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TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


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Looking to avoid the kiddies in the game when it launches but don't want a guild that is spread across 12 different MMO's? So am I, and that is why I am willing to talk to older, mature gamers who do not have all the time in the world to play MMO's and want a decent environment to do so in when they have the time. However we want to be focused on Champions Online and give it our all.


I run a small gaming blog at http://mmoheroes.blogspot.com/ and am interested in putting my guild leadership abilities back to work in forming a Champions Online only dedicated guild of older casual players.


I have run very successful guilds in City of Heroes, Everquest 1, and World of Warcraft. I like to bring the same people with me which means we have a nice base of mature players already and would welcome more friends at any point.


Our main focuses would be:


1) No drama whatsoever. This includes arguing about grouping, easily offended people that may take something out of context, or people that may tend to incite issues behind the backs of leadership rather than coming to us and discussing


2) Minimum age of 21, unless friend or family of a current member


3) Laid back atmosphere with people that will not level cap in a week and rush to end game


4) If the future demands it, laid back "raid" times and no loot arguments due to mature discussion on the forums. Right now we are looking way down the road to be a Sunday night, Monday night type of end game guild. However that is so far away we are not really concerned with that.


5) Members that visit the forums and treat the Supergroup as a community and not just another bunch of gamers they talk to once or twice a week. YES we want the comic book nerds, the roleplayers and the imaginative folk that will post fun topics and engage in conversation


6) We want members focused on this game and that will be active, but no hard core active. In fact we encourage alts.


7) We want people that will hang out in game and have fun.


8) We want open discussion on this our policies. We have active officers and we need active members


9) We will use Ventrilo voice chat. (already have the server actually)


10) We will have message boards and a site that anyone can visit and discuss comic book things with as well as the game


I know this type of guild works, I have done it for over 6 years. I am super hyped about this game being a huge comic book fan and would love to add to our roster like minded people that are into the game for more than just level capping in another MMO and moving on. Lets make this a COMMUNITY first and raiding type guild second. The people interested in starting this venture are all older players with lives outside the game but plenty of MMO leadership experience. Luckily a game like Champions Online makes this much easier than a World of Warcraft or EQ1 which is much more drama and loot based.


There will be ample space on our boards for RP'ers and origin postings as well.


If you would be interested in starting discussion on guild names, rules and jumping on board early, please visit us at our new home! CLICK HERE


A direct link to our boards is here:




TIMES: We are primarily a Central Standard Time superteam, with most our members logging in after 4pm.


AGES: We have older members, all over the age of 21 unless they are friends and family of someone in the guild that can vouch for them.


Voice Chat: We have a Ventrilo Server. You can download this software here: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php


Message Boards: We require a message board account to see our events and post in the Members section. Communication is crucial in this SG


Super Team Contacts or Recruiters: Hudson on these boards, or email me at garthas (at) gmail dot com


Role Playing: No plans but we make room for whoever may want to and also have space on our boards to be creative


Server: < **Not yet known*** >


Special Notes or Super Team Mission Statement: See our message boards

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Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


I'd very much like to join.


I'm an older player, perhaps one of the oldest posters on the Hero forums. I know I was one of the oldest regular members in my WoW guild. The guild you discribe sounds very much like my old WoW guild.


I just recently deactivated my WoW account to return to CoH, in anticipation of CO. I also hope to get into the CO beta.


These are the toons I play to create in CO, at minimum. I am, you see, a hopeless altaholic. Anyway:


Whammer - A Silver Age throwback character. He's a big, strong, tough, lovable, overgrown and superpowered Boy Scout in a mask. He'd be happy to tank any mission for a guildie.


Quazar - Another throwback, not just to the Silver Age of comic books but all the way back to Champions 2nd Edition. Quazar is a flying Power Projector, and the second Champions character I ever made.


Mystica - A Bronze Age toon, Mystica is a Power Projector and has a vast aray of utility powers. She will make an excelent addition to any team quest. Mystica has willingly sacrificed the quiet life she might have had, and uses her vast mystical powers to protect the mundane world from mystical threats. She understands that others may also be called upon to sacrifice in her quest, perhaps scarifice greatly, perhaps even unwillingly. This is painful for Mystica, but issomething she knows must be done.


Shadowhunter - Careful not to slide to far down the slippery slope into the Iron Age, Shadowhunter is a Bronze Age Martial Artist. He is a stealthy stalker of the night. He seeks out the corruption that hides in the darkest places, and he drags the filth that dwells there kicking, screaming, beaten and bleeding into the bright and cleansing light of day. There are those who live above the law, but none are above the Famous Fists of the Shadowhunter.

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Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


I'd very much like to join.


I'm an older player, perhaps one of the oldest posters on the Hero forums. I know I was one of the oldest regular members in my WoW guild. The guild you discribe sounds very much like my old WoW guild.


I just recently deactivated my WoW account to return to CoH, in anticipation of CO. I also hope to get into the CO beta.


These are the toons I play to create in CO, at minimum. I am, you see, a hopeless altaholic. Anyway:


Whammer - A Silver Age throwback character. He's a big, strong, tough, lovable, overgrown and superpowered Boy Scout in a mask. He'd be happy to tank any mission for a guildie.


Quazar - Another throwback, not just to the Silver Age of comic books but all the way back to Champions 2nd Edition. Quazar is a flying Power Projector, and the second Champions character I ever made.


Mystica - A Bronze Age toon, Mystica is a Power Projector and has a vast aray of utility powers. She will make an excelent addition to any team quest. Mystica has willingly sacrificed the quiet life she might have had, and uses her vast mystical powers to protect the mundane world from mystical threats. She understands that others may also be called upon to sacrifice in her quest, perhaps scarifice greatly, perhaps even unwillingly. This is painful for Mystica, but issomething she knows must be done.


Shadowhunter - Careful not to slide to far down the slippery slope into the Iron Age, Shadowhunter is a Bronze Age Martial Artist. He is a stealthy stalker of the night. He seeks out the corruption that hides in the darkest places, and he drags the filth that dwells there kicking, screaming, beaten and bleeding into the bright and cleansing light of day. There are those who live above the law, but none are above the Famous Fists of the Shadowhunter.

i like the sound of this shadowhunter

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Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


i like the sound of this shadowhunter



Yeah, let me guess - Your favorite Watchman character was probably Rorschach, and your favorite Marvel character was Wolverine, and you love Batman & Daredevil, but only when Frank Miller writes them.


And you've played every class in D&D except Paladin.


Am I close?

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Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


nope i like martial arts types being a frustrated martial artist myself


Well, I guess that would explain the avatar.


Sorry for the snarkyness. It seems like every new player I've ever introduced to Champions, when it came time to make their first character, said, "I want to be Wolverine."


Every damn one. After 25 years, it's gotten a little old.


That's why I enjoy playing Silver Age throwbacks so much - When you have a party of six characters, and FIVE of them are ninjas fighting crime because a supervillian killed their parents, then playing a Super Patriot is actually different and original.


Plus, it just gets under their skin so damn bad. ;)

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Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players


Well, I guess that would explain the avatar.


Sorry for the snarkyness. It seems like every new player I've ever introduced to Champions, when it came time to make their first character, said, "I want to be Wolverine."


Every damn one. After 25 years, it's gotten a little old.


That's why I enjoy playing Silver Age throwbacks so much - When you have a party of six characters, and FIVE of them are ninjas fighting crime because a supervillian killed their parents, then playing a Super Patriot is actually different and original.


Plus, it just gets under their skin so damn bad. ;)

no problemo

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