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The Anatomist


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Ok, character idea here. Not that I'm at all tired of playing Vitus of Clan Scorpion (or Truman Golightly), but one of these days Vitus is going to piss off the wrong Faerie Queen or Great Old One and find himself walking home from Celeano the long way.


And besides, other people would be welcome to use this character themselves, anyway.


The person's power is to animate skeletons. The skeletons have to be intact, and can't be bigger than human, but that isn't that much of a liability - a chimp can quite easily rip your arm off.


He can't keep more than 4 animated at once, and the most complicated order he can give them as a group is "keep doing what you're doing" or "move to here"


He can use each revenant as a clairsentience focus - but only one at a time, and by concentrating on that one use the physical abilities of that creature in life. For example, to rip your arm off.


So effectively he's got 4 mobile drones he has to concentrate on. What's the most efficient way to write it up?

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Re: The Anatomist


Maybe with Slavishly Loyal and some mental powers to link with them and clairsentience to see through their eyes. He may have to get "class of creature" and perhaps a small limitation that his choices are limited by the skeletons he has available or you could consider that a wash and handwave it. In the case of an minor NPC I'd do the latter.

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