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Professional Package Deals


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Not a bloody thing. The Package Deal Bonus of old is lost and gone; mourn its passing. OTOH, the use of Social Disads makes up for it, and then some. The Professional Packages also have a (laundry) list of skills that make sense for a character with that sort of training; many are "obvious", but it's nice to see, and it encourages others to duplicate it for their own Packages. The Packages are kinda pricy (all the skills) but it makes sense that, forex, a Thief would spen most of his points in Thiefy stuff.

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But the fact that the packages as presented are expensive is mostly irrelevant.


Because they are no longer Deals (ie. no discount) they are also no longer Packages which must be bought in their entirety. With the exception of racial packages (which I'm insisting must be bought in their entirety) they are just lists of suggested abilities that you can pick and choose from if you want your character to meet the conventions of a particular archetype.


Which is fine - suggested abilities are always handy, particularly for new players. But I'll be calling them something like "Suggested Archetype Abilities" with no total cost listed rather than the somewhat confusing "Package Deals".

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While a GURPSism, I really like the Templates and lenses in their Wizards, Warriors and Rogues (plus whatever others I haven't read lately) books; a base structure with a fair bit of meat, then some lighter concept bits within the overall structure to accenuate the concept. Granted, most HERO players will do the tightening on their own, as well as the indivisual detailing, I like the Templates and lenses setup for it's ability to show you what is "expected"; when you know what a normal Cerulean Legionaire is supposed to be like, as well, as what their officers are capable of, your "court-martialed Cerulean Legionaire captain" begins to fit the world better.


Then again, I find lists clarify things, and HERO is good for making clear, well-defined, yet evocative, lists.

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Oh, I totally agree - the lists are great for steering you towards what's expected for a particular archetype - especially for new players.


But a Package Deal used to be a thing you would buy in it's entirety because you wanted the cost reduction - now they're just lists of suggestions and nothing more.


I know it's just a terminology thing - but Package Deals is the wrong thing to call them now.


Edit: spelling

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WEll if you want a deal..........


Step right up Step right up and here at Glib Skips HERO Emporium We have all you could ever want to supply your needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You Say:"Package deals, what is the point behind package deals?" well ill tell you brother, we have solutions for you!!!!!!!!!


First off is the Glib Skips Spiffy Skill Solution: you take the Skill Enhnacer concept and just like it says in FREd you customise it so that a Barbarian buys the Barbarian Skill Enhnacer and all the skills inside the Skill list get the cost break for being a barbarian!!!!! the package deal bonus may be dead but for the amazing, and I mean AMAZING, revival abilities of the Glib Skip!!!!!!!


The second idea bandied about is the Skill grouping. Just take for example a barbarian if he wants to say 'hey i'm really good at being a barbarian' then he should buy Barbarian Skill levels (at the five, yes five, point skill level) giving him a nifty, yes nifty, + to all his barbarian skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I tell you with this just small selection any class can be helped in making the world a more powerful place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and all of these are just $19.95 plus tax sent to me personally...



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>>>First off is the Glib Skips Spiffy Skill Solution: you take the Skill Enhnacer concept and just like it says in FREd you customise it so that a Barbarian buys the Barbarian Skill Enhnacer and all the skills inside the Skill list get the cost break for being a barbarian!!!!! <<<<


What he said. I absolutely hated package deals so I've been using professional skill enhancers for a decade or so, with nary a problem.


I wouldn't give a "barbarian" professional skill enhancer, since that's too ill-defined to me, but the way I go about it is up on my website under house rules (which, methinks, is due for an update).


cheers, Mark

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