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This is a revision of my first Champions character. I'm a noob to the system but played in 5 sessions with the first draft of this character. This 2nd draft is for a new game I'm joining. Please take a look. Any and all suggestions welcome.




Hal Adlee, Jon Kelly


Total Points: 350

Base Pts: 200

Disads: 150

Characteristics: 117

Abilities: 233

XP earned: 0


XP remaining: 0




Wears a trenchcoat, jeans, and a black t-shirt with his symbol on it.




25 Dependent NPC: 11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)


15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)


10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Sonic (Uncommon)


25 Enraged: When Dependent NPC is threatened (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-


10 Rivalry: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)


10 Psychological Limitation: Recoil has difficulty attacking women. He will go to great lengths to not hurt any female. (Uncommon, Strong)


5 Money: Poor


50 GMs Choice






5 Combat Driving 14-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

6 Navigation (Land) 13-

4 AK: City 13-




3 Contact 12-

1 False Identity




24 Absorption 6d6 (energy, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)


24 Absorption 6d6 (physical, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)


80 Force Field (20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (80 Active Points)


20 Leaping +15" (19" forward, 9 ½" upward) (x4 Noncombat) END: 2


16 Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); Visible (-¼)


40 Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

Notes: Missile Deflection: ½ Phase, +2 OCV +0 DCV, Block




STR 20 13- 10 Damage 4d6, Lift 400.0kg

ACC 20 13- 30 OCV 7 DCV 7

CON 20 13- 20

BODY 20 13- 20

INT 10 11- 0 PER Roll 11-

EGO 14 12- 8 ECV: 5

PRE 16 12- 6 PRE Attack: 3d6

COM 12 11- 1


PD 10 6 10/30 PD (0/20 rPD)

ED 10 6 10/30 ED (0/20 rED)

SPD 4 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

REC 8 0

END 40 0

STUN 40 0



6" Running 12" Non-combat Running (7/14 km/h)

2" Swimming 4" Non-combat Swimming (2/5 km/h)

19" Leaping 19" Horizontal, 9 ½" Vertical


Combat Information

OCV: 7 DCV: 7 ECV: 5



PD:10 (10/30) rPD: 0/20

ED:10 (10/30) rED: 0/20

Mental Def: 0

Power Def: 0


Combat Maneuvers

4 pts Phase ½ OCV +2 DCV +0 Effect Missile Deflection Block


Recoil was born Hal Adlee. Hal's father was involved with organized crime and was murdered by his boss. Hal's mother took Hal, his younger sister, and his very young brother across the country to escape the situation and restart their lives. Though she tried her best, Hal's mother was poorly equipped to raise three children on her own and hide from the mob too. Hal helped as he could, but the stress of the stiruation led to his mother abusing drugs. One night, when Hal was 17, he woke in the middle of the night and found his mother had come home at 3 in the morning. She was sprawled out on the couch with a needle in her arm and wasn't breathing. Hall calleed 911 but his mother was pronounced DOA.


Hal, his sister and brother were put into foster care for almost a year. When he turned 18 he was granted custody of his siblings. Because of his parents activities Hal was well versed in the city streets and had been driving since he was 12. He would take risks when driving, but never got into an accident. He got jobs as a taxi driver to pay the bills and always ended up short. Hal supplemented his legal income with illegal income as well. He had learned about street fighting from having gone with his father to bet. Hal was a big guy naturally and he had decided early on that he would be strong enough to protect his family. He began entering street fights. Though he wasn't particularly skilled in fighting he was strong and could take as much punishment as he could deliver. Even then, not winning as many fights as he needed he was short on providing for himself and his two siblings.


Hal answered a classified ad in the paper for a driver. The job was for a hi-tech corporation Hal had never heard of. He drove bizarre materials and equipment all over the city. At one of his drops Hal met made a contact that warned him about how dangerous a job he was taking. Hal didn't mind though, the money was better than he'd ever gotten in his life. Then one night he got beeped by one of the scientists at the corporation. The scientist insisted that Hal show up and deliver a piece of equipment out of state. Hal was reluctant but the scientist offered a $1,000 bonus that Hal couldn't refuse. He showed up at the corporate HQ, loaded some fancy equipment into the truck and started out. About halfway to the location a van full of thugs with hi-tech weaponry attacked Hal's truck. Hal led the attackers on a chase but a blown tire led to the truck rolling off the road. The equipment in the back of the truck began humming and the truck started violently shaking. Hal felt like his teeth were going to break apart by the vibrations. He got out of the truck and opened the back door to see if he could shut off the machine. He reached out to a glowing panel but the air around it was distorted by the turbulence the machine was causing. He was in agonizing pain trying to stop it when the fire on the truck reached the gas line.


Hal couldn't have been out for more than a few seconds because he saw the goons from the van approaching the wreckage. They were reporting their findings to somebody when one of them saw Hal. The thug's leader ordered his men to kill Hal. They opened fire and the energy blasts richoted off of Hal. Somehow, Hal was able to cause the same type of turbulence around himself that the machine had caused. The more the thugs shot at him, the more violently the air around him vibrated and distorted. Hal was even able to send the energy blasts back at the thugs. With these powers he was able to fight the thugs off.


Hal had learned from his mother what to do in a situation where a superior group is after you. He went to the contact he'd made on the job and got a false identity created for himself and his siblings. He moved them to a new state as Jon Kelly. Hal's not the brightest guy in the world and prone to slip as he will respond to Hal as easily as Jon. Hal got a job as a taxi driver and has learned the new cities' streets well. But he's not getting enough wages or tips to live comfortably. He's avoided the street fighting circuit in fear of the hi-tech company finding him. Instead, he goes out at night in a trenchcoat and a t-shirt and answers to the name Recoil. He doesn't know if being a superhero will bring him fortune but he's willing to try. And besides, he doesn't fully know what he's capable of.


Recoil would have a rivalry with one of the other PCs. Most likely another 'brick' type character or even a 'blaster' type. This is just an alpha male type of response as he's having trouble adjusting to being solely responsible for his siblings, making ends meet, and being a superhero. Currently his sister is 16 and his brother is 10. Recoil would do anything to ensure their safety.

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Re: Recoil


ACC 20 13- 30



We call that Dex around these parts, Mister.


Have you ever heard of a power framework?


Heh, I used Hero Designer to create the character and that's what it spit out for the HTML I copied from.


Power framework for what? Please, enlighten a noob. :)

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Re: Recoil


Have you got access to a copy of the rules?


Anyway it's strikes me that several of your powers are related and you could get a cost saving if you lumped them in an Elemental Control. Ask your GM to help you with that.


I've got the 5e Revised book, but it is a large tome so I haven't gotten through all of it yet. The SFX for Recoil's powers are all Vibration. Offhand that doesn't seem like a fit for Elemental Control, but I've been wrong more than I've been right about Heroes Powers. What specific powers do you think could be linked together? The Force Field and Absorption?

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Re: Recoil


Have you got access to a copy of the rules?


Anyway it's strikes me that several of your powers are related and you could get a cost saving if you lumped them in an Elemental Control. Ask your GM to help you with that.


(Full Disclosure: I'm going to be the GM for this one. My first time to GM Hero...)


Of course an EC doesn't allow powers that cost 0 END (unless the GM overrules), and the only power he has that costs END is his Leaping.


He could use a Multipower, but then he couldn't use all the powers simultaneously (unless he bought a huge reserve -- and then I don't think it would save him any points .... ?).

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Re: Recoil


It strikes me that this is a very passive character. How exactly is he going to detain a supervillain in the first place? Any superpowered criminal worth his salt will be able to completely ignore this character and go about his business. He's never going to draw the attacks that he needs to become dangerous because he isn't a threat.


That is, unless the character is going to be smashing his head into brick walls in order to fuel his powers. At which point you might as well just buy up his strength normally.



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Re: Recoil


It strikes me that this is a very passive character. How exactly is he going to detain a supervillain in the first place? Any superpowered criminal worth his salt will be able to completely ignore this character and go about his business. He's never going to draw the attacks that he needs to become dangerous because he isn't a threat.


That is, unless the character is going to be smashing his head into brick walls in order to fuel his powers. At which point you might as well just buy up his strength normally.




Move Throughs. He'll take 1/2 damage which he can absorb to boost his strength. Everytime he does it he'll be absorbing more until his maximum of 36 PD (and of course considering fade rate). The Big Bads may take more notice of Recoil when he's got 56 Strength.

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Re: Recoil


Move Throughs. He'll take 1/2 damage which he can absorb to boost his strength. Everytime he does it he'll be absorbing more until his maximum of 36 PD (and of course considering fade rate). The Big Bads may take more notice of Recoil when he's got 56 Strength.


That would be great, except Move Through also lowers his chance to hit in the first place. I see an OCV of 7 and no CSLs. If he uses a Move-Through at full Leaping speed of 19", his OCV is gonna be 3. Odds are good he's never going to hit anything. He's still no threat.




P.S. Didn't mean for that to sound snarky. Hope it doesn't.

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Re: Recoil


That would be great, except Move Through also lowers his chance to hit in the first place. I see an OCV of 7 and no CSLs. If he uses a Move-Through at full Leaping speed of 19", his OCV is gonna be 3. Odds are good he's never going to hit anything. He's still no threat.




P.S. Didn't mean for that to sound snarky. Hope it doesn't.


Ok, so what do I have to buy in order to be good at hitting with Move Throughs?

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Re: Recoil


Ok' date=' so what do I have to buy in order to be good at hitting with Move Throughs?[/quote']


Combat Skill Levels with that specific maneuver. They cost 2 apiece, and I'd suggest no fewer than three if Move-Throughs are going to be your fallback proposition. Fortunately, they're dirt-cheap.


I didn't say it earlier, but I like the character concept. Looks like it'll be fun to play.



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Re: Recoil


First: Love the name Recoil. Before I looked at the sheet, I was sure it meant he used guns- but I can see it applying to shooting himself at his opponents with a mighty leap.


Second: The "Absorption to Strength" power is no less intriguing. Especially to a player who has used it before, it can be a powerful and versatile tool.


Thire: A possible table rule you can use for EC powers and END: If a power normally requires END, it can go into an EC even if it has an advantage that makes it 0 END. If a power does not normally cost END, it can go into the appropriate EC with the Limitation Costs END (-1/2 or more). Consult your GM, but the changes I am suggesting will have a beneficial effect on your point cost at any rate.


Also: You may consider simply cutting the Force Field into PD and ED portions, linking the Force Field to the appropriate Absorption power (-1/2) and additionally applying the Limitations Only Up To The Amount Rolled On Absorption (-1/2). This would cut the cost of the Force Field in half:



24 Absorption 6d6 ED (to Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

20 Force Field (0 PD/20 ED), 0 END (+1/2) Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Linked to ED Absorption (-1/2), Only Up To The Amount Rolled On Absorption (-1/2).


24 Absorption 6d6 PD (to Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

20 Force Field (20 PD/0 ED), 0 END (+1/2) Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Linked to PD Absorption (-1/2), Only Up To The Amount Rolled On Absorption (-1/2).


So, 128 points in your build becomes 88 points in this build, and each has the same effect. That gives you 40 points for... maybe go up to 5 SPD, add some combat skill levels, and add some ancillary and character-defining skills.


I would also suggest to you that you fill at least some of those 50 points in undefined Disadvantages. Although it's hard to figure out what fits the character sometimes, it's usually better to do it and play the Disadvantages you really want than let the GM guess. But since you have played this character before, you probably have a good idea about what would fit him, Disad-wise.


Best of luck with this build!

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Re: Recoil


First: Love the name Recoil. Before I looked at the sheet' date=' I was sure it meant he used guns- but I can see it applying to shooting himself at his opponents with a mighty leap.[/quote']


Thanks! I decided on the name because it sounded cool and one of the definitions of the word is," to spring or fly back, as in consequence of force of impact or the force of the discharge." Seemed to fit perfectly with the Move Throughs, Missile Deflection/Reflection, and the Force Field.


Second: The "Absorption to Strength" power is no less intriguing. Especially to a player who has used it before' date=' it can be a powerful and versatile tool.[/quote']


Yeah, I dig it. I imagine the vibration in the air around Recoil distorts violently as he Absorbs more damage. I'm considering adding some type of Limitation that he can only use the increased strength for strikes and not to pick up things as its actually the Vibration force around him that the strength gets added to (causing it's moving faster, vibrating more violently).


Also: You may consider simply cutting the Force Field into PD and ED portions' date=' linking the Force Field to the appropriate Absorption power (-1/2) and additionally applying the Limitations Only Up To The Amount Rolled On Absorption (-1/2). This would cut the cost of the Force Field in half:[/quote']


That looks similar to the Absorption as Defense Adder. The reason I don't have that is because I don't want Recoil's defense to be dependent on the Absorption. He may not be able to Absorb damage all the time but I want him to be able to protect himself with the Force Field as often as possible.


I would also suggest to you that you fill at least some of those 50 points in undefined Disadvantages. Although it's hard to figure out what fits the character sometimes' date=' it's usually better to do it and play the Disadvantages you really want than let the GM guess. But since you have played this character before, you probably have a good idea about what would fit him, Disad-wise.[/quote']


Yeah, I had those points in other Disadvantages but the GM said he would roll them into GMs Choice.


Best of luck with this build!


Thanks, I'm gonna try and do the system proud with this guy. :eg:

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Re: Recoil


Combat Skill Levels with that specific maneuver. They cost 2 apiece, and I'd suggest no fewer than three if Move-Throughs are going to be your fallback proposition. Fortunately, they're dirt-cheap.


I didn't say it earlier, but I like the character concept. Looks like it'll be fun to play.




Done. Thanks for the tips! :thumbup:

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Re: Recoil Revisions



Char Total Roll Cost Notes

STR 20 13- 10 Damage 4d6, Lift 400.0kg

DEX 23 14- 39 OCV 8 DCV 8

CON 20 13- 20

BODY 20 13- 20

INT 13 12- 3 PER Roll 12-

EGO 14 12- 8 ECV: 5

PRE 15 12- 5 PRE Attack: 3d6

COM 13 12- 2


PD 5 15/20 PD (0/15 rPD)

ED 5 15/20 ED (0/15 rED)

SPD 5 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12



END 40





6" Running 12" Non-combat Running (9/18 km/h)

2"Swimming 4" Non-combat Swimming (3/6 km/h)

19"Leaping 19" Horizontal, 9 ½" Vertical


Combat Information

OCV: 8 DCV: 8 ECV: 5


Combat Skill Levels:

Move Throughs: +3 with any single attack

Missile Deflection: +2 with any single attack




PD:5 (5/20) rPD: 0/15

ED:5 (5/20) rED: 0/15

Mental Def: 0

Power Def: 0




Cost Disadvantage

25 Dependent NPC: 11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)


15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)


10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Sonic (Uncommon)


25 Enraged: When Dependent NPC is threatened (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-


10 Rivalry: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)


15 Psychological Limitation: Recoil has difficulty attacking women. He will go to great lengths to not hurt any female. (Common, Strong)


5 Money: Poor


45 GMs Choice






5 Combat Driving 15-

6 Navigation (Land) 14-

3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Breakfall 14-

4 AK: City 13-

6 Move Throughs: +3 with any single attack

4 Missile Deflection: +2 with any single attack

Note: ½ Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV



3 Contact 12-

3 Anonymity

1 False Identity



3 Bump Of Direction



24 Absorption 6d6 (energy, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

24 Absorption 6d6 (physical, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

60 Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (60 Active Points)

16 Leaping +15" (19" forward, 9 ½" upward) (x4 Noncombat) (20 Active Points); Visible (-¼) END: 2

16 Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

40 Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

Notes: Missile Deflection: ½ Phase, +2 OCV +0 DCV, Strike

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Re: Recoil


Again' date=' looks fine. And again, I urge you to fill in the Disads as best you can. :thumbup:[/quote']


Thanks Split Decision. Have to get with the GM on the Disads, but I've got the characters background down and know what the GMs Choice replaced, so hopefully it'll stay close to those.


Also, went to Hero Machine and made a quick sketch.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Recoil


Latest build. Dropped some of the driving skills to buy a Power skill. Inspired by the example characters in the Hero rule book I named Recoil's powers. Can't wait to try this guy out.




Char Total Roll Cost Notes

STR 20 13- 10 Damage 4d6, Lift 400.0kg

DEX 23 14- 39 OCV 8 DCV 8

CON 20 13- 20

BODY 20 13- 20

INT 13 12- 3 PER Roll 12-

EGO 14 12- 8 ECV: 5

PRE 15 12- 5 PRE Attack: 3d6

COM 13 12- 2

PD 5 15/20 PD (0/15 rPD)

ED 5 15/20 ED (0/15 rED)

SPD 5 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


END 40






6" Running 12" Non-combat Running (9/18 km/h)

2" Swimming 4" Non-combat Swimming (3/6 km/h)

19" Leaping 19" Horizontal, 9 ½" Vertical


Combat Information


OCV: 8 DCV: 8 ECV: 5


Combat Skill Levels:


Wrack (Move Throughs): +3 with any single attack

Kickback (Missile Deflection): +2 with any single attack




PD:5 (5/20) rPD: 0/15 ED:5 (5/20) rED: 0/15 Mental Def: 0 Power Def: 0




Cost Disadvantage

25 Dependent NPC: 11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)


15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)


10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Sonic (Uncommon)


25 Enraged: When Dependent NPC is threatened (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-


10 Rivalry: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)


15 Psychological Limitation: Recoil has difficulty attacking women. He will go to great lengths to not hurt any female. (Common, Strong)


5 Money: Poor


45 GMs Choice






3 Combat Driving 14-

4 Navigation (Land) 13-

2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Rebound: Breakfall 14-

5 Oscillation: Power 12-

4 AK: City 13-

6 Wrack (Move Throughs): +3 with any single attack

4 Kickback (Missile Deflection): +2 with any single attack

Note: ½ Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV




3 Contact 12-

3 Anonymity

1 False Identity




3 Inertial Guidance: Bump Of Direction




24 Repercussion: Absorption 6d6 (energy, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

24 Repercussion: Absorption 6d6 (physical, Strength) (30 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

60 Ricochet Range: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (60 Active Points)

16 Bound: Leaping +15" (19" forward, 9 ½" upward) (x4 Noncombat) (20 Active Points); Visible (-¼) END: 2

16 Glance: Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

40 Kickback/Backlash: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points); Visible (-¼)

Notes: Missile Deflection: ½ Phase, +2 OCV +0 DCV, Strike

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Recoil


Changing the Psych Limitation from not attacking women to the standard good guy super code of not killing.


Gonna get 2 15 pt. Hunted Disads and one 10 pt. Also Slip with identities Disad to take the place of the GM's Choice.


One of the Hunted Disads will be for VIPER. They were the guys that attacked Recoil's truck and were after the device in it. Now that it's destroyed they're after Recoil to either join them and/or become an experiment for them.


The other Hunted Disad will be the hi-tech corporation Recoil was driving the truck for. Though the company scientist could build another of the devices the CEO sees far more potential in having corporate thugs with Recoil's powers. Like VIPER they plan to either bring him into the fold or slice and dice him to find out how to duplicate the effects.

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Re: Recoil


I'm pretty excited for you. I love Absorption, but once you get more familiar with the system, you'll notice that it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be.


That said, what I would do would be to make your Absorptions linked to your Force Field. If your force field goes down, you can't Absorb. I think it would fit the SFX. You may even add Costs END to Activate on your Absorptions, and add both of them and the Force Field to an Element Control called Absorption Field. Your force field still works by absorption it just absorbs more than it can add to your stats.

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Re: Recoil


Alright, just got back from the 1st session with Recoil. The GM threw us right into the action as he wanted to see our Powers in play. He created a situation where my character and one other PC were up against four VIPER supers. The fight was rough and while both the Mentalist PC and Recoil were able to take down one of the VIPER supers each, four 350 pt. villains proved to be too much.


I did learn a few things from the fight though. First off, Absorption is awesome! Recoil's Absorption of PD and ED both going to Strength worked really well. When we stopped playing, Recoil was at 70 Strength (his max possible from Absorption is 92). This increased Recoil's Leaping, PD, Stun, and REC enough so that the Force Field Drain he was hit with almost didn't matter and Recoil was able to keep going longer (Recoil lost significant amounts of Stun from all the Move Throughs and enemy attacks). This was very math intensive and I was glad I took the GMs suggestion of having my laptop with Hero Designer open so I could get correct values for things affected by the increased Strength.


Next, Missile Deflection is a decent power. There were times in the fight where Recoil couldn't take much Stun or would be down for the count. Aborting to a Missile Deflection worked great. But, I also realized Missile Reflection is a VERY limited Power. Not being able to Abort to a Reflection makes the likelihood of ever using the Power slim. I put a lot of points into buying Reflection and being able to Reflect at any Target. Since this wasn't the actual start of the campaign the GM is allowing us to tweak the character. I'm dropping Missile Reflection to buy up the HA in the Ultimate Brick book that increases damage dice for Move Throughs (I think it's called "Coming Through" or something).


I was also thinking of buying some Reputation with the final 4 points.


Another possibility would be to not get the HA or Rep and spend the 20 points on improving Stun. Recoil was a natural target for the VIPER supers as the Mentalist PC attacked from behind cover for most of the fight. I'd like to mitigate the amount of Stun he's likely to lose in a fight but I'm at the GM's cap for PD and ED so I guess I'd have to buy Stun outright.

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Re: Recoil


Recoil's Absorption of PD and ED both going to Strength worked really well. When we stopped playing' date=' Recoil was at 70 Strength (his max possible from Absorption is 92). This increased Recoil's Leaping, PD, Stun, and REC enough so that the Force Field Drain he was hit with almost didn't matter and Recoil was able to keep going longer (Recoil lost significant amounts of Stun from all the Move Throughs and enemy attacks). This was very math intensive and I was glad I took the GMs suggestion of having my laptop with Hero Designer open so I could get correct values for things affected by the increased Strength. [/quote']


I have done a couple characters with Absorption and with Growth/Shrinking/Density Increase as multis in a multi-power. Make yourself a cheat sheet. Figure out all the stats that are affected by your Absorption, and where the breakpoints are, and just do up a table. It will be much easier to pencil an arrow in to show your current level than to do lots of math or to have to fiddle with Hero Designer every round.


Next, Missile Deflection is a decent power. There were times in the fight where Recoil couldn't take much Stun or would be down for the count. Aborting to a Missile Deflection worked great. But, I also realized Missile Reflection is a VERY limited Power. Not being able to Abort to a Reflection makes the likelihood of ever using the Power slim. I put a lot of points into buying Reflection and being able to Reflect at any Target. Since this wasn't the actual start of the campaign the GM is allowing us to tweak the character. I'm dropping Missile Reflection to buy up the HA in the Ultimate Brick book that increases damage dice for Move Throughs (I think it's called "Coming Through" or something).


Missile Reflection can be very cool, but you either have to buy it as an Uncontrolled power, or plan on using it for your whole phase. You also need OCV levels w/ Missile Reflection to hit anything.


The HA sounds like a good idea. You might also want to ask your GM if he'll let you buy additional FF with the limitation Only to reduce Move Through damage (or Move by and Move Through damage). I had a character who had to do that or he'd punch himself unconscious.


Another possibility would be to not get the HA or Rep and spend the 20 points on improving Stun. Recoil was a natural target for the VIPER supers as the Mentalist PC attacked from behind cover for most of the fight. I'd like to mitigate the amount of Stun he's likely to lose in a fight but I'm at the GM's cap for PD and ED so I guess I'd have to buy Stun outright.


Buy either Stun or REC. Or both! But a low Stun/High Rec character can really surprise things in battle. And it adds more drama.



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