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Meta Power: Instant Change (Comments Welcomed)


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I don't know if APG2 or the full rules covers "Instant Change" as an example power, but I miss the full power in the BBB, so I tried to recreat it using Transformation as a base. What I created is below. Enjoy.


Name: Instant Change

Type: Special Power/"Attack" Power

Duration: Instant

Range: Self And Self's Clothing Only

Cost END: Yes (othoe GMs can wave the cost if thay wish)

Cost: 3 Charater Points for the base power, with apropeate adders for expanded effects.


A charater with this power can change his clothing as a zero phase action to a defined costume or uniform and back again. The charater defines exactly what the costume looks like when he creats the charater, and it normaly can not be changed (the GM might alow the costume to be modified at a later date to reflect 'radiation acadents' which increse the charater's powers). The costume does not normaly have it's own powers. To have an empowered costume, the player must spend charater points as normal and defind the costume as a source of the powers as opose to himself. (Focus and Only In Alternate Identity are common limitations to reflect such changes which costume/powers do. The GM can alow OIAID for players with Instant Change, in spite of the full phase requierments, if it dosen't disrupt gameplay or give an unfair advantage).


Not all charaters need Instant Change. If a 'costume' is merly an activation of another power (like Multiform or Resistant Protection), it is not needed. It is not needed for charaters with no control over the change (like thoes with the complication Accidental Change). It is also not needed if the change is a non-stopable special effect (like villians like Dark Serpa and White Rhino).


Because of it's nature, do not alowe advantages which alowe it to be used on others (to do so, just buy Transformation). While Instant Change is 'based' on Transformation, please ignore the BODY and Power Defence of the target clothing/self.


The power can be drained. This does not reverse the transformation, but once the transformation is fadded, it can't be restarted till the drained points return.


A person with this power usaly cannot use this to disguise himself. As an option, a person with Incresed Wardrobe or Unlimited Wardrobe AND the Disguise skill can do so.




Incresed Wardrobe: +1 Charater Point for X2 wardrobe, up to +4 Charater Points for X16 difrent costumes. More than that, please use "Unlimited Wardrobe" instead.


Unlimited Wardrobe: +5 Charater Points for an infident amount of costumes.


No Idenity Conection: Normaly there is a conection of some kind, so that if you unmask infrount of someone you know (without turning off this power) thay will know your that costumed person. For + 1 Charater Point, there is enougth difrences between idenities that makes such idenity conections null. This might be because of difrences in hair color or eye color, body structer, or even some sort of minor magic or psionic effect which keeps people 'in the dark' unless thay see you change.


Gender Change: Normaly a male charater can only change into a male charater, and a female charater can only change into a female charater. For +1 Charater Points, the charater crosses the gender line. Note that a male who changes into a female still looks rather like a female version of the male person (to look not like a female version of yourself, you must also take No Idenity Conection).


Nude Change: Normaly, you need to be wearing something to use this power (even if it is just a bathtowle or a necklace or a bedsheet). For +5 Charater Points, the charater can change into the costume even if he is in the buff.

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Re: Meta Power: Instant Change (Coments Welcomed)


Behind The Curtan Section.


This is how I came up with the cost for the power.


Base Power: 1d6 Cosmetic Transformation (clothing to another set clothing), Area Of Effect (Surface, +1/4), No Range (-1/2). Active Cost: 4. Real Cost: 3.


Incresed Wardrobe and Unlimited Wardrobe: GM fiat.


No Idenity Conection: 1d6 Cosmetic Transformation (looks to another look, can not impersanate others normaly), Self Only (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked (to Base Change, -1/2). Active Cost: +3. Real Cost: +1.


Gender Change: 1d6 Cosmetic Transformation (gender. Note: male to female transformations cannot get pregnet or menstrate...usaly), Self Only (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked (to Base Change, -1/2). Active Cost: +3/ Real Cost: +1.


Nude Change: Replace Base Change to 1d6 Major Transformation (air to set clothing...can also be used for clothing to set clothing), Area of Effect (Surface, +1/4), No Range (-1/2). Active Cost: 13 points. Real Cost: 8 points. As an added effect: +5 points (8-3=5).

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Re: Meta Power: Instant Change (Coments Welcomed)


Power Examples.


Magical Girl Henshin: Instant Change, No Indenity Conection, Incarnations (-1/4), Gesters (-1/4), Focus (Henshin Wand/Pen, IAF, -1/2). Active Cost: 4. Real Cost: 3. END Cost: 1.


Speedster's Superspeed Change And Costume Storage Ring: Instant Change, Concentrate (1/2 DCV, -3 to PER Roll, -1/4), Increased END (X5, -2), Focus (IIF, Ring -1/4). Active Cost: 3. Real Cost: 1. END Cost: 5.


Powered Armor Mechcase: Instant Change, Reduce Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (breefcase, IAF, -1/2). Active Cost: 5. Real Cost: 3. END Cost: 0.

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Re: Meta Power: Instant Change (Coments Welcomed)


Power Examples.


Magical Girl Henshin: Instant Change, No Indenity Conection, Incarnations (-1/4), Gesters (-1/4), Focus (Henshin Wand/Pen, IAF, -1/2). Active Cost: 4. Real Cost: 3. END Cost: 1.


Speedster's Superspeed Change And Costume Storage Ring: Instant Change, Concentrate (1/2 DCV, -3 to PER Roll, -1/4), Increased END (X5, -2), Focus (IIF, Ring -1/4). Active Cost: 3. Real Cost: 1. END Cost: 5.


Powered Armor Mechcase: Instant Change, Reduce Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (breefcase, IAF, -1/2). Active Cost: 5. Real Cost: 3. END Cost: 0.



These last three illustrate to me why Instant Change is a good idea. Yes, you can change your appearance with just the SFX of activating a power. However, when the change itself has limitations, it's easier I think to hang those limitations on the Instant Change power than trying to put them on each and every power in a character's repertoire.


Instant Change (or any type of change) could be more important when a character has "Only in Alternate Identity" too.

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Re: Meta Power: Instant Change (Coments Welcomed)


These last three illustrate to me why Instant Change is a good idea. Yes, you can change your appearance with just the SFX of activating a power. However, when the change itself has limitations, it's easier I think to hang those limitations on the Instant Change power than trying to put them on each and every power in a character's repertoire.


Instant Change (or any type of change) could be more important when a character has "Only in Alternate Identity" too.


Thank you. I do have it as a power for my 'magical girl' charater Lady Heart. So I decided to post the power first before posting his/her stats in the Champions fourm. And yes, he does have OIAID as a limitation to most of his/her powers.

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