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Buying Off Multipower Limitations


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So if I buy a multipower with "all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)" then later in my career, I want to buy that limitation off. Do I:



  1. Buy the limitation off of the reserve only, and all the slots automatically benefit (this is how Hero Designer works)?
  2. Have to buy the limitation off of the reserve, and buy the limitation off of each slot individually (this is the way I think it really is)?






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Re: Buying Off Multipower Limitations


So if I buy a multipower with "all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)" then later in my career, I want to buy that limitation off. Do I:



  1. Buy the limitation off of the reserve only, and all the slots automatically benefit (this is how Hero Designer works)?
  2. Have to buy the limitation off of the reserve, and buy the limitation off of each slot individually (this is the way I think it really is)?







If you have the limitation on the reserve and the slots then you have to buy both off. You don;t have to do it all at once: you could go for a partially limited MP. For instance:


40: 60 point MP (all slots 2x END -1/2)


4: SLOT 1 60 points at 2x END 12 END

4: SLOT 2 60 points at 2x END 12 END


So...48 points.


To convert to normal END cost would cost 24 points, which is quite a chunk to spend in one go.


You can instead do it in steps:


This is a single power but, for clarity, I'll present it as if it is two seperate MPs (obviously two seperate MPs can not add so it has to be a single MP, but the whole thing is 'partially limited')


33: 50 point MP (all slots 2x END -1/2)


3: SLOT 1 50 points at 2x END 10 END

3: SLOT 2 50 points at 2x END 10 END




10 10 point MP


1: SLOT 1 10 point power 1 END

1: SLOT 2 10 point power 1 END


TOTAL 51 points


SO, you have reduced the END cost to 11 per slot, and only spent 3 XP. You can keep doing that when you have some XP to spend.


Doing it 10 points at a time the progression goes 48/51/57/60/65/69/72. It is not a straight line progression because of rounding, but it is certainly easier than splashing it all in one go.




Hope that helps.


PS If you have the liitation on the reserve in HD it applies the limitation to each slot automatically - you do not need to put it on each slot. If you remove the limitation from the reserve then it automatically removes it from the slots, and the cost is right: 72 points.


You can, of course, remove the limitation from the reserve then remove it from teh slots as you get extra XP, but you pay the higher END cost for each slot which still has it.


Going now.

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Re: Buying Off Multipower Limitations


In my simple little mind, the answer is "it costs the same to buy the limitation off as it saved to apply it in the first place".


I agree with Sean - if you buy it off on the reserve, but not on the slots, you have the potential to have a slot without 2x END, but the existing slots all still cost 2x END.

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Re: Buying Off Multipower Limitations


You can't buy it off the slots until you buy it off the reserve.


As Sean notes - you can buy it off the reserve, but not off the slots, at first. Then you can buy it off each slot one or more at a time.


As for Hero Designer - to buy it off the reserve but keep it on the slots you have to remove it as a Common Modifier from the Reserve; then apply it to each Slots Separately to represent an unLimited Reserve but Limited Slots.

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