, Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points) 6
3u 2) Evade Time: Desolidification (affected by Time), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Affects Desolidified (Any form of Desolidification; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2) 6
2u 3) Shoot Around Time: Naked Modifier on Guns & Two Guns, Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4) (28 Active Points) 3
25 Twist Time: Duplication (creates 325-point form), Easy Recombination (Half Phase Action at Half DCV) (70 Active Points); Feedback All Duplicates Take Damage When Struck (-1), Increased Endurance Cost 2x END (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 14
16 Guns: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. PD), 4 Clips of 8 Charges (+0), Required Hands (One-Handed; +0), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Knockback (-1/4)
5 Two Guns: Naked Modifier on Guns, Required Hands (One-Handed; +0), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (7 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
10 Leather Bodyarmor: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Visible (-1/4)
4 Leather Duster: (Total: 6 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) Lack Of Weakness (-3) for Normal Defense (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 2) plus Lack Of Weakness (-3) for Resistant Defenses (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 2)
Powers Cost: 127



Cost Skill
5 Accurate Sprayfire
5 Skipover Sprayfire
3 +1 with Guns
4 +2 vs. Autofire OCV modifiers
4 +2 vs. Range OCV modifier with Guns
3 Concealment 12-
1 Interrogation 8-
1 Riding 8-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 13-
2 Survival 12-
1 Tactics 8-
3 Teamwork 13-
2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 12-
2 AK: Amérika (Soviet Earth) 11-
1 KS: Bogatyrya 8-
2 WF: Small Arms
0 Language: English (idiomatic; Native)
4 Language: Russian (idiomatic)
1 Language: Hebrew (basic conversation)
Skills Cost: 50



Cost Talent
3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -2)
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 300


Val Disadvantages
10 Dependent NPC: 8- (Normal)
10 Enraged: Innocents Killed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
10 Hunted: Soviets 8- (Less Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
20 Hunted: Dikii Okhota 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common; Total)
10 Psychological Limitation: Practical (Common; Moderate)
10 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Occasionally; Major)
10 Susceptibility: Time Manipulation 2d6 damage, Instant (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 100


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Background: You were born knowing that the world was "wrong" somehow. You were hunted down and nearly killed for your powers by the Dikii Okhota ("Wild Hunt"), but rescued by the Bogatyrya. They trained to use your powers and taught you to fight after you joined the Bogatyrya, and now you hunt the Dikii Okhota.

Appearance: Black leather bodysuit, black duster and spurred boots of the Bogatyrya. Twin guns are hip-holstered, and wears bandolier of ammo.

Tactics: 2d6K +1 STUN Autofire ×2 Guns [0]

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