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Need a hand, please...


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Hey there folks - looking to get some advice and/or write-ups of a power for a game I'm running.


Long story short there's a dragon in my world that, among several other breath-weapon attacks, has one that produces a number of small cyclones that move around uncontrolled for a minute or so after the power's initially used, thrashing whatever is in the way.


The AP maxima for the power is 150 pts., and I was thinking that the number of little tornadoes its' breath weapon creates is 3-5.


I have a few different versions of it written up currently, but would love to know what everyone else would use...

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Re: Need a hand, please...


Summon is a fairly straightforward solution, although then you have to write up the cyclones as creatures: Summon 4 450-point Air Elementals, Loyal, Only Lasts One Minute


Alternately - Area of Effect, Selective, Continuous, Uncontrolled, with the limitations Physical Manifestation and Only 3-5 Cyclones. Could go Nonselective instead of Selective, but then anyone in the area - including the dragon - would be targetted. The only problem is that with all the advantages, you're only ending up with an 8 DC attack - not very impressive for 150 AP, would it be credible against your PCs? Of course, you can add NND and still get 6 DCs, if that makes sense for the power.

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Re: Need a hand, please...


How 'bout some application of Autofire? Perhaps with Activation? You could say the Activation applies to each individual cyclone instead of the whole power - which is statistically about the same. 5 "shots", 11- applied to each shot.


Each "shot" is say, AE 1 Hex, Continuous, Uncontrolled (or Continuing Charges), with a limitation for "Appears in a random hex in a particular general area", which is proabably at least a -1 Limitation, because it means you can't really target an individual or group of individuals, unless the "particular general area" is very small. Then an additional -0 limitation for "Cyclones move randomly X" per segment in the area". Or something like that.

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