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Setting the range of powers


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What I'm wondering is if there is an established tech range to powers online or in print anywhere.


Ok - background as to why... I haven't played champions in years but plan on starting a campaign in a couple of months - I'll be using 5th edition. One of the issues I had back when I played was establishing parameters for powers, the range of what could be. For example.


Blasters: typical EB type, force damage.


Government agents can access blaster pistols at 30 pts, rifles at 40, and are $$$.


Until/Viper agents can access blaster pistols at 40 pts, rifles at 50.



Tech heroes are at the cutting edge, blaster pistols at 50 pts, rifles at 60.


Alien tech varies by race, but tends to be at tech hero level.


Lasers: typical RKA type, laser/light damage and requires the AP advantage.


Government agents lasers are mounted and at 45 pts.




Is there anything like this written up anywhere?

Suggested tech ranges for access, etc.

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Re: Setting the range of powers


Wow - crickets!


Ok, I guess I've missed the pulse with my query.


Well, further questions:


Has anyone compiled a list of energy types?

Has anyone got a guideline to how many heroes in a city of X size on average?

Has anyone got a mechanic for determining the average total points of folks?

Has anyone figured out the dispersal range for magic, science, mutation, etc origins?


I ask because:


You can attach all kinds of descriptions for EB, but for purpose of vulnerabilites and extra defenses, it would be kind of nice to know.


In preperation for a game, I'm thinking I should have a rough idea of how many heroes are activ6e in a city, state, and country.


The rough power range curve (there is a guy with 1000 pts in the world, but the next highest is no more then 650. The average hero is 200-300 point range. The equivelent of the avengers averages 300-400. Etc.


How common are aliens & their artifacts on the world (& what impact it has on developing technology)? Are you using mutants, and if so, at what % of the population. What are the limits/range effects of psionics?


As an additino - the % of heroes & there power level determines the common awareness of folks, how much reaction to their existance, and such.


I'm not looking for someones specific list, just an idea of what people have organized & concepts they have come up with. Basically a champions power-bible.


Anyone out there besides the darn crickets (written on -20 points).



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Re: Setting the range of powers


Most of the questions you ask are very campaign specific.

Some GMs have aliens and alien tech being fairly common, others make it rare. In fact, it is possible that a GM could have a campaign where Earth has not had any contact with aliens, and it is unknown if there are any.

Some campaigns (like some comic universes) have very few supers, others have many. Similarly, the power levels of campaigns vary. I was in one where the PCs were built on 1000 to 1250 points, but most start much lower.

So the answer to most of your questions is: it depends.

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Re: Setting the range of powers


Yansuf -


Almost everything I asked was campaign specific. I'm trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel. I was looking to see if anyone had broken down their world in a similar way to what I was looking for. Even if I do not share the same beliefs/want the same flavor, it would still be invaluable to see how others have done it. For instance, the range for blasters (and what type of energy they are) doesn't need to match others games. But the logic & range they give them would still be useful. For example, perhaps I didn't break it down the best way, perhaps budget would be a more accurate method. A 15d6 blaster is possible, but it costs over 2 million and leaks radiation, killing the user within a year. Perhaps energy types I haven't thought of, or rather then worrying about total points, I should instead focus on DC limits.



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Re: Setting the range of powers


Yes. There are guidelines. Pages of pages of guidelines in the Champions supplement. Champions Universe applies them to the "official" CO setting. The old Fifth Edition Ultimate Energy Projector doesn't answer campaign specific questions, but gives you pretty much everything you'd ever need in terms of a list of types of energy projectors.


So, yes, there's answers, and you can buy them. And that would be good. Steve Long is not a millionaire. He does not own a mansion or a yacht.

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Re: Setting the range of powers


Hello Lawnmower Boy:


Cool! I'll see if I can locate a used copy of champions universe (I have a tight budget - I'm unemployed). The ultimate energy projector breaks down energy types and the related effect (blasters do... force dmg, or fire, or physical force, or...)? So two books... Hrrm.


Since I do not plan on using the champions universe (I've got my own in mind), is there a sample for the format used or an example of someone's own world info? I'm not looking to use someone elses info, but rather I want to have a foundation/floorplan for mine. Does anyone have an example file I could take a look at? Suggestions for things I should cover before starting my game? Again, I don't need a copy of your world, just an idea of things I need to cover. I've got a fair idea, but it has been so long I'm sure I am missing some important concepts.


As to the books - thank you for the information, all I have to do now is scrape up the funds. Thank you for your feedback, it gives me something to work with!


Oh - a thought! Does anyone have their world on a web site I could peruse?

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