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Group invisibility?


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I'm trying to model a kind of "invisibility bubble" i.e. the character and those in his immediate vicinity are invisible. If someone leaves that vicinity they become visible, and if they return they become invisible again. Everyone inside the bubble can see everyone else inside bubble.


I've tried invisibility usable as an attack, extra targets, simultaneous use, linked with a special "Sense other folks in the invisibility bubble" also usable as an attack.


Any thoughts?

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Re: Group invisibility?


Could you make the invisibility an attack and apply the explosion advantage to it? Without the reduced effect per hex/inch perhaps, instead it is at full effect throughout the bubble but cuts out half way instead of spreading out into nothing.

Does that make sense?

Alternatively it could count as a force field that only blocks perception.

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Re: Group invisibility?


I'm trying to model a kind of "invisibility bubble" i.e. the character and those in his immediate vicinity are invisible. If someone leaves that vicinity they become visible, and if they return they become invisible again. Everyone inside the bubble can see everyone else inside bubble.


I've tried invisibility usable as an attack, extra targets, simultaneous use, linked with a special "Sense other folks in the invisibility bubble" also usable as an attack.


Any thoughts?


Area of Effect Selective eg:

Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Usable By Other (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (82 Active Points)


should do it (Stricly speaking 'Personal Immunity' may require some hand wavium to work for all 'selected') This is not Cheap.


Or a more legal way to do it may be:


(Total: 98 Active Cost, 90 Real Cost) Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Usable By Other (+1/4), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1 1/4), Selective (+1/4) (82 Active Points) (Real Cost: 82) plus Detect Invisible A Class Of Things 11- (Sight Group), Usable By Other (+1/4), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1 3/4), Selective (+1/4) (16 Active Points); Sees Only Things Made Invisible by this spell (-1/2), Linked (Invisibility; -1/2) (Real Cost: 8)


Oh to make the above move with the group you need "Moble" adder as well +1

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Re: Group invisibility?


I agree with using Invisibility, AoE, but you also need to account for the fact that everyone within the bubble can see each other. You could do this with Personal Immunity (+1/4), meaning people invisible because of this power aren't invisible to me. But since *everyone* in the area will have the PI, you might say that the PI advantage should also have the AoE advantage on it, essentially raising it to a +1/2 Advantage.


Thus, you'd have Invisibility with a total +1.5 of Advantage.

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Re: Group invisibility?


Here's my version of Invisibility Sphere:


Invisibility Sphere [illusion]: Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; Any single creature or object, weighing no more than 300 lbs.; +1) (60 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; An eyelash contained in a bit of gum arabic; -1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 5 Minutes (-3/4), Requires An Illusion Roll (-1/2), Spell (Illusion; -1/2), Only When Not Attacking (Any Individual Who Attacks Loses the Effect; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)

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Re: Group invisibility?


A fine spell in its own right, but it doesn't quite do what the OP specified:


- A specific 8 people are affected, rather than everyone in the area.

- No new person who enters the area is affected.

- Those affected remain so even if they leave the area.

- The invisible people can't see each other.

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