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The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


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First, I'm not the GM. Im just posting some NPCs for our game for Shiva. These NPCs are the newest members in our team and are meant to interact and even assist the heroes as well as do whatever the GM feels necessary for the story line.


All characters are made with 350 points, 75 AP limit, 6-12 DC limit, and 20-35 PD/ED limit. Note that defenses are likely to change since I am fairly terrible at balancing defenses.


Here is the first one, Corona, the solar powered, tattoo princess from Los Angeles. Also attached the .txt file.



Identity: Abigale Harrington
Age: 22
Gender: Female 
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lb.
Hair/Eye Colour: Black, Blue
Ethnicity: White (American)
Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Base    Char    Val    Cost    Pts    Roll    Notes

10    STR    20    x1    10    12-    HTH Damage: 4d6    END: 2
10    DEX    20    x3    30    14-    OCV: 6        DCV: 6
10    CON    15    x2    10    13-
10    BOD    15    x2    10    12-
10    INT    15    x1    5    12-    Perception Roll: 12-
10    EGO    10    x2    0    12-    ECV: 3
10    PRE    10    x1    0    11-    PRE Attack: 2d6
10    COM    16    x1/2    3    11-

4    PD    10    x1    6        rPD: 15    tPD: 25
3    ED    10    x1    7        rED: 15    tED: 25
3    SPD    7    x10    40        Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
7    REC    10    x2    6
30    END    40     x1/2    5
32    STN    40     x1    8

Running: 6"
Swinning: 2"
Leaping: 2"

Total>>                140    


Cost    END    Power

80        Solar Energy Power Suite (100 AP Multipower), All Slots SFX (Solar fire), Only in Solar Powered Form (-1/4)

6    3    1u) Solar Flare: Energy Blast 9d6, Red End (1/2 END; +1/4), 56 AP

7    7    2u) Hyperion Inferno: RKA 2d6+1, Area of Effect (Cone; +1), 70 AP

7    7    3u) Corona Immolation: Energy Blast 7d6, Area of Effect (Radius, 3.5"; +1), 70 AP

5    0    1m) Energy Conversion: Absorbtion 10d6 (energy to REC), 50 AP

6    0    2m) Solar Flight: Flight 15", Non Combat Movement x8, Red END (0 END; +1/2), 60 AP; (NOTE: Moves at 313 mph)

7 4 3m) Solar Max: Dispel Electrical Devices 18d6, (Electricty Powers, one at a time; +1/4), Cumulative (+1/2), Red END (1/2 END; +1/4), 75 AP

12    0    Solar Powered Form: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED), 15 AP; Non-persistent (-1/4), 16 RP

130 Total

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost    Roll    Skill

15    ---    5 3-Point CSLs to Solar Energy Power Suite
5    14-    KS: Art History
5    14-    KS: Tattoo Symbolism
5    14-    KS: Los Angeles, California
5    14-    PS: Tattoo Artist
10    16-    Seduction
15    ---    Vehicle: Sportscar
1    ---    Money: Well off ($100,000)

61 Total

331 Points Used


Cost    Disadvantage

10    Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
10    Dependence: Must Absorb Sunlight: (Very Common/Easy to Obtain; 11- Activation Roll; 6 Hours)
15    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing(Common, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: Very Flirtatious(Uncommon, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: Crushes on People with Energy Powers (Uncommon; Strong)
10    Reputation: Still New at This Hero Business(Frequently)
20    Vulnerability: Ice/Cold/Water Attacks (Common; 2x)




Abigale "Abby" Harrington was born to a family of well-off parents. Her father was a stock broker and her mother was an attornney in LA. Much to her mother's dismay, Abigale was always a tom boy, enjoying video games, sports, and jeans over tea parties and dresses. She disliked having to dress up for her mother's friends during meetings and parties, and hated having to take ballet and figure skating classes.


Once her teenage years hit, she grew a taste for heavy metal, motorcycles, and tattoo design. Abby also had begun developing mutant powers, which she confided in her more supportive father. She discovered she could absorb solar energy and use it to create fire, fly at fast speeds, and become more durable. Being too young for any form of superheroing, Abigale instead stuck with tattoo design. Her mother cut her off for not persuing law, forcing Abigale to move in with some friends and make money to pay for tattoo apprenticeship by working as a motorcycle model.


Once she graduated from apprenticeship at 20, she worked full time as a tattoo artist, while training with her abilities. Abigale realized that her powers weakened at night, especially if she hadn't absorbed sunlight for at least an hour. Once she could control her solar powered form, she began fighting super villians and gangs in Los Angeles under the name Corona. It was a tough beginning as many villians were much more experienced than she was. Many had defeated her before she tried different tactics against villians. Once she got the hang of heroing, she became a hometown hero of the City of Angels, only overshadowed by much bigger and powerful supergroups.


Hearing about the Jamaican Bay Tragedy that ended the lives of almost all the members of the New York Guardians, as well as the call to arms for all able-bodied heroes to join, Abigale packed up shop and left behind LA for the Big Apple. Now she is the youngest to join the Guardians, while she owns and work at Sunspot Ink in Brooklyn.





Abby is a fairly cheerful person. She is very independant and friendly, if not flirtatous, to her friends, though she can still be fairly blunt with them. Abigale dislikes controlling authority figures and hates people that treats others poorly for being different. Towards people she dislikes, she is very blunt and can even be abrasive. Abby is still young and a bit naive about being a superhero, but her early defeats have made her wary in combat. Her faults are being quick to anger and being a bit too flirtatious for her own good, sometimes even forming crushes with other heroes (and villians) that have energy powers like her (fire, electricity, nuclear, cosmic, etc.).





Corona has the ability to absorb solar energy and turn into a form of fire and solar energy. She uses her abilities to launch solar flares and fly at speeds of 313 mph. While not as strong as other blasters, she can certainly hit large groups of people. Abby will use her speed to avoid stronger characters and dodge other blasters, then engulf people in her sunflames. Corona does have to beware, as her abilites can hurt her allies if she is not careful. Another interesting ability is that using her sun-like anatomy, she can emmit electromagnetic waves to disrupt electrical devices. She has to recharge with solar energy every 6 hours or else she cannot go into her Solar Powered Form.





Corona is a thin, beautiful woman that has long, straight black hair and pale skin. She has several tattoos down her arms and over her left breast. She wears black shirts with heavy metal bands and jeans and boots, while occasionally wearing plaid or black skirts. When she transforms, Abby becomes a human sun, covered with red and yellow flames and some sunspots littered on her body. Her tattoos show up as well, only completely black. When Corona uses her Solar Max power, she becomes a solid black figure covered in flames.



So there she is. There are several arcs to use her in, whether she falls for a hero (or villian) that is an energy blaster or messes up a bit since she is still new, or whatever.


Next time I post the Unstoppable, Unrelenting Shagohod, the Titan from Russia.


Question, comments, and criticisms

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Yep, what he said :) So far, we have the following:


Shiva (Acting GM for a game or two; Cat, a feline martial artist)


Odraude (Powerstrike, an electrokineticist)

cptpatriot (Psi-Kick, Martial Artist)

Revanent (Stellar, cosmic being)

Torchwolf (Astra, cosmic being)

pruttm (Sir Charles, Vampire, maybe coming back)


We just need one or two more people. It's on Tuesday nights at 8pm EST using Yahoo Messenger. 5thEd Revised and we are in the 4thEd Universe. PM Shiva and cptpatriot for more information.



Now for the second NPC, the unstoppable Shagohod! This was the first character I ever made when I started HERO over a year ago. I have made some changes since his first creation, now that I know how to build characters a bit better.



Identity: Mikhil Sergeyevich Nikolai
Age: 35
Gender: Male 
Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 325 lb.
Hair/Eye Colour: Blonde, Hazel
Ethnicity: White (Russian)
Hometown: St. Petersburg, Russia

Base    Char    Val    Cost    Pts    Roll    Notes

10    STR    55    x1    45    18-    HTH Damage: 4d6    END: 2
10    DEX    15    x3    15    12-    OCV: 5        DCV: 5
10    CON    25    x2    30    14-
10    BOD    20    x2    20    13-
10    INT    15    x1    5    12-    Perception Roll: 12-
10    EGO    10    x2    0    11-    ECV: 3
10    PRE    20    x1    10    13-    PRE Attack: 4d6
10    COM    12    x1/2    1    11-

11    PD    30    x1    19        rPD: 19    tPD: 30
5    ED    29    x1    24        rED: 19    tED: 29
2    SPD    5    x10    25        Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
16    REC    16    x2    0
50    END    60     x1/2    0
60    STN    60     x1    0

Running: 6"
Swinning: 2"
Leaping: 2"

Total>>                194    


Cost    END    Power

19    0    Titan's Hide: Damage Resistance (19 PD/19 ED), 19 AP

20	0	Resistant Body: Physical Damage Reduction 50%, 20 AP

34    3    Unstoppable Force: Double Knockback for up to 55 STR (+3/4), 34 AP

20    0    Immovable Object: Knockback Resistance -10", 20 AP

22    2    Rending Fists: Armour Piercing for up to 55 STR (+1/2), 22 AP

11    1    Unrelenting Behemoth: Autofire for up to 55 STR (3 shots; +1/4), 11 AP

106 Total

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost    Roll    Skill

25    ---    5 5-Point CSLs for HTH combat
5    ---    Defensive Manuever 2
3    13-    High Society
5    14-    Interrogation
5    14-    KS: St. Petersburg
2    ---    Language: English (Fluent)
5    ---    Rapid Attack

50 Total



Cost    Disadvantage

10    Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
15    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing(Common, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: High Expectations of his Teammates(Uncommon, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: Confused By Romance(Uncommon; Strong)




Mikhil wasn't always the large, unstoppable Russian superhero known to his motherland as Shagohod (The Treading Behemoth). He was born to a Russian army general named Alessandro Nikita Nikolai and a young noblewoman named Masha Sokolov. Alessandro had wanted a strong son to take his legacy as a great soldier for the motherland, but his wife had been unable to bear him any children. After countless years of trying, they finally gave birth to Mikhil. Since birth, Mikhil was a small, weak, and sickly child. His father disliked his frail son, wishing he had a stronger son to take the family name. However, he couldn't simply kill his son. Who knows when he would ever have another son. So Alessandro simply ignored his son as Mikhil grew, leaving him to his wife and the doctors she could afford.


Growing up, Mikhil lived with an uncaring and demeaning father as well as a slew of medical problems. He had a terrible limp which required special leg braces, seizures, and various blood and digestive diseases. Mikhil wasn't terribly good in school either. He did poorly in his subjects and was always made fun of by the other children in his classroom. His father added criticism whenever Mikhil couldn't stand up to the bullies. The only person that showed him any form of love through his early childhood was his mother, but at age 9, he even lost her.


When Mikhil turned 13, his mutant abilities emerged. Suddenly, all of his afflictions disappeared. He grew quickly and became stronger and hardier. By the time he was 16, Mikhil was already 6' 10" and benchpressing trucks. It was at this time that he finally attracted the attention of Alessandro and his military superiors. His father brought him into a special military base for training superhumans and began training Mikhil. Mikhil went through years of mental conditioning and vigorous training, from how to properly use his powers to military tactics and hand to hand combat, from punching harder to hitting faster. By age 21, Mikhil, now known as Shagohod (The Treading Behemoth), was ready to become one of Russia's strongest superheroes.


Shagohod would join the Russian Defenders, fighting against those that would threaten the people of Russia. Mikhil found that being a superhero and saving lives filled an emptiness that had befallen him from years of totalitarian upbringing. He enjoyed working with his teammates and protecting the lives of people that in turn loved him for being the people's hero. It wasn't meant to last, however, as some renegade members of the Russian government, including Mikhil's father, planned to use the Russian Defenders to reclaim countries that they had once owned. Refusing to join in, Shagohod resigned and fled Russian, wandering about until he heard about recruitment for a superhero team in New York City. Mikhil grabbed his passport and made arrangements to go to America to join the Guardians.





Shagohod is a bit of a cold person towards most people, only showing a form of militaristic comraderie with teammates and friends. He is strict and serious, expecting everything to be done in a timely manner with the highest quality possible. Mikhil is very passionate about saving lives and helping his teammates, being a very reliable and trustworthy ally. Shagohod has a bit of a dark and sarcastic sense of humor, but still enjoys the company of his teammates when off the clock. In combat, Mikhil excels in teamwork and tactics, using his powers to beat down enemies in close combat while blasters attack from afar. If someone is in danger, he will not hesitate to leap over and help them in their time of need.





Shagohod's abilities rely on brute force. He is very strong and very resilient against most moderately strong attacks, only getting hurt against high powered attacks. Shagohod is a decent fighting and uses his fighting background and powers to stop villians.





Mikhil is a very tall, very muscular Russian male with short blonde hair and hazel eyes. He is fairly handsome and athletic. In everyday clothing, he usually wears work suits and is very clean shaven. Shagohod's costume is a skintight grey body suit with the Russian symbols for Shagohod in white on his chest. His mask covers everything except his mouth and hair.



There we go. Hope this guy will be a great addition to the NPC lineup. Next up I am making Horizon, the woman with a heart of gold... and a supermassive black hole inside her. Enjoy!!

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Yep, what he said :) So far, we have the following:


Shiva (Acting GM for a game or two; Cat, a feline martial artist)


Odraude (Powerstrike, an electrokineticist)

cptpatriot (Psi-Kick, Martial Artist)

Revanent (Stellar, cosmic being)

Torchwolf (Astra, cosmic being)

pruttm (Sir Charles, Vampire, maybe coming back)


We just need one or two more people. It's on Tuesday nights at 8pm EST using Yahoo Messenger. 5thEd Revised and we are in the 4thEd Universe. PM Shiva and cptpatriot for more information.



Now for the second NPC, the unstoppable Shagohod! This was the first character I ever made when I started HERO over a year ago. I have made some changes since his first creation, now that I know how to build characters a bit better.



Identity: Mikhil Sergeyevich Nikolai
Age: 35
Gender: Male 
Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 325 lb.
Hair/Eye Colour: Blonde, Hazel
Ethnicity: White (Russian)
Hometown: St. Petersburg, Russia

Base    Char    Val    Cost    Pts    Roll    Notes

10    STR    55    x1    45    18-    HTH Damage: 4d6    END: 2
10    DEX    15    x3    15    12-    OCV: 5        DCV: 5
10    CON    25    x2    30    14-
10    BOD    20    x2    20    13-
10    INT    15    x1    5    12-    Perception Roll: 12-
10    EGO    10    x2    0    11-    ECV: 3
10    PRE    20    x1    10    13-    PRE Attack: 4d6
10    COM    12    x1/2    1    11-

11    PD    30    x1    19        rPD: 19    tPD: 30
5    ED    29    x1    24        rED: 19    tED: 29
2    SPD    5    x10    25        Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
16    REC    16    x2    0
50    END    60     x1/2    0
60    STN    60     x1    0

Running: 6"
Swinning: 2"
Leaping: 2"

Total>>                194    


Cost    END    Power

19    0    Titan's Hide: Damage Resistance (19 PD/19 ED), 19 AP

34    3    Unstoppable Force: Double Knockback for up to 55 STR (+3/4), 34 AP

20    0    Immovable Object: Knockback Resistance -10", 20 AP

22    2    Rending Fists: Armour Piercing for up to 55 STR (+1/2), 22 AP

11    1    Unrelenting Behemoth: Autofire for up to 55 STR (3 shots; +1/4), 11 AP

106 Total

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost    Roll    Skill

25    ---    5 5-Point CSLs for HTH combat
5    ---    Defensive Manuever 2
3    13-    High Society
5    14-    Interrogation
5    14-    KS: St. Petersburg
2    ---    Language: English (Fluent)
5    ---    Rapid Attack

50 Total



Cost    Disadvantage

10    Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
15    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing(Common, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: High Expectations of his Teammates(Uncommon, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: Confused By Romance(Uncommon; Strong)




Mikhil wasn't always the large, unstoppable Russian superhero known to his motherland as Shagohod (The Treading Behemoth). He was born to a Russian army general named Alessandro Nikita Nikolai and a young noblewoman named Masha Sokolov. Alessandro had wanted a strong son to take his legacy as a great soldier for the motherland, but his wife had been unable to bear him any children. After countless years of trying, they finally gave birth to Mikhil. Since birth, Mikhil was a small, weak, and sickly child. His father disliked his frail son, wishing he had a stronger son to take the family name. However, he couldn't simply kill his son. Who knows when he would ever have another son. So Alessandro simply ignored his son as Mikhil grew, leaving him to his wife and the doctors she could afford.


Growing up, Mikhil lived with an uncaring and demeaning father as well as a slew of medical problems. He had a terrible limp which required special leg braces, seizures, and various blood and digestive diseases. Mikhil wasn't terribly good in school either. He did poorly in his subjects and was always made fun of by the other children in his classroom. His father added criticism whenever Mikhil couldn't stand up to the bullies. The only person that showed him any form of love through his early childhood was his mother, but at age 9, he even lost her.


When Mikhil turned 13, his mutant abilities emerged. Suddenly, all of his afflictions disappeared. He grew quickly and became stronger and hardier. By the time he was 16, Mikhil was already 6' 10" and benchpressing trucks. It was at this time that he finally attracted the attention of Alessandro and his military superiors. His father brought him into a special military base for training superhumans and began training Mikhil. Mikhil went through years of mental conditioning and vigorous training, from how to properly use his powers to military tactics and hand to hand combat, from punching harder to hitting faster. By age 21, Mikhil, now known as Shagohod (The Treading Behemoth), was ready to become one of Russia's strongest superheroes.


Shagohod would join the Russian Defenders, fighting against those that would threaten the people of Russia. Mikhil found that being a superhero and saving lives filled an emptiness that had befallen him from years of totalitarian upbringing. He enjoyed working with his teammates and protecting the lives of people that in turn loved him for being the people's hero. It wasn't meant to last, however, as some renegade members of the Russian government, including Mikhil's father, planned to use the Russian Defenders to reclaim countries that they had once owned. Refusing to join in, Shagohod resigned and fled Russian, wandering about until he heard about recruitment for a superhero team in New York City. Mikhil grabbed his passport and made arrangements to go to America to join the Guardians.





Shagohod is a bit of a cold person towards most people, only showing a form of militaristic comraderie with teammates and friends. He is strict and serious, expecting everything to be done in a timely manner with the highest quality possible. Mikhil is very passionate about saving lives and helping his teammates, being a very reliable and trustworthy ally. Shagohod has a bit of a dark and sarcastic sense of humor, but still enjoys the company of his teammates when off the clock. In combat, Mikhil excels in teamwork and tactics, using his powers to beat down enemies in close combat while blasters attack from afar. If someone is in danger, he will not hesitate to leap over and help them in their time of need.





Shagohod's abilities rely on brute force. He is very strong and very resilient against most moderately strong attacks, only getting hurt against high powered attacks. Shagohod is a decent fighting and uses his fighting background and powers to stop villians.





Mikhil is a very tall, very muscular Russian male with short blonde hair and hazel eyes. He is fairly handsome and athletic. In everyday clothing, he usually wears work suits and is very clean shaven. Shagohod's costume is a skintight grey body suit with the Russian symbols for Shagohod in white on his chest. His mask covers everything except his mouth and hair.



There we go. Hope this guy will be a great addition to the NPC lineup. Next up I am making Horizon, the woman with a heart of gold... and a supermassive black hole inside her. Enjoy!!

good work the reptonfa has swung

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Here is number three, Horizon. This was a tough one to make back in the day and was still tough when I fixed her up a bit. But, I finished her and things should be good to go with her :). Enjoy the Human Black Hole!



Identity: Kairrie O'Donnell
Age: 21
Gender: Female 
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 130 lb.
Hair/Eye Colour: Red, Green
Ethnicity: White (Irish)
Hometown: Dublin, Ireland

Base    Char    Val    Cost    Pts    Roll    Notes

10    STR    10    x1    0    11-    HTH Damage: 2d6    END: 1
10    DEX    15    x3    15    12-    OCV: 5        DCV: 5
10    CON    15    x2    10    12-
10    BOD    15    x2    10    12-
10    INT    15    x1    5    12-    Perception Roll: 12-
10    EGO    10    x2    0    11-    ECV: 3
10    PRE    15    x1    5    12-    PRE Attack: 4d6
10    COM    20    x1/2    5    13-

2    PD    10    x1    8        rPD: 13 tPD: 23
3    ED    11    x1    8        rED: 12    tED: 23
2.5    SPD    4    x10    15        Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
5    REC    10    x2    10
30    END    50     x1/2    10
27    STN    50     x1    23

Running: 6"
Swinning: 2"
Leaping: 2"

Total>>                124    


Cost    END    Power

75        Black Hole Powers Suite: (75 AP Multipower)

4    4    1u) X-Ray Blast: RKA 3d6, 45 AP

6    3    2u) X-Ray Pulse: RKA 2d6, Area of Effect (Radius 6", +1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), 67 AP

4    6    3u) Singularity Rend: RKA 1d6, NND (defense are dimensional powers, electromagnetic powers, gravity powers, and desolidification; +1), Does Body (+1), Area of Effect (One Hex Doubled; +3/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4) 60 AP; No Range (-1/2), 40 RP

3    4    4u) Beyond the Event Horizon: Extra-Dimensional Movement (to a single location in the pocket dimension on the other side of the black hole), Usable As Attack (defense is Extra-Dimensional Movement, Power Defense, or Teleporation; +1), 40 AP; Costs Endurance to keep victims in (-1/2), 27 RP

3    7    1m) Supermassive Black Hole: Telekinesis (25 STR), Area of Effect (Radius; +1), 75 AP; No Range (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4). Only to Pull Objects Towards Horizon (-1/2), 33 RP

4    0    2m) Dimensional Shifting: Teleportation 15", x2 Noncombat Movement, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), 45 RP

2    4    3m) Human Gateway: Teleportation 5", x2 Noncombat Movement, Area of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Usable on Others (+1/4), Continuous (+1), Megascale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), 37 AP; Gate (-1/2), Lockout (Horizon is the gate and thus cannot use any powers except going through the gate, effectively shutting down the gate; -1/2), 19 RP

30    4    Space-Time Dilation Field: Major Transform 1d6 (1" becomes 4", heals back immediately when power is turned off ), Area of Affect (Radius 3"; +1), Continuous (+1), 45 AP; Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/2), 30 RP

36    0    X-Ray Radiation Signature: RKA 1d6, NND (Defenses are Resistant ED that has the SFX defined as a form of EM radiation [X-ray, infared, gamma, etc], or electromagnetic; Armor defined as Lead or any material that can block radiation; Life Support [safe in High Radiation: Characters apply their resistant ED], +1) , Does BODY (+1), Explosion (+1/2), Reduced Endurace (0 END; +1/2), Persistant (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), 71 AP; No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), 36 RP

17    0    RADCON Armoured Suit: Armour (13 PD/12 ED), 37 AP; Focus (OIF, , Very Difficult to obtain new focus [requires a special material and an expensive weaving process]; -1), Lockout (X-Ray Radiation Signature; -1/4), 17 RP

184 Total

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost    Roll    Skill

15    ---    5 3-Point CSLs to Multipower
7    14-    Criminology
7    14-    Deduction
3    12-    Forensic Medicine
5    14-    KS: Dublin, Ireland
7    14-    Paramedics
5    13-    SS: Medicine
5    13-    SS: Anatomy
5    13-    SS: Biology

59 Total

367 Points Used


Cost    Disadvantage

10    Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
5    Distinctive Features: Unique X-Ray Signature (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
15    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing(Common, Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation: Hates Using Her X-Ray Powers(Common, Moderate)
10    Psychological Limitation: Still New At This(Common, Moderate)
15    Psychological Limitation: In Love With X(Common; Strong)
20    Reputation: Destroyed Half of Dublin, Ireland, 14- (Very Frequently, Extreme)
20    Social Limitation: Public Identity, 14- (Very Frequently, Major)




Kairrie had a beautiful life. She grew up with loving parents in a nice neighborhood in Dublin, Ireland. Her parents weren't rich, but were well off enough to afford being away from the terrorist bombings and IRA attacks. Kairrie's school was nice and she had several friends through the years. Kairrie enjoyed her life and everything seemed to be perfect.


When Kairrie turned 16 years old, her mutant powers emerged severely. She was having her sweet sixteenth birthday with all of her friends and family. The party was perfect, but Kairrie felt this uneasy feeling inside her. She began to feel an intense pain in her chest and Kairrie felt to the ground in pain. The guests ran over to try and help her, only to feel the ground beneath them crack and the area around them move towards Kairrie. Her friends and family tried to run away from the pull but no one could escape the force of gravity and one by one, all the guests and any objects around Kairrie was absorbed into her body, which had changed to a pitch-black color. Kairrie panicked when she realized that everything around her was being devoured by her body and ran away to find help in the city.


Within hours, Ireland was in a state of emergency as Kairrie walked through Dublin, causing widespread destruction while she searched for someone to help her. Their police had tried everything to subdue her, and the military tried using several explosives and high caliber weapons to kill her, but everything was absorbed into her body. Finally, PRIMUS was called in to try and stop her. Using every resource they could, it took weeks before finally they teamed with a gravity controlling superhero to suppress her powers enough for PRIMUS to inhibit Kairrie's powers. Many of the people that were devoured were instantly released back into the area. Unfortunately, the damage had taken apart over half of Dublin and became the worst disaster to befall Ireland since the Potato Famine.


News of the destruction reached the world and soon, Kairrie could see her name on every network, newspaper, and anti-mutant protest. Her name lived on in infamy amongst many Irish people and members of Genocide. Her friends and family refused to acknowledge her existence. Kairrie had lost everything. Fearing for her safety, PRIMUS kept her in their facility where she could at least be trained to control her power as well as to keep her X-ray emissions from hurting anyone. The gravity superhero joined in the training of Kairrie. PRIMUS created a special radiation inhibitor suit called the RADCON (Radiation Containment) Armour Suit. It was made from a special material that absorbs radiation near it and weaved to be skintight, flexible, and durable. The gravity superhero helped to diminish the power of Kairrie's inner black hole while showing her to exert more control over her gravity powers and X-Ray emissions as well as her ability to teleport, or "shift", great distances. It was with this superhero that Kairrie learned the value of being a superhero and using your powers for the good of mankind. While she still hated her powers (especially the X-ray pulses) and was still bitter about having no touch contact without her suit, Kairrie felt that helping people would at least make up for the destruction she caused in Dublin. Along with her powers, she starting learning forensic medicine from some of PRIMUS's agents so she could further help in fighting crime and saving lives.


Kairrie was finally released from PRIMUS to the Guardians of New York City as per Kairrie's request. From then on she would train with the oldest members and fight crime under the name Horizon.





Horizon is a quiet and guilt stricken girl. Kairrie does warm up a bit given time and has made a few friends in the Guardians. She still is a bit bitter about the nature of her powers, especially her X-ray signature which forces her to either be in her suit or in a special room lined with the same material as her suit. It is especially frustrating as Kairrie has fallen for a certain superhero in the Guardians. However, she does enjoy her teleporting and wormhole powers as she had always loved traveling and now Kairrie can see new places. Kairrie doesn't like superheroing as much as her teammates, but she feels as though she owes her family, her people, and mutants for what she has done and continues to fight crime out of guilt. Still, it feels nice when she saves lives, even if she is still haunted by her past.





Horizon's mutant powers lies in her center of gravity. Her center of gravity can intensify with such great force that she can pull in people, cars, and other objects. Though she has lost alot of strength in her powers, Horizon has much better control and developed new abilities. Kairrie also has an aura of powerful gravitational force and space-time distortion that scientists have called her "event horizon" which can devour objects and throw them into a pocket dimension she calls Inner Space. Horizon must maintain control though or else the objects are expelled from that dimension. She can also turn this event horizon into a wormhole, allowing her to teleport short distances or to allow others to walk through her and go across entire continents. Horizon is still very new at being a superhero and is prone to making mistakes. In combat, Horizon usually brings groups of villians towards her and hold them with her gravitational pull to allow for her teammates to hit them, or so she can capture them in Inner Space. Kairrie won't use her X-Ray powers unless things get very dangerous.





Kairrie is a very beautiful red-haired Irish woman with green eyes and some freckles. She has a very strong Irish accent when she speaks. Her RADCON suit is specially taylored to her body and is lightweight and flexible. It is black with white boots and gloves and has a white, clock-wise spiral with a circle in the center on her chest. There are special emitters on her fingertips that allows Horizon to fire X-Ray emissions.



Now there are some notes with this one. First, her armor is what is containing her radiation. When it is breached, her X-Ray Signature is activated and hell breaks loose (great for a plot point).


Second, her PsyLim says In Love With X. X can be a PC of the choice of the GM. I figured it would be best that none of the PCs knows :) Not even me.


Third, her Human Gateway makes her the wormhole. She cannot do anything except follow into the Gate, effectively shutting down the wormhole.


That's pretty much it for her as I see. This one is a tough one so I hope everything is in order there. Next up is Inspire, a psychic mutant that can make anyone believe in him and themselves with just some motivational speaking :D

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)




Identity: Khmóc Prây aka Nang Nak

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Height: 1,71 m (5'7")

Weight: 66 kg (145 lbs)

Hair/Eye Colour: Black, Brown

Ethnicity: Asian (Cambodian, possibly part Chinese)

Hometown: Chinatown, New York City, New York


Quote: "You are a bad man, and I am the one that will stop you."


Val Char Points Total Roll Notes

Val	Char	Cost	Pts	Roll	Notes

20	STR 	x1	10	13-	HTH Damage 4d6 END [2]
23	DEX	x3	39	14-	OCV 8 DCV 8
20	CON	x2	20	13-
16	BODY	x2	12	12-
18	INT	x1	8	13-	PER Roll 15-
14	EGO	x2	8	12-	ECV: 5
15	PRE	x1	5	12-	PRE Attack: 3d6
14	COM	x1/2	2	12-

10	PD		6		rPD: 0 tPD: 10 PD
8	ED		4		rED: 0 tED: 8 ED
4	SPD		7 		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC		0
40	END		0
39	STUN		3

Running: 6"
Swimming: 2"
Leaping: 5" 

Total Characteristics Cost: 124


Cost	END	Power

1 	0	Forever Young: Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years)

7 	0	Mind Over Matter: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

6	1	Strong Legs: Leaping +1" (5" forward, 2 1/2" upward) (Accurate)

3	0	Preternatural Hearing: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)

6	0	Sharp Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups

20	0	Berserk Fury: (Total: 80 Active Cost, 20 Real Cost) Aid STR 5d6 (50 Active Points); , Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (automatically suffers Drain STR and CON 3d6 when all Aid points fade, points return at the rate of 5 per 20 Minutes; -2), Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power (Only When Fighting; -1/2), Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (automatically becomes Berserk in combat while Aid remains in effect, can only make 11- recover rolls after all Aided points fade; -1/2), Limited Power (Cannot Be Used Again Until All Points Fade; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10)
	plus Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2), , Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (automatically becomes Berserk in combat while Aid remains in effect; -1/2), Linked (Aid; lasts only as long as Aid lasts; -1/2), Limited Power (Only When Fighting; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10)

(Notes: Moonrage has the ability to work herself into a bloodthirsty rage while in combat. When she succumbs to this fury, her Strength increases and she feels less pain, but she also loses the ability to distinguish friend from foe; she simply attacks the person nearest to her with the most powerful attack she can muster, and she never takes defensive actions; this lasts until the rage has faded completely, which usually happens after a minute or so. After her rage leaves her, it leaves her exhausted and weak as a kitten for up to an hour.)

15	6	Cloud Minds: Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups and Mind Scan Images 1" radius, +/-6 to PER Rolls, Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (64 Active Points); Set Effect (Only to Simulate Empty Space; -1), , Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Limited Power (Psionic (Only Affects Living Minds); -1/2), Limited Power (Doesn't Work vs Mental Defense; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)

5	0	Inner Focus: Mental Defense (10 points total) (7 Active Points); Limited Power (Not When Using Berserk Fury Ability; -1/2)

35	0	Enchanted Katar: (Total: 76 Active Cost, 35 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6-1 (2d6+1 w/STR), Required Hands One-Handed (+0), Affects Desolidified One Special Effect of Desolidification (Supernatural Creatures; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (56 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), STR Minimum (STR 10) (-1/2) (Real Cost: 22)
	plus +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Block Only; -1 1/2), OAF Unbreakable (-1) (Real Cost: 1) plus Detect A Class Of Things (Immaterial Supernatural Beings) 15-/13- (Mystic Group), Adjacent, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Sense (15 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1) (Real Cost: 7)

(Notes: (x2 number of items) This pair of Katars (or Bundis) look like they are made from pure silver, never grow dull, and gleam oddly when subjected to moonlight. When immaterial supernatural creatures are near, faint blue flames flicker along the edges of the blades.)

	Martial Arts: Muay Thai (Thai Kick-Boxing)
(Notes: As trained by Moonrage, the Weapon Elements can only be used with the Block and Punch Maneuvers. The Punch Maneuver only adds +1 DC of damage to the weapon used. Optional Rules: Punch & Elbow Strike use a Hit Location roll of 2d6+1; Low Kick use a roll of 2d6+7; Roundhouse Kick, Knee Strike, Elbow/Knee Killing Strike use a roll of 3d6. The other Maneuvers require no Hit Location rolls.)

Cost	Maneuver			OCV	DCV	Notes
4	Block				+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Elbow/Knee Killing Strike	-2	+0	HKA 1 1/2d6
4	Foot Push			+0	+0	40 STR to Shove
4	Low Kick			+0	+2	7d6 Strike
4	Punch/Elbow Strike		+2	+0	7d6 Strike
5	Roundhouse Kick/Knee Strike	-2	+1	9d6 Strike
1	Weapon Element: Blades
1	Weapon Element: Clubs
1	Weapon Element: Fist-Loads
4	+1 HTH Damage Class(es)

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost	Roll	Skill

1	8-	Reputation: Principled Vigilante (A small to medium sized group),+1/+1d6
3	---	Bump Of Direction
6	---	Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4	---	Double Jointed
3	---	Lightsleep
5	---	Resistance (+5 to roll)
3	---	Simulate Death
3	---	Environmental Movement (no penalties on narrow surfaces) (Custom Adder)
6	---	+2 with Martial Maneuvers
3	13-	Analyze: Style
5 	---	Defense Maneuver I-II
5 	---	Rapid Attack (HTH)
3	14-	Fast Draw (Blades)
3	13-	Tactics
10	---	Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH)
9	---	WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Off Hand
3	14-	Acrobatics
0	8-	Acting
3	14-	Breakfall
3	14-	Climbing
1	8-	Combat Driving
3	13-	Concealment
3	14-	Contortionist
0	8-	Conversation
0	8-	Deduction
1	8-	Demolitions
1	8-	KS: Chinese Philosophy
2	11-	KS: DEMON
0	8-	KS: Muay Thai (Thai Kick-Boxing)

3	---	Traveler:
1	11-	1) AK: Southeast Asia (2 Active Points)
1	11-	2) AK: USA (2 Active Points)
1	11-	3) AK: Vietnam (2 Active Points)
1	11-	4) CK: Bangkok (2 Active Points)
1	11-	5) CK: Hong Kong (2 Active Points)
1	11-	6) CK: New York City (2 Active Points)
1	11-	7) CuK: Chinese Triads (2 Active Points)
1	11-	8) CuK: The Mercenary World (2 Active Points)
0	8-	9) AK: Cambodia

3	---	Linguist:
2	---	1) Language: Cantonese (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
1	---	2) Language: English (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
2	---	3) Language: French (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
0	---	4) Language: Khmer (Cambodian) (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
1	---	5) Language: Mandarin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
2	---	6) Language: Thai (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
2	---	7) Language: Vietnamese (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

1	8-	Lipreading
1	8-	Mechanics
0	8-	Paramedics
3	12-	Persuasion
0	11-	PS: Refugee
1	8-	PS: Bartender
2	11-	PS: Mercenary
2	11-	PS: Assassin
1	8-	PS: Cooking
3	13-	Shadowing
3	14-	Sleight Of Hand
3	14-	Stealth
3	12-	Streetwise
4	13-	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical)
3	13-	Tracking

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 276

Total Cost: 400


Cost	Disadvantage

20	Dependent NPC: co-workers at the Lai-Wa takeout restaurant 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

10	Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)

10	Distinctive Features: Style (Muay Thai) Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses, Detectable by Large Group

10	Enraged: if Wounded (takes BODY) (Common), go 8-, recover 14-

10	Enraged: if innocent is attacked (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
(Notes: applies to any attacks on civilians that Moonrage notices, not supers or police, who fight evil by choice)

15	Hunted: 14K triad / Tung On tong 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Limited Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)
(Notes: The 14K Chinese triad is based in Hong Kong, but has operations worldwide - primarily in North America, Western Europe and Southeast Asia. They have probably not yet made all the connections; that their renegade courier Liang-Hua is the same person as the mercenary Nang Nak, the assassin Khmóc Prây, and the vigilante Moonrage, but eventually they might. The Tung On tong is based primarily in New York City and Philadelphia and are concerned mostly with the problematic vigilante Moonrage as yet, not caring about the other personas.)

20	Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
(Notes: DEMON probably knows more about Moonrage's whereabouts, activities, and history, than she suspects.)

5	Money: Poor
(Notes: Moonrage always spends her earnings on good deeds and good times - sometimes this means buying some luxury items, but as this gives her a case of bad conscience, as a result she tries to spend even more on helping out those less fortunate)

20	Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Chinese Knight-Errant Very Common, Strong
(Notes: This demands that Moonrage must: [1] Right any wrongs she sees (especially by helping the weak against the strong) [2] Correct any social injustices (i.e., throw down those who oppress the weak and defenseless) [3] Keep any oaths of loyalty taken, and meet all obligations accepted [4] Honor good people [5] Spend all wealth on good deeds and good times (spending earnings to help others or hold celebrations))

15	Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common; Strong)
(Notes: Although Moonrage believes in the sanctity of life (and is a vegetarian), she still fuels an inner rage, sometimes slipping in her decidation, though she usually catches herself when she thinks murderous thoughts. Moonrage believes everyone should be given a chance to reach this understanding by themselves, but she won't stand idly if someone uses lethal force unnecessarily - she will do her best to stop any attempts at killing that she witnesses.)

5	Psychological Limitation: Mistrusts Thai (Uncommon; Moderate)
(Notes: Moonrage still harbors prejudice and resentment towards Thai people, from her own bitter experiences in Bangkok.)

5	Psychological Limitation: Superstitious (Uncommon; Moderate)
(Notes: Moonrage secretly believes in most Asian legends of ghosts and monsters)

5	Reputation: Khmóc Prây, assassin, 8- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)
(Notes: applies to past career as DEMON assassin (1998-2008))

0	Reputation: Nang Nak, criminal mercenary, 8- (Known Only To A Small Group)
(Notes: applies to past career as mercenary (1995-1998))

10	Social Limitation: Secret Identity (M'liss Ming and others) (Occasionally; Major)
(Notes: Moonrage usually uses her Cloud Minds ability to conceal her comings and goings, but this ability is not as foolproof as she might think)

5	Social Limitation: Dark Secret (criminal past and evil deeds) (Occasionally; Minor)
(Notes: Moonrage is secretly terrified that her sordid past will be exposed, especially if it happens before she has fulfilled her karmic debts (if that ever happens))

10	Unluck: 2d6
(Notes: Moonrage believes herself to be cursed by bad karma resulting from her past evil deeds)

Total Disadvantages Points: 175





M'liss Chanmony Rachany ("Cambodian jasmine flooded with diamond-like moonlight at night"), was born in early 1977, in the Cambodian countryside somewhere near the Aranyaprathet region. Her mother, Maly, was killed when she was very little, in 1982. M'liss doesn't know who her father was; her mother refused to talk about him since he was "foreign" - possibly Chinese, since some Chinese buddhists took care of M'liss when she was in the refugee camp, waiting for the killing to stop. The Vietnamese was trying to kill the Khmer Rouge, but the Khmer Rouge killed everyone in the camp in 1986 - somehow M'liss survived, and a kind Vietnamese soldier sent her on a truck to Bangkok before he was killed too.


In 1988, M'liss arrived in Bangkok via a series of camps, and was bought by a casino owner who gave her a new name, a Thai name, Kanya, and rented her to tourists. She was of little use to him since she beat up her clients, and he tried to kill her for that - but she somehow survived, and lived on the streets until she saw her first Muay Thai fight in 1990, recognizing the style from her own childhood. She realized she could fight and earn a living, so she watched, and learned, and finally entered a prize-fight in 1993. She beat three men, but they got angry at being beaten by a girl, so she was beaten up by a dozen men, more than she could fight. They tried to do more to her, but a Chinese man with snake tattoos stopped them and took her with him. His name was 415, he said, and she would work for him, transporting things for his company. He said her name would be Lien-Hua, which meant lotus flower, and thought this was very funny for some reason.


At 16, M'liss was very happy to have a job and a new, Chinese name, so she was grateful to the man 415. She worked for him in Canton, traveled throughout Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and China, and learned new things for two years, then she was shot by 415 and dumped in the sea outside of Hong Kong in 1995. She survived this too and decided she had had enough of working for others. She had realized that she had some special talents, and used them to find 415 (whose true name she had learned), ambush him and kill him gruesomely, leaving a note and a phone number for his boss to find. She had decided to work for herself only; she would become a mercenary. Realizing the usefulness of secrecy, M'liss decided she would no longer use either of her given names Kanya or Liang-Hua, she would conceal her face with a fearsome mask and call herself Nang Nak, the better to scare the Thai she had come to despise. As it turned out, the Asian underworld infrequently used outsiders, so she ended up mostly guarding shipments of drugs, weapons, and sometimes enforced payment of protection money, all for various Tongs and Triads in Southeast Asia. She reconsidered her current job. She wasn't getting rich; she could make a decent living, but she wanted more - so she shifted her focus and became an international mercenary, traveling around the world to fight for money, and the name Nang Nak spread around the underground with infamy.


Then, in 1998, she met the men who worked for the demon. They promised her more money than she had ever had, and she got greedy enough to disregard her suspicions. She was treated by these men with strange fumes and rituals, and she thought they were making her even better than before, but there was something new - the bloodthirst. She craved the thrill of the kill, and the smell of pain and fear. She wanted to return the favors of pain and suffering to everyone - noone was innocent, and they all deserved to die. So simple, they just pointed and she killed, for the demon. She reveled in it, and the criminal mercenary known as Nang Nak had become the assassin Khmóc Prây. Ancient masters taught her how to be even better, and she had magic weapons to make her even more superior to the worms that died before her.


In 2008, she had been serving the demon for ten long years, and killing this American hero would be just as easy as always. She watched his eyes as he was about to die, and waited for the fear to shine, to please her. Instead, she saw courage and a glimpse of hope. M'liss stopped herself, thinking of all the hate. But this man didn't hate. He should live, she suddenly decided without really understanding why, and she left.


The demon raged at her betrayal, but it was she who had betrayed herself. She suddenly remembered the Chinese family who had taken her in when everyone had died. That was the secret. She had chosen wrong, chosen not Buddhism, nor Taoism, but the left-hand oath. She tried to remember what they had taught her but she had been so little, she didn't remember. They had talked about America, too. Perhaps it had come full circle. M'liss retired to a Buddhist temple in Tibet for a few months, seeking redemption, reevaluating her beliefs and deciding on a new path.

She would take two new names: she would have to hide from the demon, so she would name herself M'liss Ming ("jasmine shining tomorrow") and call herself Moonrage when she tried to set things right. After finding herself an apartment in the Bronx, M'liss Ming found work as a waitress/fast food cook at the Lai Wa, a small Chinese takeout restaurant on Manhattan, following the way of the Knight-Errant under her warrior name Moonrage, defending people from evil, and sharing what wealth she collects. The last year has been good, but Moonrage still has a lifetime of evil to balance, and she is unsure if even another lifetime of good will be enough.





M'liss Ming has known much hate in her life; she hated the Khmer Rouge for killing her family, she hated the Thai for selling and buying her and looking down on her, she hated the Tong for betraying her, but she hated the Demon most for making her into what she hated; a sadistic murderer. Now, she desperately tries to repent, and remember that her mother once told her "when the killing is over, we can live happily at peace".


M'liss tries to live a more happy-go-lucky and impulsive life, but the urgency of her mission can make her obsessive in punishing evil. She is still slightly more ruthless than she would like, but tries to restrain herself and ease up. She considers herself to have been metaphorically reborn from her life of evil as a Pratni, a Hungry Ghost, and that she must fulfill her karmic debt before she can move on.The way she sees it, the ghosts of her former victims, that cry for justice while she sleeps, are her first priority. She has sworn an oath to try and emulate a Chinese Knight, but would consider it imprudent to call herself such. Her new-found belief in the sanctity of life runs so deep that if she should ever, even accidentally, kill anyone else, she might despair in her mission and kill herself or turn herself in to the authorities, or she might slip in her focus and enter into a furious rampage against injustice and evil, becoming a ruthless vigilante.





Moonrage's tactics focus on putting her opponent out quickly - if she is not certain she will win, she'll scout ahead using her Hide In Plain Sight ability to plan her fight in advance. She will generally threaten with a katar (and Block using it), but prepare for a Kick or a Shove, using her leaping abilities to maneuver tactically. If she is hard pressed she will deal a Crippling Blow to a strong opponent, but only as a last resort will she let loose her Berserk Fury - in that case she'll first throw her katars far away, since she doesn't want to kill anyone. Moonrage uses no weapons except her twin katars (which she found years ago in a temple in Punjab while working for Demon) - she tries to avoid anything resembling her former methods, when, as Khmóc Prây, she used guns, rifles, throwing knives, fistloads, staffs, swords and even bows, as appropriate to the mission, and usually left a huge trail of casualties.



Campaign use:


Moonrage is first and foremost a local heroine in Chinatown and the other Asian communities of New York City, but she has recently begun to widen her scope of operations, as Asian crime sometimes spreads into the larger community.





Moonrage exclusively dresses in black, and wears a smiling mask in matted silver, reminiscent of the moon. She wears her katars strapped to her high army-issue leather boots.

As M'liss Ming, she dresses in any new fancy style she has discovered, preferably in green or bright colors. She tries to look as ordinary as she can manage.

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Greetings true believers! Today is another day for adventure and a new character. This one is a "vocal dominator" that can strike fear into his enemies or bolster his comrades undying fighting spirit. Meet... Inspire! Excelsior!!



Identity: Atticus Quinn
Age: 26
Gender: Male 
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 210 lb.
Hair/Eye Colour: Black, Brown
Ethnicity: Black (South African)
Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa

Base    Char    Val    Cost    Pts    Roll    Notes

10    STR    15    x1    5    12-    HTH Damage: 3d6    END: 2
10    DEX    15    x3    15    12-    OCV: 5        DCV: 5
10    CON    15    x2    10    12-
10    BOD    15    x2    10    12-
10    INT    15    x1    5    12-    Perception Roll: 12-
10    EGO    27    x2    34    14-    ECV: 9
10    PRE    15    x1    5    12-    PRE Attack: 3d6
10    COM    15    x1/2    3    12-

3    PD    5    x1    2        rPD: 19    tPD: 30
3    ED    5    x1    2        rED: 19    tED: 29
2    SPD    5    x10    25        Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
6    REC    10    x2    8
30    END    50    x1/2    10
30    STN    40    x1    10

Running: 6"
Swinning: 2"
Leaping: 2"

Total>>                144    


Cost    END    Power

75    0    Cult of Personality: (75 Point Multipower)SFX (Targets must hear what character says or it does not work)

7    7    1m) Striking Presence: Mind Control 10d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), 75 AP

3    0    2m) "Your Strength is Unrivaled!": Aid STR 5d6, 50 AP; Incantation (Character must say something motivational to the target; -1/4), 33 RP

3    0    3m) "Be Agile Like the Wind!": Aid DEX 5d6, 50 AP; Incantation (Character must say something motivational to the target; -1/4), 33 RP

3    0    4m) "Your Wounds Cannot Stop You!": Aid BODY 5d6, 50 AP; Incantation (Character must say something motivational to the target; -1/4), 33 RP

3    5    5m) "No Task is Beyond Your Grasp!": +3 Overall Skill Levels, Usable on Others (Ranged, +3/4), 52 AP; Incantation (Character must say something motivational to the target; -1/2), 35 RP

4    7    6m) "You Will Cower Before Us for We are Fear Incarnate!": Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (+1/4), Work Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), 75 AP; Mental Defense Adds To EGO (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4),  Incantation (Character must say something demeaning to the target; -1/4), 37 points

10    0    Unshakable Will: Mental Defense (10 Points + 5), 10 AP

17        They Pull Their Punches Against Me: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), 30 AP; Requires a successful EGO Skill vs Skill Test for every time attacked (-3/4), 17 RP

       Martial Arts: Boxing
Cost    Maneuver        OCV    DCV    Notes
4    Bullet Hook        +0    +2    STR +5d6 Strike
4    Dynamic Punch        -2    +0    HKA 2d6-1
5    Protecting Strike    +1    +3    STR +3d6 Strike
4    Bob and Weave        +0    +5    Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
12    +3 Damage Class            

154 Total

Skills, Perks, Talents:

Cost    Roll    Skill

15    ---    5 3-Point CSLs for Martial Arts
7    14-    Acting
7    14-    Bribery
7    14-    Conversation
7    14-    Interrogation
5    14-    KS: Johannesburg, South Africa
7    14-    Oratory
5    13-    Paramedics
5    14-    PS: Special Forces Member
7    14-    Seduction
3    ---    Fringe Benefit: Member of South African Special Ops
5    ---    Money: Well Off ($500,000 a year)
12        Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)

92 Total

390 Completely 


Cost    Disadvantage

10    Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
10    Psychological Limitation: Unsure of Leadership Abilities(Uncommon, Strong)
15    Psychological Limitation: Insecure(Common, Strong)
15    Psychological Limitation: Not Afraid to Kill(Common; Strong)
10    Reputation: Can Bend Other to His Will, 11- (Frequently)




Atticus had lived his whole life in Johannesburg, South Africa. He grew up in a poor family that had constant troubles making ends meet. Atticus was pushed to go to school to try and make a better life for himself. While he was good at most of his subjects, school didn't interest him as much as travelling to America and living the good life with his parents.


It wasn't until he was 15 when his mutant ability emerged. Atticus noticed that people would listen to exactly what he said whenever he said it. He scared bullies away and got teachers to give him better grades on tests. Atticus finally believed that he had found his and his familiy's meal ticket. Feeling a bit cocky, Atticus walked into a bank and spoke with the tellers. He walked out with $10,000 in his backpack.


It didn't take long for the South African government to figure out a mutant was robbing a bank and they quickly caught up with Atticus and captured him. They gave him two choices; work for their special forces unit or go to prison for life. Atticus quickly was brought to a special unit in the army made up of mutants. Each one had a special ability that assisted in covert operations and espionage.


For years Atticus trained and worked with the team to take down threats to the South African government. He never used guns, instead relying on his bare fists and his striking presence. Atticus had great tactics and his abilites evolved to where he could make others stronger or faster simply with encouragement. Atticus was soon promoted, though many, including himself, believed his skills only came from his powers. His teammates grew embittered by the decision and when the right time came up, they ambushed him. If it wasn't for Atticus's quick boxing skills and powers, he would have been killed.


Atticus resigned from the unit and left South America, using his money to get a passport and travel to New York City. There, he did some solo work as a hero for hire under the name Inspire before a recruitment ad for the Guardians caught his interest. More money and a more adventurous lifestyle while saving lives appealled to him and thus he applied and joined the Guardians of New York City.





Inspire is a fairly friendly person and oozes confidence. He truly believes in his friends and will do anything to help them. Atticus is always quick to encourage a teammate and cheer them up. With his confidence, good looks, and tactics, Inspire would make a great leader if not for his own insecurities. He is always unsure if people are truly his friends or if his powers are just forcing them to be. Atticus also believes that his "tactics" are just based from his powers as well, making him shy away from any leader position.





Inspire's powers come from his voice. It has strange abilities to have a person listen to and believe anything that he says. This can be anything from calming a riot to bolstering confidence into a teammate to striking fear into his enemies. Inspire's voice also has some augmenting abilities, with speeches of encouragement making a person stronger for a time or perform a task easier and words of demoralization able to paralyze foes with fear and despair. Atticus is also a fairly good southpaw boxer and uses it against people he has paralyzed with fear. He is all about supporting his allies and weakening his enemies.





Atticus is a tall black man that has very short hair and a muscular build from his years in the unit.. He has a goatee and no other form of facial hair. Atticus usually wears t-shirts and jeans in normal clothing. His costume is a dark blue skintight costume with a mask that covers his whole face and an I on his chest.



That's it for him. He should make an awesome addition. Tomorrow is Wilhiem, aka Frequency, the man that can control the EM spectrum.



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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Here is a test run of my PC, Chrystalline! Be critical please!



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

6+69 STR -4 10- / 24- Lift 57.4kg/819.2tons; 1d6/15d6

6 DEX -12 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

8 CON -4 11-

10+6 BODY 0 11- / 12-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

7 PRE -3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6

13 COM 2 12-


1+78 PD 0 Total: 1/79 PD (0/70 rPD)

3+41 ED 0 Total: 3/44 ED (0/35 rED)

4 SPD 19 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

11+2 REC 14

22 END 0

19+11 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 14


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 1"/2"

Swimming: 1"/2"


Cost Powers END

50 Body Crystal Formations: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼)

4u 1) Giant Crystal Form: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 42 Real Cost) Density Increase (3,300 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6" KB) (30 Active Points); Linked (Growth; -½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 15) plus Growth (+30 STR, +6 BODY, +6 STUN, -6" KB, 3,264 kg, -4 DCV, +4 PER Rolls to perceive character, 7 m tall, 3 m wide) (30 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 20) plus Stretching 3" (15 Active Points); Linked (Growth; -½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 7) 7

2u 2) Crystal Cacoon: Entangle 8d6, 7 DEF (75 Active Points); Only To Form Barriers (-1), No Range (-½), Vulnerable (Uncommon; -¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) 7

4u 3) Crystal Invasion: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 5d6 (5d6+1 / 10d6 w/STR) (75 Active Points); No Knockback (-¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) 7

5u 4) Molecular Crystal Bonding: Clinging (201/270 STR) (75 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼)



34 Hard Crystal Body: Armor (30 PD/15 ED) (69 Active Points); Limited Power Doesn't Effect Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼), Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼)



7 Hurts to Hit Me: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point, Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Damage Shield (+½), Continuous (+1) (17 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼)



18 Crystal Regrowth: Regeneration BODY 1 point, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Continuous (+1), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 ½) (32 Active Points); Self Only (-½), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼)



21 Crystal Shell: Force Field (40 PD/20 ED), Costs END Only To Activate (+¼) (75 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -¾), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -¾), Double Endurance Cost (-½), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -¼), Limited Power No Effects VS Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼) 12



37 Crystalline Stability: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Limited Power Doesn't Effect Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼), Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼) (Real Cost: 30) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Limited Power Doesn't Effect Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼), Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼) (Real Cost: 7)



30 Internal Crystal Reserves: Endurance Reserve (50 END, 25 REC) (30 Active Points)



5 Unified Crystal Structure: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses (10 Active Points); Limited Power Doesn't Effect Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼), Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼)



30 Crystal Biology: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep) (45 Active Points); Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼)



30 Monomolecular Immutability: Power Defense (60 points) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Doesn't Effect Sonic/Vibration Attacks (-¼), Nonpersistent (-¼), Only In Heroic Identity (-¼), Visible (-¼)



60 Crystal Form: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 60 Real Cost) +9 STR (9 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 7) plus +5 DEX (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 12) plus +3 CON (6 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 5) plus +6 PRE (6 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 5) plus +15 REC (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 24) plus +18 END (9 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-¼) (Real Cost: 7) 1



5 Grappling Block +1 +1 Grab One Limb, Block

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 16 STR / 85 STR for holding on

4 Sacrifice Disarm +2 -2 Disarm, 16 STR / 85 STR to Disarm



5 Contact: Pigeon, the Coney Telepath (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 11-

1 Nursing Student: Fringe Benefit: Membership



20 +4 with HTH Combat

1 AK: Newyork City Sewers 8-

0 Acting 8-

0 Climbing 8-

0 Concealment 8-

0 Conversation 8-

0 Deduction 8-

0 KS: USA 8-

0 Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 PS: Babysitter 11-

3 Paramedics 12-

0 Persuasion 8-

0 Shadowing 8-

0 Stealth 8-

1 Streetwise 8-

2 Survival (Urban) 12-

0 TF: Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 387

Total Cost: 400

300+ Disadvantages

10 Accidental Change: Take 1 or more Body Damage 11- (Uncommon)

5 Dependent NPC: Notepad and Regift, Morlock children 8- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC), Useful Noncombat Position or Skills, Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs

10 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Mutant eyes, hair, skintone, and insides (Concealable), Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

5 Hunted: Deep Six, jealous Morlock 8- (As Pow; Limited Geographical Area; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Mildly Punish)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code VS Killing (Common; Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Naive and Unworldy (Common; Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Prefers normal ID, even when unsafe (Common; Moderate)

10 Reputation: Divided Loyalties, 14- (Known Only To A Small Group)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently; Major)


Total Disadvantage Points: 400


Background/History: Josie Gabbai was an ordinary little girl living in Manhattan. Her parents were Jewish immegrants from Isreal, and lived an ordinary life. Just after Josie's 5th birthday, tragety struck the Gabbai household. While riding her bike, little Josie lost control and sped down the road, into the path of an oncoming truck. What happened next shocked everyone... Josie, on the moment of impact, disappeared into an enormous crystal shell. The shell was hauled into a government lab for testing, but disappeared in transit. Josie was declared dead, though no body was recovered.


In truth, a group of Mutants living underground in New York City took the crystal. Known as the Coney Island Sideshows (rumored to be ancestors of the original freakshow acts), they served as a family to mutants who's powers made them too dangerous or too conspicious to exist on the surface world.


Josie, renamed 'Heart Stone' by the Sideshow, existed trapped but suspended inside her crystal cacoon. It was nearly two years before she could shape her stone cacoon at all. Another two before it could be shaped and moved in a humanoid (albeit giant) form. She was thirteen years old before she could move throughout the tunnels in a small enough crystal form to interact with those who did not visit her. She took a job in the tribe in caring for young and dangerous mutants, as she could rarely be harmed by their outbursts of power.


Near her 18th birthday, Heart Stone had an amazing transformation. She discovered the secret into moving all of her crystalline body into herself, and thus appear as a normal human. Elated, she soon left the Sideshow tunnels to attempt a normal life. Some of the Sideshow members still accept her, though many were hurt by her decision to leave 'the family'.


Unfortunetly, on the surface she found it difficult to pursue her intentions. 'Josie' was declared dead years ago, her parents had moved back to Isreal after her death. After some struggles with no ID, she offered her services to the NYC Guardians for assistance in creating a new identity for herself.


Personality/Motivation: Chrystalline is a somewhat demure, naive young girl. She wants desperately to have a normal life, but knows that she cannot have one without cooperating with the Guardians and practicing to control her powers better. Underneath it, she does have a strong motivation to protect people. She also has a strong loyalty to the mutants who are oppressed because of their mutant status or powers.


Quote: "Um... are you attacking me? Sorry, I didn't notice"


Powers/Tactics: Chrystalline can transform her body into a living crystal. The crystal is pinkish in color, slightly transparent, and seem to scintillate slightly. They disolve into dust then nothing almost immediately after leaving her body. They are increadibly durable to nearly every form of attack, excepting mental ones and sonic or rhythmic attacks (including 'vibration/quivering palm' attacks of some master martial artists). Her body is entirely crystal, with no significant biology. Little is known about the makeup of the crystal itself, but it appears to be a single mono-molecular string of complex ununquadium based hydrocarbon like molecules.


Additionally, she can cause the crystals in her body to grow... either uncontrolled in every direction, directed to form a giant body, or into and around objects to cling to them on a molecular level (or rend them apart from the inside).


She is very cautious in her power use. She prefers to grapple enemies into submission, or hold them in place against her crystal body with her clinging abilities, rather than harm them directly. In extreme situations, she will grow and attempt to do the same (grapple and detain). Her killing powers are almost exclusively used on inanimate objects.


Protection of her teammates and innocents comes first, above stopping the enemy if necessary.



Appearance: In her human form, Karen appears to be an attractive Jewish/Isreali girl in her late teens. Her transformation bleaches her skin, removes her hair, and stains her eyes a crystalline pink. She wears make up, contact lenses, and wigs to conceal this; all matching her naturally dark skin tone and brown hair/eyes. The transformation will transform a small amount of clothing, if made of certain fibers, so she almost always wears a 'jogging suit' sports bra/shorts underneath whatever she is wearing.


Her crystal form is light, semi-transparent pink. It does not glow, but does scintilate and reflect the light in 'bursts' in a way that it appears to glow. The crystal does not bend, but instead shatters and cracks into new positions as she moves, leaving a small cloud of sparkling dust around her as she moves (which quickly breaks down). Her form is always symmetrical, though exact details and spurs vary from position to position.


Her giant form is similar, though lankier arms and stubbier legs... and not shaped in a 'feminine' form as her smaller crystal body is.

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Re: The Guardians' New Recruits (The Crucible)


Nice Naanomi!


This is just a post of my character's current bio, including stuff from the last couple games.




It didn't take long for Rafael to realize that you can't get far without a diploma. A high school drop-out that only had a GED and no home, Silvano knew he would need money and fast. He began taking odd jobs at first, mostly minimum wage, blue collar jobs while others with a less legal twist. Rafael tried to limit the illegal activities to simple theft, substance trafficking, and collecting money, not wanting to go deep into the criminal underworld. He began training to become a welder, using the money from his odd jobs to pay for the apprenticeship. While Rafael enjoyed the honest work of arc welding and found it to be rewarding, the easy money of crime still lingered.


Wanting to make a change into full-time welder, Rafael wanted to leave behind crime once and for all. Piling bills and rising prices persuaded him to join one of his friends in a simple theft; steal goods from a warehouse. Rafael tagged along with promises of the big bucks to pay off all of his bills. What they didn't know is that it was a mob-owned warehouse and someone had tipped them off to the robbery. Dodging bullets, Rafael ran along the rooftops with mobsters hot on his trail. He slipped and fell off one of the smaller buildings onto powerlines, electricity striking through his body and blacking out most of New York City. Assuming that he died, the gangsters left him to his grave. Unbeknownst to Rafael, his latent mutant abilities activated and absorbed enough electricity to keep him alive and turn him into a human battery.


Rafael learned to control his abilities a bit more. Instead of heeding the call of heroism, he went straight for the easy money and within days, began robbing banks for money under the alias Livewire. His first run-in with supers ended poorly for him, barely escaping with his life and money. Rafael knew he was better at dealing with supers at a range and hiding, so would instead try and rob banks at stealthily as possible, blasting heroes at a distance then fleeing quickly. Eventually, one of Rafael's robberies went very bad. While attempting a massive heist, Silvano was met by a small taskforce of NYPD SWAT waiting for him. Silvano beat them and walked into the bank, but in the process, allowed a trailing group of super-villians known as the Conquerors to lay siege to the bank, attacking hostages to further their own terrorist schemes. Rafael stopped robbing the vault and fought Neutron and his team back as much as he could, trying to prevent more loss of life until proper heroes came. When the Champions showed up, he helped beat the villains, though they ended up escaping.


Guilt-stricken by the loss of life, Rafael turned himself in, asking only to keep his identity hidden from the public. Spending some time in a prison for supers, he was given a choice of parole to join a superhero group known as the Guardians. Looking for a chance to make up for his wrong doings, Rafael took the offer, changing his costume and his name to Powerstrike and now hoping to be the best hero he can be while trying to keep his identity as Livewire a secret from everyone, including his object of affection/neighbor, Agatha.


As of late, Powerstrike has worked hard with the Guardians team and has grown accustomed to his new life. While he still feels remorse for his past and keeps it from Agatha (whom he has yet to ask out), Powerstrike enjoys his job as a superhero and has befriended Cat, Psikick, Zenith, and Charles. He has become one of the four remaining members of the Guardians roster after the Jamaican Bay Attack, when the members of the main team were killed by Nuclear Winter. After the Madison Square Garden Incident, Powerstrike was hurt from a close call with an aspect of Set, walking away with broken ribs and some electrocution burns from the rain while his electric field was on (see side effects).


During recovery he was taken cared of by his neighbor and crush Agatha. While she got to learn more about him (including that he is an ex-con though still does not know why), Powerstrike has of yet made a move. However, Agatha seems a bit suspicous of his injuries after comparing them to Powerstrike's that she saw on the news. After two weeks of recovery, Powerstrike is back on his feet, laying a bit low from the superhero business and focusing on his new welding contract. Still haunted by the fight with the aspect of Set, Powerstrike is trying to overcome a new fear of melee combat and to help, he has gone back to his roots as a Parkour runner to get back in shape and get his killer instinct.





Powerstrike is a man trying to start his life over, trying to use his powers for good instead of personal gain. While he doesn't have the same zeal for heroism that other heroes may have, Rafael knows that he has incredible powers and he has to use them to protect people from others that would do harm to good people. He tries to keep his mutant life (both as a villain and hero) a secret from most of the people in his life. Only his teammates, some other heroes, and law enforcement know of his true identity, while some others know that Powerstrike and Livewire are one and the same. Powerstrike lives in the projects and still works as a welder. He is head over heels for his neighbor Agatha though won't admit it out of fear of his past being revealed.


Of late, he has gotten a real kick out of heroism and has become comfortable enough to mock his enemies sarcastically. Powerstrike shows more of a camaraderie now with his teammates and awaits the arrival of the new recruits. Even though he is still a rookie at the business, Powerstrike is ready to teach what he knows.





Powerstrike is a human battery, capable of generating gigawatts of electricity and controlling it. Rafael knows his fragility against physical attacks and will usually attack one character from afar until they drop. In a tight spot, Powerstrike will Blink away from an enemy that has gotten too close.





Powerstrike wears a black motorcycle jacket with blue stripes down the sleeves and a lightning bolt on the front. He wears black cargo pants and sneakers and has leather gloves with the tips of the index and middle finger cut. Rafael's mask is a black balaclava with a clear guard over the eyes, looking like an arc welder's mask. In his everyday clothing, Rafael is a somewhat built Hispanic male with short hair and a goatee.



Attacks: (6th Ed)


Electric Shock: Powerstrike can release a large electrical discharge at an enemy, stunning them and causing some minor burns. His bread and butter attack against villains and uses the least effort.


Electric Shock: Energy Blast 12d6, Red End (1/2 END; +1/4), 75 AP; Side Effect (Major Side Effect, Damage is 30 AP or 1/2 of the AP in the power (whichever is greater), Only when wet/in water, affects character and environment; -1/2), 50 RP



Lightning Bolt: While outside, Powerstrike can call down a massive bolt of lightning against his enemies, bypassing walls and barriers in the way.


Lightning Bolt: Energy Blast 12d6, Indirect (5m above target; +1/4), SFX (Bolt coming from the sky), 75 AP; Side Effect (Major Side Effect, Damage is 30 AP or 1/2 of the AP in the power (whichever is greater), Only when wet/in water, affects character and environment; -1/2), Only when outside (-1), 30 RP



Arc Striker: Electricity crackles around Powerstrike's hands as he ionizes the gases around him and launches a penetrative plasma blast. It can do some serious damage, even to armoured foes.


Arc Striker: RKA 3d6+1, Penetrating (+1/2), 75 AP; Side Effect (Major Side Effect, Damage is 30 AP or 1/2 of the AP in the power (whichever is greater), Only when wet/in water, affects character and environment; -1/2), 50 RP



Incandescent Lance: With all of his might, Powerstrike fires a blue-whitish lightning lance that can pierce through heavy armour and do lethal damage to its target, as well as stunning a victim with electrocution. The bolt has been measured to about 20 terrawatts and can do heavy damage.


Incandescent Lance: RKA 4d6, Armor Piercing (+1/4), 75 AP; Side Effect (Major Side Effect, Damage is 30 AP or 1/2 of the AP in the power (whichever is greater), Only when wet/in water, affects character and environment; -1/2), 50 RP

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