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Knockback Clarification



Good day.


Want clarify knockback rules.


1) Knockback into a object. The Body of the object used in determining Knockback. Is it the objects current body or maximium? Assuming Current.

2) If an object is knockbacked 30m breaks through a wall and continues for 15m:

a) If he hit the ground would they take another 3d6 damage?

B) hits a wall after 5m, to determine if they break through the wall would you use total knockback or work the knock back as if it started from the wall broken through, 15m in this case. That would determine if they take 7d6 damage (based on knockback after breaking through the wall) or 15d6 damage based on the overall knockback if they did not break through the second wall?


Theoretically the object could pass through several walls. taking damage from each before stopping.


3) Does any sort of defense reduce damage from knockback, or would how the defense works determine this.


Thank you

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Re: Knockback Clarification


1. When a character hits an object (such as a wall) when Knocked Back (so that the PD + BODY of the object determine how many dice are rolled for Knockback damage), the calculation depends on the object’s current BODY, not its BODY when in full repair.


2. When a character is Knocked Back with sufficient force to go through a wall or other object, the damage he takes is determined based on the PD + BODY of that object, as described in 6E2 116. Even though the character might in theory continue on to hit another object (or, eventually, the ground), generally he doesn’t take further damage from doing so — the damage from breaking through the object can be taken to represent the overall damage he takes from everything involved in that particular instance of Knockback.


If the GM wants to be more “precise” or “realistic” and calculate damage for everything a character hits along his “Knockback path” (including the ground, eventually), he’s free to do so, but it’s up to him to decide how that works rules-wise. ;)


3. Knockback Resistance reduces the amount of Knockback taken, and thus the damage. Any sort of Physical defense (PD, PD Resistant Protection, Physical Damage Negation, and so on) reduces the damage as per usual — Knockback is just an ordinary physical impact, not an AVAD.

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