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Follow Up: Images



If a person uses images and then is no longer within line of sight of the image, do the images react appropriately?


Ex: The Illusionist creates an image of the Superfriends Supergroup inside the lobby of some building. The "Superfriends" are an image to fight the agents in the lobby. The Illusionist flies to another part of the building and is not longer able to see the battle. In walks MiniMechanon who attempts to engage the "Superfriends".


Do the images react to the unknown stimulus?

Do they fight MiniMechanon?

Do they "take damage" from MiniMechanon's attacks?


Basically, can the images react to situations and events unforeseen by the image caster?


I think this is pretty much covered in 5ER 190; if after reviewing that information you still have questions, please post a follow-up.


5ER 190:

"As noted above, one of the things a character has to decide when creating an Image is what actions (if any) the Image will perform. These can include doing nothing (i.e., just being present is enough, as with an image of a pit or statue), or it can take actions of great complexity (such as running and attacking, performing a symphony, or the like). The actions the character describes when he activates and uses his Image power take place without the need for him to devote any further Actions to "controlling" the Image."


In the above example, the PC sees a situation and sets up an image to engage the agents. He declares that the images will battle the agents in the lobby and then flies off to another location. A villain who hears the battle, get ready and enters the lobby but the PC can't see this so does not know exactly whats going on. The villain as, villains are want to do, fires off a huge attack which the PC can hear but not see. Can the PC alter the images such that it can react to the villain?


Basically, does in the use of the images power react to something which the character is unaware of?


I am thinking No, that the images only react to what the PC directly knows. Thus if the PC didn't know about the supervillain, the images can't react to the supervillain. Likewise, if one of the agents the images are set to fight, simply gives up (something unexpected), the images will continue to fight the agents as they were not programmed for this response. The last sentence in the above seems to partially contradict this, as an image created to "run in and fight" could indicate that the images auto-adapt to the situation at hand, allowing the image to fight the new threat.

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