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confusion spell


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I know there is a "confusion" spell example in the book, but it doesn't do what I want it to do.


I basically want it to be a mind control effect, with a couple of exceptions.


First, if hit with a physical attack, the control is broken.


Second, once "hit" the target is "confused" for x period of time or until control is broken (see above).


Third, the actions the target takes are random. Half are beneficial (atk nearest opponent), but others are not (atk nearest ally). The beneficial are half and half with the malevolent actions. But even the beneficial aren't good in certain cases (use a healing item on ally). (so thinking at LEAST a -1/4 limitation)


How would you build this. The effects are as listed (d8 result of what happens)


1 - use random magic attack against ally

2 - use beneficial spell or item on ally

3 - atk ally

4 - atk self (which would stop the confuse status)

5 - use full movement to move in random direction

6 - atk opponent

7 - use beneficial spell or item on opponent

8 - use random magic atk against opponent


The spell caster would have no control over which action the target uses.


Any ideas??

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Re: confusion spell


This sounds like the "Set Effect" limitation for Mind Control, which is usually -1/2. However, given that most fixed effects are generally useful "go to sleep", "disperse peacefully", "protect me", and this has a very mixed bag of results, a larger limitation like -1 may be appropriate in this case.


The "control is broken if attacked" thing would be a separate limitation. For Mind Control that's useful out of combat, this might only be -1/4 and even -0. But for this, since you're usually using it in a combat situation, I'd say at least -1/2.

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Re: confusion spell


Yes, this spell will be a Mind Control with a Set Effect: Attack Random Target. That should qualify for at least a -1 Limitation as it severely limits the Mind Control power. Now the rest is something the GM should control, but say that a character under the effects of this spell gets hit in combat, that should qualify them for an additional breakout roll.


I think thats pretty close to the classic Final Fantasy confusion status effect.

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Re: confusion spell


I would forget the exact mechanics and instead focus on the basic concept of the spell. Drain Intelligence might give you basically what you want. Drop the target to 0 Int and they are going to have a lousy Perception Roll and not be able to make decisions very well even if they do manage to get enough sensory input.

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