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Suppress Stun, the Complete Series



Hey Steve, I couldn't find the answer to these questions in 5ER, the FAQ, or this board. So I turn to you. :)


Let's say I succeeding with a Suppress STUN that suppresses more than the target's current CON. Now let's say that the Suppress is removed prior to the target's next Phase (i.e., before he’d get a Recovery), thus restoring the suppressed STUN to him.


1. Does the target immediately become un-stunned?


1.b. if #1 is Yes: If a STUN Suppress Stuns a target, then another attack does enough STUN damage to have also Stunned him, and then the Suppress is removed, is the second Stunned result still in effect, or was it completely ignored because the target was already Stunned at the time?


2. If the Suppress STUN made them Unconscious, when they wake back up, is their END also restored to its former level (barring other factors that may have adjusted it in the meantime)?


I guess I could sum up all the prior questions with this one: When a Suppress STUN is removed, are all of the effects associated with loosing STUN (and loosing consciousness from that) erased/avoided?


Also, is a Suppress STUN subject to the doubling rule for surprised/unconscious targets?





PS: Bonus question (10 pts): “How Much Stun Would Stan’s Suppress Stun Suppress if Stan’s Suppress Stun could Stun Stan?”

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Re: Suppress Stun, the Complete Series


A character can be Stunned from any loss of STUN, including from a Suppress. If the character using the Suppress chooses not to maintain it by paying END, or the Suppress is otherwise somehow “removed,” the lost STUN returns to the victim, but the return of the STUN does not automatically un-Stun him. Once Stunned he has to recover from being Stunned using the standard rules for doing so.


A Suppress STUN only affects STUN; it has no effect on END. A character affected by a Suppress STUN, even to 0 STUN, doesn’t lose any END... though since he’s unconscious he can’t use his END anyway.


The Surprised rules regarding doubling the STUN damage of an attack apply to all attacks (unless the GM rules otherwise).

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