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Explosion and KA Clarification



The rule for explosion says "the damange done by or effect of the power is one DC or 5 active points less for every 1 inch."


For an EB this is easy because 1 die = 1 DC.


For a killing attack however it's not the case. Can you tell me if I am handling it correctly? I think it would be resolved like this: If I have a 2d6 RKA Ex. and I roll '3','4'


then the damage is:


Hex +1 hex +2 hex +3 hex +4 hex +5 hex

7 body 6 4 3 2 1

2D6 2D6-1 1D6+1 1D6 1D6-1 1 pip


It seems to work right but with one odd exceptions. A DC of 1 on a KA does 1 pip. A DC of 2 does D6-1. If a '1' were rolled would that mean a DC of 2 has a chance at doing less damage than a DC of 1 (in this case 0)? For example, in the case of a '1','1' roll the damage is 2,1,1,0,1. It may seem like an extreme case but it was what got me to thinking I might not be doing it right.


I have used in my above calculations the +1/-1 varient of KA DC's as there is less math to do than with the 1/2 die varient. With better die rolls it does result in more damage than the 1/2 die varient. There isn't any guidance on the subject that I was able to find in FREd.

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