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Time Bomb Power


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I am new to Hero System and I have read through the Basic book a couple of times and I am working my way through the main two big books (boy are they think with information!!!)


I have an idea for a mutant character and I am not sure how to go about this [Note that I actually think this character existed in a Marvel comic or something similar so I am not claiming originality here :) )


Mutant Power: Time Bomb!

The character can toss energy bombs that do blast damage with an area afffect. The Character can also delay the energy/time bomb's blast and have it go off later.


I figure I start with BLAST 8D6 [40pts]

Add in area of effect 5-8m [+1/2] => 60pts

Delay (only have my basic book so is there a variable delay power?) so lets just say +1/2 for sake of argument

ACTIVE Cost: 80pts


Limitations: Requires a roll -1/2


Total cost = [40*(2)]/1.5 = > 53 pts


Am I doing this right or is there a better way to do this? Any help would be appreciated!





PS I find the rules fairly straight forward until I try to build something and its hard to figure which advantage or limiation to use and how to use them.

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Re: Time Bomb Power


Sorry, but delayed effect is most like not the right way. It's there for "I make 90% of the Spell Casting now, and can finish it whenever I want" szenarios. So it's more for magic systems with limited memorizing.


The easiest way to build a timebomb is a simple trigger (+1/4) "after X amount of time has passed".

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Re: Time Bomb Power


Thank you!!!!

That makes a lot more sense!


I do like this system and the Champions campaign but I do find applying the advantages and limitations the only difficulty - not with the game but with my understanding of the game!


Thanks again!!!

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Re: Time Bomb Power


Let's really make this:

If you only want a time bomb or a landmine, a simple +1/4 Trigger should be enough*. However, the GM may require you to buy "Absolute time sense" Talent for this timebomb Trigger (-2), all Triggered Powers (-1) or Generally have it to hit the "right" time precisely. Alternatively the entire thing could Require something like a Demolition Roll (see "Requires a Roll").


When you want almost anything that you could do with explosives - time bomb, mine, vibration detonator - then this requires the 1/2 Version of Trigger. Note that the more fancy triggers are always limited to what you character could percieve (so when the enemy would be invisible for him, he is for the set bomb).

Like above you can buy senses for the bombs only with a limitation.


When you wan't combo triggers (a bomb that goes of after time, via radio signal or via vibration detonator), this 1/4 or 1/2 more Advantage.


You can usually save something (1/4 less advantage) by applying things like "Trigger can expire" (time limit for non-timed bombs) or "Trigger can missfire" (a radio bomb that has a chance to go of when someone brings a radio transmission device near).



*6E1 351: "Landmine (RKA 2d6, Explosion, Trigger [when sufficient pressure applied; +¼])"

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Re: Time Bomb Power


Thanks again!!!


Can you have a variable trigger? Let's say you want to throw the energy/time bomb and have it explode on impact OR it can be tossed or placed to explode when triggered?

Would that still be the same +1/4 or maybe +1/2?

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Re: Time Bomb Power


Thanks again!!!


Can you have a variable trigger? Let's say you want to throw the energy/time bomb and have it explode on impact OR it can be tossed or placed to explode when triggered?

With the 1/4 version you have one trigger and it is the same every time you use/set the power.

With 1/2 you can choose one out of any number of triggers, every time you use/set it.

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