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The Echoes of Heaven Preorders now Online


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The critics have raved. The fans have flocked. It earned us promotion from the RPGNow Edge site to the main site in one week. It’s the product that got an Ennie judge temporarily banned from the ENWorld forums.

And now it’s coming in print.


Am I overselling?


You’ve made Final Redoubt Press a runaway success as an e-publisher. Now it’s time to help make us a success as a print publisher. The Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting, including The Throne of God, is now available for preorder from Final Redoubt Press, all four version, in either hardbound or paperback. Come one come all. Buy now and get it in time for Christmas.


Simply go to FinalRedoubt.com/store and click on Print PREORDERS. Then order away. All charges are run immediately.




Santa’s Elves are hooked into their wireless, hopped up on cappuccino, and waiting to process your orders.

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Re: The Echoes of Heaven Preorders now Online


I was thinking about refusing to tell anyone unless they bought, but it boils down to this.


One of the Ennie Judges had a blog, and in that blog he said that if I had submitted my product line the way Battletech Classic had, or if they had submitted their line the way I had, I would have gotten an nomination (or more) for the Ennies (presumably beating out Battlech Classic, though that was never actually said). However, they never announced their decision to allow certain publishers to submit this fashion.


Well, some people decided that this was an unfair advantage, and that we weren't given the opportunity to submit on equal ground (I wasn't one of those people, I was too busy stripping the blog entry for marketing quotes). The person starting the argument got into this big dust up with one of the judges (not the blogger) over whether or not the ennies were fair or if they were too subjective, giving some people preferential treatment. In the end, they were both banned.


I found out about it hours after it all finished that the thread was locked. :)

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