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UAA Clinging

Killer Shrike


In a previous post today regarding Clinging UAA, you answered:


Clinging Usable As Attack definitely isn’t the same thing as an Entangle. First, it does not prevent the victim from moving; it simply requires him to succeed with a STR Versus STR Roll to overcome the STR of the Clinging with his own STR to move if the movement requires him to touch a surface (if he’s not, as with Flight, Gliding, or Teleportation, then no roll is necessary). Alternately, he could simply break the surface he’s attached to and carry a piece of it with him as he moves. He’d also have to make a roll to stand up if he’s knocked to the ground, to let go of a held object, or the like. His DCV is not affected. If he takes Knockback, standard rules for how Clinging affects that apply; if someone wants to use a Shove or the like on him, he uses the Clinging’s STR or his own STR, whichever is higher, to resist.


Now, you probably wont respond to the concerns I include as they drift into design philosophy space, but I'm also going to ask a few rules / resolution questions in conjunction and I hope you will see fit to answer them at least even if you don't address my concerns:


First, you say that it isn't an Entangle, but requires a STR vs STR roll to overcome the Clinging effect. This raises a concern and a couple of questions:


* Concern: due to the low cost of Clinging even with UAA and Range applied, it is relatively inexpensive to construct a Clinging effect that only characters with superhuman strength can resist. It seems more efficient and effective than Entangle for a similar effect, which would seem to violate the "other power infringement" restriction on UAA.


* Question: Regardless, if this is how Clinging UAA works, then does the target have to make a single STR roll to resist and thus escape the effect entirely (like escaping a grab), or do they have to make a STR roll per hex they move thru, or a STR roll per Phase, etc? (Clinging being a Constant effect).


* Question: Is the STR vs STR roll taken as a 0 Phase, 1/2 Phase, or Full Phase action? Does the amount of time the STR vs STR roll take vary based upon the level of effect achieved similar to escaping from a Grab? Does the target get a free Casual STR based escape attempt similar to being Grabbed?


* Question: Under UAA there is a subtopic called "Controlling the Target" which discusses that some UAA powers have a "control" aspect that allows / requires active interaction from the user of the UAA against the target, while others don't. Flight UAA is given as an example of the former, Desolid UAA is given as an example of the later. Which would Clinging UAA be? If it is the former, what kinds of things are under the users control from Phase to Phase?




Secondly you indicate that the targets DCV is unaffected by Clinging UAA.


* Concern: I have difficulty imagining how a character could be affected by an effect of this nature that prevents them from freely moving without making one or more STR vs STR rolls would nevertheless have full DCV.


* Questions: What impact, if any, would this have on Abortable actions the target might be able to take? The obvious one being Dive For Cover, but also Flying Dodge introduces issues; does the target get to make a free STR vs STR roll to break free as part of their attempt with failure indicating they can't leave their current hex and thus can't D4C or FMove, and if so do they still suffer the DCV penalty of D4C and the DCV benefit of Flying Dodge? Also, what about Blocking? SFX would clearly play a role, but what happens if the target successfully blocks a HtH attack barehanded while affected by Clinging UAA; do they become stuck to the attacker / attacker's weapon? Similarly with the Shove example cited, does the target get stuck to the Shover; ie do they become a "tar baby" while affected by such a power?


Thanks in advance!

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Re: UAA Clinging


Generally a character’s only going to have to make one STR Roll to resist Clinging for each discrete effect, as judged by the GM; for example, in one Phase he might have to make one roll to walk, one to let go of an object, and one to stand up after being knocked down. All these rolls are Actions that take no time, so there’s no issue about having to rely on Casual STR.


Whether this is a UAA power that has to be “controlled” by the attacker, like Flight, is up to the GM, but generally it’s more akin to Desolidification UAA and doesn’t require control.


Clinging UAA does not cause other persons or objects to get “stuck” to the target if they touch him.

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