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Plot Seed and Ship Map


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I wrote a Star Hero Adventure that pulls on the classic Space Horror theme of my favorite horror movies. The basic idea is that the players stumble upon a derelict military science ship set adrift. They go on board to "investigate" looking to help or salvage for parts depending on their motivation. Of course horror lurks on the ship...


I am wondering if anyone has ever run or written anything like this. What did you do with this classic plot seed?


I have seen many ship maps online. Have any of you found a particular ship map that you think would be conducive to this ship exploration type adventure?

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Re: Plot Seed and Ship Map


You know you could make the space ship a huge Long range Science explorer, with a Alien life-pod in the cargo hold. Make the Alien a "Thing" alien and have it copy some of the Science crew and have a few real crew members still alive too that trust no one. Say the players spaceship came out of jump and had some damage and luckly found this other ship and need to do some work to fix up their ship and that means taking parts off the floating Science vessel and refit/repairing their own ship before they can even leave. I would have the crew try to discover what is what, plus put a few NPCs aboard your PC's crew to get killed or copied so as to add to the plot before you try it on the PCS.



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Re: Plot Seed and Ship Map


You know you could make the space ship a huge Long range Science explorer, with a Alien life-pod in the cargo hold. Make the Alien a "Thing" alien and have it copy some of the Science crew and have a few real crew members still alive too that trust no one. Say the players spaceship came out of jump and had some damage and luckly found this other ship and need to do some work to fix up their ship and that means taking parts off the floating Science vessel and refit/repairing their own ship before they can even leave. I would have the crew try to discover what is what, plus put a few NPCs aboard your PC's crew to get killed or copied so as to add to the plot before you try it on the PCS.




Evil, idea stolen from a movie. I like it ;):thumbup:

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