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Dragonstar HERO First Game


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Hi all


Not sure how much interest there is but here is the after action report of my first Dragonstar HERO game :) If anyone is interested I will post the second game session too.




The Story so far


The characters are all contacted in various ways and offered a job with the CIA. They all accept and are given an address and room number. This turns out to be a nondescript building in Virginia. There they sign various security documents, swear in as operatives and head for the mission briefing room. Where they are introduced to a Colonel Breckenridge. An older fit

looking military man who strangely enough is wielding a riding crop. Which he slaps against his leg at important points in his briefing.


You have all been assembled here because we need a group of operatives with your particular skills to investigate a potentially world shaking situation.


To give you some background we developed a software and hardware predictive program called "The Oracle". By inputting economic, social, religious, etc variables into the system we have been able, at least in a limited sense to predict world events


Now however the software doesn't seem to be working. It has taken us some time to determine why. But recently we retained the services of a unique individual whom I shall call Jason. Jason is in many ways unable to deal with normal reality but when given a mathematical construct he is nothing short of brilliant. He determined that the reason Oracle was not working was related to a particular set of data. And when we carefully isolated and examined this data it revealed some startling things.


It appears that we have an organization of extraterrestrial origin operating on earth.


I know that sounds crazy but there it is. One of your members, Amira has come across some material indicating the presence of something called the "Cult of the Dragon" in the middle east. This kind of cult does not fit in with the religious nature of the region. And we have matched the data we have on this cult with the data retrieved from the Oracle and found a partial match.


But we need far more information.


Your job is to infiltrate an area in Iran, discover who or what is operating this Cult of the Dragon, and determining whether there is in fact an extraterrestrial element.


Any questions ?


The characters are equipped and given various access codes. They are then flown to Germany on a commercial flight. From there they fly to an air force base in Saudi Arabia and then to an aircraft carrier.


Where they spend some time. In the dead of night one evening they are summoned to an expertly manned helicopter. They and their equipment are loaded in, and taken for a low to the ground fast helicopter ride. There is one refueling stop in a large warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

They are dropped on the outskirts of Esfahan in Iran.


The characters make their way to the house of their contact, which after some surveillance they enter and meet Abdul Jafar. He gives them the following information. There is a man by the nickname of "The Banker" who launders a lot of the money for various terrorist groups. We have not until now had any idea who this man is. But I recently got a lead. And it led to this man (shows the players pictures of a business man getting into an expensive car surrounded by what appear to be body guards) His name is Rashad Komar and we need to find out if he has any connection to this dragon cult group. Which does appear to be moving a lot of money.


At this point the house is attacked by multiple assailants. They are generally using crappy shotguns although one is using an AK-47. A large combat ensues with several characters being mildly injured.


End of first chapter



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Re: Dragonstar HERO First Game


The cast of characters:


Jack Woods = Barry (computer and technician)

Abdul= Jules (face and diplomat)

Larry Wildhorse = Mike (the leader, an air force pilot)

Fred Schmidt = David (special forces)

Marvin = Trevor (medical)

Boris Koviak = John (special forces, the sniper)

Mercy Graves = Mark S (bodyguard, military, pistol expert)

Amira Isis Chattan = Celia (historian, language expert)

Kelvin Peterson = Rick (medical and science expert)




The Story so far chapter 2


After the combat Kelvin treats Boris’s, Amira’s and Jack’s wounds. Fred and Mercy are assigned perimeter patrol while Larry and Abdul pull all the bodies into a back room of the house


Fred and Mercy do not find anyone else outside but they do find two empty nondescript black vans with the keys left in them. They are civilian vans with all the appropriate paper work in the glove compartments. After reporting in to Larry, Fred and Mercy pull the two vans around behind the house and out of sight


A search of the bodies again reveals civilian credentials with one exception, nothing is found on the guy that was wielding the AK 47. Two of the attackers are actually the owners of the two vans that were found outside


With the characters help Abdul begins to sanitize the house. Removing all the incriminating evidence. Which includes a weapons locker, a complete forgery workstation and numerous disguises and clothes. All of which is tossed into the vans.


At some point a police car drives by the house shining a search light around. Obviously in response to a report of gun shots. However, the police seem much more interested in the deserted property across the street than they do in the house the players are in.


The group then decides to create a reasonable way for Abdul to remain above suspicion. By simply creating an alibi and pretending that he wasn’t present when the gun fight at his house occurred.


Using the two vans and Abdul’s car the entire group then heads for a deserted tenement that Abdul knows about where they spend the night. In the morning they use Abdul’s ID and rent a room in a hotel where Jack establishes an internet connection and is able to do a lot of research on Rashad. His house is protected by an elite American security company so a physical breaking and entry is going to be difficult.


Abdul, Amira and Mercy go on a shopping trip to acquire food and supplies. While there Amira picks up a variety of newspapers one of which is the Iran Financial Times. She discovers an article in there describing the annual “Bankers Ball” to be held at Rashad Komar’s house.


Through the use of CIA assets the players are able to get invites to the ball by wrangling spots in the German banking group and three corporate entrouges. Mercy Fred, Abdul, Jack and Amira enter the party. Abdul is immediately recognized as someone famous although no one can remember exactly who he is although everyone is certain he has received an academy reward.


When snooping around the house Jack discovers a card swipe secured office door monitored by a camera. And at the party Amira meets a famous archeologist named Bill Stark. Bill is excited abut his new find. A Minoan tablet that apparently holds the location of the “original garden”


Abdul decides to demonstrate some of his acting skill for his fans in front of the camera covering the office door. And between that and the 6 to 8 groupies surrounding him Jack is able to disable the door security and gain entrance.


Once inside the office Jack breaks into the computer and finds out a couple of things. The large internet pipe, that he discovered previously, is being used to download information collected by several dozen search programs. All the information is being sorted and stored on a truly huge storage device that is not physically present in the room. He is also able to obtain a copy of Rashad’s appointment book.


Abdul again provides a distraction for Jack’s exit from the office and the players head back to the hotel.


When Jack inspects the appointment book he discovers a suspicious entry about brokering a deal between Abshadkaldaka (a known terrorist organization) and DG. The address is given and a quick search shows it to be a warehouse in the city.


There has also been a third game if any one is interested :)


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