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What happened to San Angelo?

Bud Gray

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Re: What happened to San Angelo?


"Life is what happens while you are making other plans" - John Lennon



San Angelo: City of Heroes by Gold Rush Games is closed business. I am sorry to say there will be no future Source books, but we can hope.





Thank you QM. That is what I thought but I wanted to check. I am having so much fun getting to run my San Angelo Campaign that I just dream about more source books for this wonderful city. I guess I will have to create them myself for my campaign.


What would be the policy of sharing such things here? I mean if I create a number of mystic teams based in San Angelo would I be able to share them here for others to use?


Thank you again for your answers and the PDFs. I am going to have a long weekend reading them and plotting my campaign.

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Re: What happened to San Angelo?


Thank you QM. That is what I thought but I wanted to check. I am having so much fun getting to run my San Angelo Campaign that I just dream about more source books for this wonderful city. I guess I will have to create them myself for my campaign.


Out of curiosity, which volumes in the series do you have? There were a few source books published beyond the core SA setting.


What would be the policy of sharing such things here? I mean if I create a number of mystic teams based in San Angelo would I be able to share them here for others to use?


Folks share characters and plots they've created for published game worlds (including the official Champions Universe) all the time around here. As long as you don't reprint the stats of already-published characters (including your own modified versions), and don't transcribe a lot of background information or text from the books, there should be no issues. :thumbup:

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Re: What happened to San Angelo?


Out of curiosity, which volumes in the series do you have? There were a few source books published beyond the core SA setting.




Folks share characters and plots they've created for published game worlds (including the official Champions Universe) all the time around here. As long as you don't reprint the stats of already-published characters (including your own modified versions), and don't transcribe a lot of background information or text from the books, there should be no issues. :thumbup:


I have the original San Angelo book (signed by Patrick Sweeney), Denziens of San Angelo and Enemies of San Angelo in book form, Dragon's Gate in PDF. And then the three PDFs that were posted in the thread. If I am missing any please let me know!


And thank you for clarifying what can be posted here. As I start to develop villains and teams I will start posting them here. My biggest chore right now is figuring out what I will keep with minimal changes from the books and what will be updated since 12 years have gone by.

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