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Southern Justice

Killer Shrike

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I'm preparing to post up a new small subsite documenting a hardcore, focused team of supers from my version of the Champions Universe, called Southern Justice.


These characters represent a long running legacy from my past campaigns; long ago I ran a campaign for a group of heroes called Southern Shield, with four players. The campaign was relatively short run, maybe 12 to 15 sessions.


A few years later I started a completely new group of players who started a group called Justice Incorporated ("when you want justice, not law, call 1-888-JUSTICE"). I had to get the game up and running fast so I pulled out my materials from the earlier campaign (the benefit of keeping stuff long past its immediate usefulness), and leveraged large portions of the material including the main enemy (Deathstroke), and the primary home city (Atlanta). Later on in the campaign, when the chronology caught up*, I even cameo'd Southern Shield obliquely a couple of times in news references, and a couple of minor bumped into scenes. Justice Inc had a pretty good run, I forget how many sessions but at least 20+ good long we were all in our 20's and had few entanglements on our lives sessions. It lived long enough for players to come and go, and for some players to retire off characters in favor of new ones. They had a rogues gallery that included, in addition to the hated Deathstroke, The Road Crewe, Meteora, Powercrusher, the Vereux Vaudau, the Leper King, Revelations Awakening, and the Elementals plus some lesser home-brewed baddies.


The Justice Inc campaign lapsed, but a couple of years later we attempted a reboot with a couple of the original players plus a couple of new ones. They formed up a group called NewGen, explicitly from the ashes of Justice Inc and some notional team whose name I cant recall (and which isnt really important) that the other new supers had been members of. However the campaign never really got off the ground and floundered after a few sessions.


In the years since, I have on occasion dipped back into some or all of the materials from these past campaigns, and tacitly included them in later chronologies; for instance I cannabilized a team from the combined rosters called Omega Team 5 to serve as a group of superpowered mercenaries for the original MetaCyber campaign in an entirely different dimension / continuity. Also as part of his background Hype from the Millennial Men campaign is stated as having once been a member of NewGen; at the time I scratched out a few notes on the subject, and I elided the notional team that merged up to form NewGen in the abortive restart and instead penciled in that it was Southern Shield and Justice Inc that had merged. I earmarked a NewGen roster from those two groups rosters plus Hype in case it came up during play (it didnt), and left it at that.


Later on, towards the end of the Millennial Men campaign, I was planning on having some of the Mill Men be active in the south in pursuit of a side mission, and thought it would be cool to cameo some of the old characters in for my own amusement and also to give the players a chance to compare and contrast (the MillMen never did bump into another supers team during their run). NewGen was stated as being defunct in Hypes background, so I gave the new group a new name, Southern Justice, as a homage to the two original groups. I also wanted a small roster so as not to overwhelm / overshadow the group of PC's I was going to intro them onto, so I picked four of the original characters that I felt would reasonably still be heroing together all these years later. I did a full treatment on the subject, including thumbnails writeups for each of the four characters redefining them in 5e terms and at the appropriate point ranges. The Millennial Men campaign ended shortly thereafter however, and thus it was all for naught.


At some point I wrote up both Vesper and Bruiser for something along the way, but didnt fill in their bg's. Later on I did a pretty thorough version of Tar but ended up using the basic write up for another character called Murk for the Aegis superteam. I wrote up a version of Fade and ended up using the basic build for a character called Callidus for MetaCyber.



Ok, so long story short, I had all these pieces floating around, with a great deal of both continuity and meta-continuity. So, I did artwork treatments and a team splash for the group in preparation for posting them up about a year ago, then I got busy and forgot all about it prior to doing final treatments on all the characters.


I bumped into it again yesterday moving files around on my harddrive to make space, so I decided to pull the trigger and make it happen, and powered through the write ups. I just finished with them. Ill be getting a full site treatment up shortly, but in the meantime for your enjoyment:


Team Splash







* At the time I ran it I had placed Southern Shield games about a decade into the future to avoid colliding with the characters from yet another even older campaign so even though in real life it was first by several years, chronologically Justice Inc was founded first and had a longer lifespan.

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