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Silk Deveroux (Feng Shui)


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[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
21	DEX	33	13-	OCV:  7/DCV:  7
18	CON	16	13-
12	BODY	4	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
16	EGO	12	12-	ECV:  5
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
22	COM	6	13-

6	PD	3		Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)
6	ED	2		Total:  6 ED (0 rED)
5	SPD	19		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
7	REC	0
36	END	0
30	STUN	1		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  112

Movement:[/b]	Running:	8"/16"
	Leaping:	3"/6"
	Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Pakua[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
5	Defensive Block	+1	+3	Block, Abort
4	Dodge	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Escape	+0	+0	40 STR vs. Grabs
3	Kick	+0	+1	7d6 Strike
5	Palm Strike	-2	+1	9d6 Strike
3	Sweep/Throw	+2	-1	6d6 Strike, Target Falls
8	+2 HTH Damage Classes (already added in)

7	Walther PPK/S:  RKA 1d6; OAF (-1), 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), Side 
Effects (-1 RMod; -1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1), 
Real Weapon (-1/4), [6]
11	Natural Order:  Armor (18 PD/0 ED); Costs Endurance (-1/2), 
Instant (-1/2), Only Works Against Firearms (-1/2), END 3
9	Walk Of 1000 Steps:  +5 with DCV; Requires a Half Move (-1), Costs 
Endurance (-1/2), Linked (Fast On Her Feet; character must also 
Dodge; -1/4), END 2
7	Willow Step:  +2 with DCV; Costs Endurance (-1/2), END 1
2	Fast On Her Feet:  Running +1" (7" total), END 1

9	Contact:  HKPD (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited 
by identity, Good relationship with Contact), Organization 
Contact (x3) 11-
2	Deep Cover (as HK informant)
1	False Identity (as supermodel/Bamboo Union operative)
2	Bamboo Union Operative:  Fringe Benefit:  Gang/organized crime 
group member of prominence or importance

27	Hair-Trigger Neck Hairs:  Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of 
combat, Function as a Sense) 12-

8	+1 with All Combat
10	+2 with HTH Combat
6	+2 with Concealment, Disguise, Mimicry

3	Acting 13-
3	CK: Hong Kong 12-
3	Climbing 13-
3	Concealment 12-
3	Deduction 12-
3	Disguise 12-
3	Fast Draw (ranged weapons) 13-
3	Lighting Reload:  +2 with Fast Draw; Only To Reload Weapons (-1/2)
2	Forgery (Documents) 12-
3	KS: Assorted Cons And Scams 12-
3	KS: Hong Kong Organized Crime 12-
3	KS: Pakua 12-
1	Language:  English (imitate dialects; literate)
3	Language:  Cantonese (completely fluent; literate)
3	Lockpicking 13-
3	Mimicry 12-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	PS: Supermodel 13-
3	Security Systems 12-
9	Seduction 16-
3	Stealth 13-
0	TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
2	WF:  Small Arms
[b]201	Total Powers & Skills Cost
313	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group)
15	Distinctive Features:  Very Beautiful (Concealable; Always Noticed and 
Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5	Hunted:  Bamboo Union 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, 
5	Hunted:  Hong Kong Police Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited 
Geographical Area, Watching)
78	[b]Experience
313	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Background/History: Nominally the beautiful Eurasian bodyguard for 14K Triad flunky Nicky Patricca, Silk is in fact a double agent, working both side of the law. To Nicky, she’s his bodyguard and assistant in running his restaurant and fronting for the 14K. To the Bamboo Union Triad, she’s a mole, infiltrating Nicky’s small organization with the idea of either taking it over, or eliminating it. And to the Hong Kong Police Department, she’s a deep cover informer, keeping them appraised of assorted Triad dealings. It’s wonder she can keep it all straight... and she’ll certainly pay in blood if the wrong people find out.


Personality/Motivation: Silk is walking a fine line and she knows it. Her normal outward personality is one of no-nonsense street tough (see her quote below), which enables her to interact with the Triad soldiers on equal footing.


Quote: "Hello-ooo. Hi. Up here. Keep talking to my chest and I'm going to stab out your eyes, capisce?"


Powers/Tactics: Silk is no idiot when it comes to a fight. If attacked be people armed with hand-to-hand weapons, she’ll respond in kind -- bring out guns usually means her foes will to, and that’s never good. If guns are in play, she’ll use Natural Order to render herself virtually immune to their effects, and then try to eliminate the gun-user as quickly as possible (even if it means using Natural Order over and over). Since the effect lasts such a short period of time, she normally tries to make sure she’s not caught out in the middle when using it. As insurance, she’ll also use Willow Step, and if needed, Walk Of 1000 Steps. This will give her at least DCV 19, and makes for a very useful Presence Attack.


When fighting, Silk tends to be a defensive fighter, putting most of her levels into DCV. She’ll use Kicks and Sweeps to knock foes about, resorting to a Palm Strike against anyone who’s Stunned or otherwise vulnerable.


Appearance: Silk Deveroux is in a word, gorgeous. She looks good, knows she looks good, and can dress to emphasize this fact like no one else. Of course, assuming she’s as dumb as she is beautiful is a sure fire way to get your ticket punched.


Designer's Notes: Silk Deveroux can be found in the Feng Shui supplement Blowing Up Hong Kong. She’s only given a few sentences of description and no real role-playing notes, so I had to make up much of the information above whole cloth (using what little I did know about her as a rough guide). Game Masters should flesh out her personality to fit their in-game needs and add in some appropriate Psychological Limitations.


(Silk Deveroux created by Chris Jones, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Silk Deveroux (Feng Shui)


I left some stuff out under Powers/Tactics, so use this:


Skilled in both firearms and the art of Pakua, Silk is no idiot when it comes to a fight. If attacked by people armed with hand-to-hand weapons, she’ll respond in kind -- bringing out guns usually means her foes will to, and that’s never good. If guns are in play, she’ll resort to several esoteric chi techniques she’s learned to help even the odds. She’ll use Natural Order to render herself virtually immune to their effects, and then try to eliminate the gun-user as quickly as possible (even if it means using Natural Order over and over). Since the effect lasts such a short period of time, she normally tries to make sure she’s not caught out in the middle when using it. As insurance, she’ll also use Willow Step, and if needed, Walk Of 1000 Steps. This will give her at least DCV 19, and makes for a very useful Presence Attack.

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Re: Silk Deveroux (Feng Shui)


I hate to sound like a broken record but looks like another great build. I do have a question about the original. Why is the power called "Natural Order" and also, sfx wise is it an specific form or Combat Luck or does she actually bounce bullets once it's up?

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Re: Silk Deveroux (Feng Shui)


It's a Feng Shui fu power. I translated assorted FS fu powers into Hero some time ago (http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/fu.html). If you use pure FS powers, then she's probably bouncing bullets. But, you could go with super Dodging or Combat Luck as the SFX.

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