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Final Fantasy HERO online game. Players wanted


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I was going to "bump" my other thread, but I thought a complete revamp would do better.


In short, the story is borrowed HEAVILY from final fantasy 7. If not familiar, here is an excerpt from the FF wiki:


An energy manufacturing mega company known as Shinra Inc. is harvesting the sheer life energy of the Planet (known as the Lifestream) as a simple fossil fuel. The Lifestream is processed and made into products ranging from electricity and heat to Mako and Materia. The latter two materials can work miracles, granting the wisdom of the Ancients to the user. However, the Lifestream, like most other fuels, is finite in supply, and the Planet's lifeforce is being malevolently drained by the constant exploitation of Mako by Shinra. Though aware of the harmful effects, they function without remorse.


The Planet, occasionally called Gaia, is the world of Final Fantasy VII. It is technologically advanced, with many of the real world modern inventions, such as cars, television, firearms, and cellphones. It is economically, militarily, and politically dominated by a powerful conglomerate called Shinra Co.


The major differences: player specific backgrounds, multitude of races, the Shinra corporation is active in the war against Wutai.


The players will start on a train to their first mission as members of Avalanche, an eco-terrorist cell bent on destroying Shinra and the use of Mako reactors.


Why you join Avalanche is up to you (adventure, revenge, tree-hugger, etc...).


The system we are using is HERO 6e (toolkitted from the fan-made FFRPG). It will have the feel of FF, but the mechanics/balance of HERO. If interested, I'll send you the toolkitting documents for character creation.


time of play: Saturdays (not EVERY week, but most weeks) starting at any time between 9 am EST and 6 pm EST (~4 hour sessions).


My expectations of my players:


1) be punctual


Be on time and if you can't be, let me know you can't. I will always send an advance if we do or don't have a game that week.


2) be polite


To me and the other players. Don't play other people's characters, don't chastise someone for playing a certain way, etc... Don't argue with a ruling I have


3) have fun


it is a game, treat it as such.


Expectations as a GM and "feel" of the game:


I am less green than I used to be, but still a tenderfoot. My experience as a GM is only for D&D. In addition, those were mostly combat heavy games. However, I would like to toughen up and shift more towards the middle between combat and RP. Some of the RP encounters may be rough, but I am going to do my darndest. I chose FF7 because it has lots of opportunity for combat, infiltration/sneaky missions, RP encounters, etc... It may be a LITTLE linear, but, hopefully, it won't feel that way. I am always open to suggestion on how to change/improve. If there is an aspect to the game that you enjoy than another (you want the game to be more combat oriented), I am cool with that. We'll adjust elements as necessary.


And some final notes/thoughts/etc...


If you are unfamiliar with FF7 or FF in general, don't worry. You'll pick up what you need to know quick. As for general FF concepts, I will give you the information you need to make the character you want.


If you are familiar with FF7, that's ok too. Yes, you'll know most of the story, but now you get to experience it from a table-top format. I haven't met too many people (who own the game) who haven't played the game more than once. This is a chance to replay it in a whole new light.


If you are new to the HERO system, not a problem, I am too. I have been immersing myself in the material for a couple of months, but I have not yet played a game or run one. So it will be a learning experience for all. In short, it is a very fun and well-balanced system. It has neat mechanics and I am excited to see how they play.


If you are an old-hand at HERO, come on over. I could always use an expert to call me out on misinterpretations and to help other players with things.


Reply here or PM me if you are interested.

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Re: Final Fantasy HERO online game. Players wanted


Very cool' date=' i loved FF7. Are you going all the way as in Chocobos, Materia, the Weapon bosses etc..?[/quote']


Not quite. Chocobos yes. Materia, kind of. Weapon bosses, the ones involved with the story.


Specifically with materia, it will make your weapons/armor magic. So it will give them firestrike, poisonstrike, bigger dam, bonuses to attack, etc...


The toolkit is HEAVILY based on the FFRPG from http://www.returnergames.com. I like the system in general, but I am not a fan of the specifics. So I retooled it into HERO.


So rob, you want to play??

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Re: Final Fantasy HERO online game. Players wanted


Not quite. Chocobos yes. Materia, kind of. Weapon bosses, the ones involved with the story.


Specifically with materia, it will make your weapons/armor magic. So it will give them firestrike, poisonstrike, bigger dam, bonuses to attack, etc...


The toolkit is HEAVILY based on the FFRPG from www.returnergames.com. I like the system in general, but I am not a fan of the specifics. So I retooled it into HERO.


So rob, you want to play??


I am intrigued, not sure what would be needed to be involved with playing though. If voice chat is needed than i cant participate otherwise it just depends on time.

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