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Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.

SSgt Baloo

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Unfortunately, the inclusion of images has made the resulting document too large to upload as an attachment, and I don't know where to get free online space to upload it for perusal. If anyone wants to see a copy I can email it to you, but keep in mind it's over 2 megs and growing.


If anyone can suggest a free site I can keep files for others to peruse, let me know. Since the demise of Geocities I've been at a loss.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Concord generously donated webspace for these files. I'll let you know when I've updated them. Actually, they've been updated (a lot) since the last time I made them available, so go ahead & have a look.


At This Website. (this whole paragraph is a link. Click anywhere on it.)

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I think it's almost done. I really need grammar and spelling Nazis to check in and let me know what might be improved. I'm hoping someone can look the document over and check for logical inconsistencies and continuity errors. Changes in one section may require changes in other sections and my attention span is kind of feeble, so I don't always get around to fixing inconsistencies. Also, if anyone has suggestions for additional content, I'd be pleased to field suggestions, but keep in mind that I will only implement ideas that appeal to me and fit into my concept of the Way Things Work.


Changes that I can remember off the top of my head:


  1. Added Smokey the Bear.
  2. Added more pictures.
  3. Expanded upon and added detail regarding the Cthulhoid incursion.
  4. Expanded upon and added detail regarding the war between the Ancient Ones and the Krell.
  5. Added Stargate references.
  6. Expanded upon and added detail to the stories of Opar, Gorilla City, and Wakanda.
  7. Added some "Hollow Earth" references.
  8. Expanded upon the story of Krypton. I finally came up with a (kinda-sorta) logical reason for the planet itself to have exploded, and I removed the Supernova story of its destruction.
  9. Added human silhouettes to some of the illustrations to give scale. Many of the pictures may have to be replaced. I finally figured out how to make pictures fit without scaling them down first (which made pixellation obvious).
  10. Added a reason why "Good Doctor Jekyll" would continue taking the Hyde formula after he realizes what he becomes when he takes it.
  11. Added a couple sentences regarding Hugo Danner's childhood development.
  12. Added a reference to the expedition that discovered Lord Greystoke (Tarzan) was alive, but can't seem to remember to look up the names of the other people (specifically Jane and her Father). Help? Please?
  13. The "Great Aurora" start time is supposed to be 10:00 a.m. Colorado time. Could someone check my estimation of Greenwich time to see if it's correct? Remember this was 1908 and there wasn't any "Daylight Saving Time" in the U.S. until 1917.
  14. Added the origin of the "Fortress of Solitude". Two of them, actually. ;)
  15. Gave yet more space to the saga of the ever-put-upon Professor Roy Hinkley Jr.
  16. Altered the "Black Scorpion account to link the events more closely to U.S. above-ground nuclear testing.
  17. Added the launch of the Jupiter Two in 1999.
  18. Added the rise of this universe's "Real" movement. "Norms" are ordinary people who go out in costume and do things like feed the poor, help the homeless, promote literacy, etc.


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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Jane was born Jane Porter; she's American. Who her father was is up to you, as I don't recall it ever being a big issue in the novels. In Wold Newton tradition, you might want to pick a significant literary character with the sirname "Porter"; I often looked for someone with amazing powers if I wanted to justify them in the grandchildren.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I went through and added (or replaced) pictures throughout the document. If anyone thinks they've found a picture worthy of inclusion, post a link to its location here and I'll have a look.


I'm doing my best to make this document internally consistent. I went through the pre-human history and added detail to the Ancients' (formerly Ancient Ones) history and psychology.


I expanded upon the first contact between the Krell and the Ancients, trying to make it clear that the Krell were, in fact, using (mental) violence only as a last resort after other means of persuasion hadn't diverted the Ancients from their intent to harvest and destroy all life on the Krell homeworld.


As well, I made it clear that the Krell didn't destroy all the Ancients, but managed to rehabilitate significant numbers of them.


I'm also modifying parts of the Amazons' history to add in the Greek gods and other familiar trappings. I'm trying to show that the only thing wrong with the Amazons is a lack of humility. I'm not trying to make them Rabidly anti-male feminists, but simply a radical society that came by its disfunctionality honestly.


As I was writing that last line above, I got the mental image of Ma Kettle confronting the Amazons and chewing them out for their arrogance.


"Where did you get the idea you could tell ME what bravery is? You go off and have ten or eleven kids and try to raise 'em all to be proper human bein's without disease or the bears gettin' 'em first. Teach 'em to mind their manners and respect their elders and still make sure they know when they're bein' sold a bill o' goods! /Then/ we'll talk! Now take your ladies' social club and get off my property!! I've got _real_ work to do!"


I promise not to use that last bit in the timeline. ;)


I juggled the 1950s to get rid of (or combine) multiple instances of "Didn't this already happen?"


I also added just a bit more about the Professor, providing him with a clean break from the University that keeps sending him to investigate strange events that end up getting people killed.


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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I loved Virginia Bruce in The Invisible Woman. Nice catch on Kitty Carroll




Much of the timeline is the work of the Wold Newton community, Jess Nevins, David Powers, Al Schroeder, and many others. There are (or were) citations for most novel ideas in the timeline that are the ip of the Wold Newton gang. I re-worked a lot of the material, and liked the idea that most invisible characters are in some way connected back to Griffin.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


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I've taken to working on the post (this one) I'm going to make offline to save time and so I have less trouble remembering what changes I made since last time, since I can write them down as I make them. This isn't entirely effective since I sometimes get caught up in the process and make multiple changes before I remember to write them down. By that time, the only detail I remember is what I just did. :P


I removed more instances of duplicate events and changed the order or timing of some events so the beginning, middle, and end parts happened in that order (instead of jumbled or backwards). My mind doesn't seem to work in strictly chronological fashion, so often I describe an event starting in the middle (or the end) and work my way out to either end. When I write a new paragraph, I frequently end up having to reverse the sentence order for it to finally mean what I meant in the first place. *shrug*


It's late Sunday and I forgot to write down the changes I made, but there were a lot of them so hopefully they are easy to find. Hopefully these documents are more cohesive. I cut and paste the relevant section, 1880 to the end of 1941, from the timeline to the Golden Age supplement, and then have to edit it to make sure the pictures are near the relevant paragraph.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I'm compressing the time-line a bit because even at sub-light speeds, the Ancient/Krell wars should take considerably less than a quarter of a billion years to resolve (the amount of text remains unchanged, I just moved up the start-times of certain events). Sure, they're glorified snails, but they're not that slow. ;)


I removed a redundant event. Nicola Tesla's lab should really only burn down once.


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I'm pretty sure I'm done, with the odd exception of missing and redundant punctuation and perhaps a few unclear passages.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I updated the Golden Age document, adding more info regarding movies that would provide a good illustration of the prevalent culture of those days. I also highly recommend Studs Terkel's oral history* The Good War for its coverage of exceptions to the cultural norms of the day and the racial and cultural tensions which most mainstream newspapers either ignored or relegated to the back pages.


Just in case I made changes that I forgot to document I uploaded the latest version of the timeline as well.


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* Actually, I recommend Studs Terkel's works for a good read regardless of your interests. He was one of the first people to get the Oral History movement going back in the day.

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