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Upcoming Kamarathin Titles from D3 Games


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Hello all,


For those of you that are as excited about the Kamarathin setting as I am, I am letting you know what future books we have in the pipeline.


Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Beilean book has been placed on a temporary hiatus until we can decide on a new format for it. Likely it will be a set of smaller 'gazetteer' style books rather than a 300 page monstrosity like ‘Kamarathin: Kingdom of Tursh’ was. This decision has many reasons for its existence, but the priority was to get books out to you in a manner that is less expensive for all parties involved.


So in the pipeline we have the following books being worked on or being discussed with authors. All of them will be gazetteer style books between 60 and 100 pages. Specifics will be available in the near future.


Nan Duchy: Written by Paul Caughell. This book will be a close-up of the Nan Duchy. It will expand upon the baronies that exist within its borders as well as include Duchy specific extension packages and additional organizations and lore.


Viron Duchy: Written by Jason Yarnell. All the same style of content for the Nan Duchy will happen here, but, wait for it...it will be for the Viron Duchy. This will also include some general information about the Candatil Province in the Kingdom of Beilean and expand a bit more on the Water Wood.


Gobryn Duchy: Tentatively being written by Jason Hobbs. What Paul and myself will be doing for the previous duchies, Mr. Hobbs will be doing for the Gobryn. Details are still being determined.


Spirit Realms: Author to be determined. This particular title will take what was going to be an extensive chapter in the Kingdom of Beilean and turn it into a book all on its own. This gazetteer will focus exclusively on every aspect of Spirits, Shades, Soulforged, Soulwarped and the Undead. It will expand on the religions and how they are able to interact with the spirits and the Aether as well as introduce at least two new professions; The Spirit Binders and the Spirit Hunters. Possibly introducing the Banes as well.


Kamarathin Addendum: Author to be determined. A collection of errata and expansion and clarification upon the rules found in 'Kamarathin: Kingdom of Tursh' as well as how introducing many optional rules found in the 'Hero System Advanced Players Guide' and how they can be applied within the setting. In addition, this book will be released after the 6E version of 'Fantasy Hero' and will include any and all relevant material from that title and how it is utilized within Kamarathin.


So, fear not, we have plenty of titles coming your way for Kamarathin, in addition to all of the great world settings that are being developed by our other authors.

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