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how-to continued effort AND knockback damage shield


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couple of how-to questions:


First of all ... In hero, how do you handle the "I'm going to keep trying until I get it right" situations?


"That other system" has two ways to do this, hero doesn't have even 1. The 'can't make another attempt until chances have improved somehow' rule even prevents any sort of casual system.


Secondly ...

How do you make a damage shield effective for knockback?


Even with the f'ed up damage shield rules, it's still possible to do damage by adding in one of the def-bypassing advantages. However, adding in a single double knockback increases the AP so much you can't get enough body (even with the doubling) to bypass even the standard knockback roll that everybody gets (KB = body - xd6). I'm thinking of your classic martial artist that keeps kicking/throwing/tripping all attackers (aside from the one he's beating on at that moment) away.

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Re: how-to continued effort AND knockback damage shield


couple of how-to questions:


First of all ... In hero, how do you handle the "I'm going to keep trying until I get it right" situations?


"That other system" has two ways to do this, hero doesn't have even 1. The 'can't make another attempt until chances have improved somehow' rule even prevents any sort of casual system.


One means of improving the chances is to take extra time, which applies a positive modifier. Assuming you are not in combat or otherwise rushed, you can simply take as much time as required to complete the task - just like in That Other System.


Secondly ...

How do you make a damage shield effective for knockback?


Even with the f'ed up damage shield rules, it's still possible to do damage by adding in one of the def-bypassing advantages. However, adding in a single double knockback increases the AP so much you can't get enough body (even with the doubling) to bypass even the standard knockback roll that everybody gets (KB = body - xd6). I'm thinking of your classic martial artist that keeps kicking/throwing/tripping all attackers (aside from the one he's beating on at that moment) away.


To make this with DS, you need more DS, possibly limited to "only does knockback". Or you could apply Trigger to Trips. Applying advantages to combat maneuvers is, I believe, addressed in the Ultimate Martial Artist. Or you could make your Damage Shield telekinesis and throw them, rather than doing knockback.

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Re: how-to continued effort AND knockback damage shield


I have a simple house rule about the skill rolls, I automaticaly allow them to succeed out of combat, the only question is how long it will take, I do ask how long they are willing to work on it btw...


Works like this, I basicaly decide on how long a task will take on average, for every 2 points they make there skill roll by it goes up(Taking shorter amount of time) the time chart one step, for every point they miss it by it goes down one step (Taking longer)

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Re: how-to continued effort AND knockback damage shield


Here is an example power that uses damage shield to 'dissuade' attackers. Clearly it is rarely going to cause direct damage (but then that was not your stated intention), but it averages (thanks to the double KB) 8 inches of KB, which if you are using standard or average KB will affect an attacker every time, and if you are rolling, will still work over half the time. It is not cheap, that I'll give you, but then it is useful, to be able to knock down almost everyone who lays hands on you AFTER they have attacked you, so they are likely to still be prone on your next phase, making them easy targets. To reduce cost, it doesn't always work (activation roll - sometimes they are just int he wrong position to attack them) and it does not work if you are being restrained - you need to be free to move. Bear in mind that even though it may be a martial artist doing this, they still use -2d6 KB as this DS is not a martial attack.


Don't touch me! Energy Blast 4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Damage Shield (+1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4), Continuous (+1) (70 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)

AP 70 RP 35 END 3


Alternatively you could use Hand-to-Hand Attack, for a simpler build. You get greater damage because you can still add strength to increase the damage, as far as I'm aware, up to double the base damage, so if you have 20+ STR you are doing 8d6. This version has very little by way of limtiation on it, but if you included the limtiations fromt he first example power, the RP goes down to 22. That's not expensive at all:


Don't touch me too! Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Damage Shield (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (55 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

AP 55 RP 37 END 2


I agree that DS can be expensive, but it is not broken. Physical hand to hand combat is the most common form of combat in (most) Hero games, and the ability to affect everyone who touches you is powerful. It does require a more creative approach to build powers with DS, but then, DS is not going to be your main attack power in most cases, and if it is then I''m sure the GM will let you spend a little more on it.

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