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Repeated Healing

Duane From RI


Sorry if this was answered years ago, I sort of "thought I knew" the answer for a long time but have recently begun to rethink it. Anyways...


The default rule is that a character can only be Healed of a particular characteristic once per day by each individual healer. However the paragraphs on Maximum Effect seem to indicate that an individual can perform multiple healings of the same target but must 1) Beat his previous rolls and 2) Only heal to a particular max.


Is repeated healing allowed with the restrictions of maximum effect or is repeated healing out of bounds entirely?

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Re: Repeated Healing


The maximum effect rules discussed on 6E1 136 specifically note that they don't apply to Healing. Healing has its own rules on this subject, on 6E1 232-33.


However, to answer what I think you’re asking, I’m going to restate your question so that it’s clear to everyone. If I’ve misinterpreted your question and haven’t answered you, please post a follow-up and I’ll give it another shot. :)


Q: The rules on 6E1 232-33 discuss the repeated use of Healing and the maximum effect of Healing. The rules state that the maximum effect a use of Healing can have equals the maximum that could be rolled on the dice, and that Healing rolls after the first must exceed the first (and only provide additional Healing to the extent they do). This seems to imply that a character could use a Healing power multiple times on a target during a day until he achieves the maximum result (if ever). However, the rules on 6E1 232 state that a Healing power can only be used on a given character once per day. Is it possible for a character to re-use a Healing power on a target multiple times per day until he achieves his maximum effect?


A: If a character has a Healing power, the “one use per day” of that Healing per target does not mean “one use per day, regardless of the result rolled.” It means “only usable up to its maximum effect once per day.” As noted on 6E1 233, the maximum result can be achieved using one or more rolls (provided later rolls exceed the first roll(s), and only to that extent). By definition this means a character can use a Healing power on the same target more than once per day — he just can’t provide more than his maximum amount of Healing per day.


On a related point, in the case of Healing applied to STUN, BODY, and other “defensive Characteristics” (see 6E1 141), the effect of the Healing is halved. The character using Healing can still Heal up to the maximum shown on the dice, but the halving effect still limits how much total STUN and BODY the target regains. However, the GM may choose to ignore this rule in the case of Healing STUN and/or BODY in the interest of streamlining game play.


Example: The renowned philosopher Doctor Pellidarius is a wizard of some renown. Included in his repertoire of spells is one that provides Simplified Healing 6d6. That means he can provide up to 36 STUN, 12 BODY per day (though per the rule on 6E1 141, this effect is halved, to 18 STUN, 6 BODY total).


When Doctor Pellidarius uses his spell to Heal his warrior friend Zerkon, he rolls 21 STUN, 6 BODY (halved to 11 STUN, 3 BODY). He can keep Healing Zerkon up to his maximum of 36 STUN and 12 BODY (halved to 18 and 6) with one or more additional rolls during the course of the day — the “once per day” rule on 6E1 232 doesn’t restrict him to just one roll per day regardless of the results, it restricts him to one maximum Healing per target per day.

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