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The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


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REcently under various influences I sat down and made thirteen supervillianess. Not having a use for them in the immediate future, I decided to post them all here. Youtr welcome or sorry as the case may be:) O.k. a few disclaimers first their 5th edition, so 6th users will need to convert. Second doing thirteen in a week and a half, I can't say I'm perfectly happy with the results. The campain use sections are a particular sore point. Still what do you want for nothing.? So nitpickers will be laughed at, constructive critisim welcomed.


Table of Contents


Post 1- Into and table of contents

Post 2- The Bee

Post 3- Brutalia

Post 4-Dark Witch

Post 5-Dr. Krule

Post 6-Iron Thunder

Post 7-Jestina

Post 8-Jungle Cat

Post 9- Miss Mist

Post 10- The Plundress

Post 11-The Psiast

Post 12- Spark

Post 13-Weeping Lilly

Post 14- Lady Crime

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


The Bee


15 str 5

24 dex 42

18 con 16

14 body 8

18 int 8

13 ego 6

18 pre 8

14 com 2

18 pd 15

18 ed 14

6 spd 26

9 rec 4

36 end

31 stun

6 run

2 swim

40 Shrink .24 height -8 per +8 dcv +12 kb (40)

30 Insect wings fight 15" (30)

45 Stingers rka 3d6 (45)

5 hardened skin damage resistance 5pd/5ed

42 Honeygun multipower (60) oif-1/2

5u Honey in your eye Flash 6d6 all sight (60) charges 16 doesn’t effect desolid -1/4

4u Loads of Honey entangle 6d6 (60) charges 8 -1/2

3 concealment 14-

3 computer programing 13-

3 climbing 14-

3 cramming 13-

2 ks scientific world 11-

3 ks insects 14-

2 ks science fiction 11-

2 ps scientist 11-

3 ss entomology 14-

2 ss zoology 11-

2 biology 11-

4 +2 lv with Honeygun

15 Hunted Superteam (mp,captre,8- )

20 Hunted Cops (mp, nci, capture, 8-)

20 psyche Code against killing (c,t)

15 psyche fascinated with insects (c,s)

15 only cares about her research (c,s)

10 enraged when her scientific theories mocked (u,11- go, 8- rec)

5 1d6 untuck

10 x2 stun chemical attacks

15 secret id Dr. Peggy Higgins

42 xp

Background/ History

Peggy Higgins was always fascinated by insects, so when she grew up to study them for a living no one was surprised. Unfortunately while she was a good scientist her theories were dismissed as jokes, by those who didn’t refer to her as a fringe looney. Determined to get some proof of her belief that aliens were behind the drop in the bee population, she went on a wilderness trek.

It seemed she had proof when one night an alien spacecraft crashed near her camp. With great delight she watched as the large insect like being emerged. Sure she was about to prove her theories she rushed forward. Only for the alien to collapse. As it turned out, it hadn’t crashed for technical reasons, but was very sick. It’s sensors had located the cure for the disease in the surrounding plant life. Peggy followed the aliens directions, and soon it was feeling much better. It asked Peggy how it could repay her.

Peggy instantly demanded the alien return to civilization, and tell the world what it had done to the bees. The alien informed her it had nothing to do with bees, and wasn’t going anywhere but home. It asked for a final time if it could do anything for her. Peggy asked for insect powers. The alien obliged. It modified Peggy so she could shrink down, and grow insect wings. The only thing Peggy didn’t like was the alien gave her the ability to shoot barbed stingers. Afterwards the alien left.

As she returned to civilization Peggy decided two things. First, now that proof of her beliefs had literally dropped in her lap she wouldn’t put up with anymore ridicule. Second, since no one wanted to fund her research she’d just steal the funding. However there was one thing she had to do first. After making a costume, she robbed a series of high tech companies to build her honeygun.

No longer forced to rely on her possibly lethal stingers for protection, The Bee has embarked on a crime spree of high ticket items. Though highly successful Peggy has run into a slight problem. She has no criminal connections, so she has no idea where to find a fence. And she’s afraid of going to a pawnshop for fear they’ll report her to the police. So her apartment is filled with piles of furs and other things, she doesn’t know how to get rid of. From now on The Bee is stealing cash.

Personality/ Motivation

Dr. Peggy Higgins is more scientist than criminal. Though she is starting to enjoy the rush of robbing, she’s mainly interested in doing research. As a result she’s pleasant, and somewhat inept.

She has no interest in fighting or arguing over philosophical debates about right or wrong.

Quote "Careful this is the bug that steps on you. Did that sound suitably threatening?"


The Bee doesn’t have any real combat tactics, and doesn’t want any. If she has no choice but to fight, she uses the honeygun to blind or immobilize foes. After which she flies away or hides. Preferably taking whatever she was trying to steal with her. Only under the most desperate circumstances will she use her stingers against a living person.

Campaign use.

The Bee makes for an interesting foil for how the heroes act in the Campaign. As a starter villainess with no real interest in crime, she might go many ways. The heroes have a real chance to influence either she becomes a dangerous and longstanding foe, reform, or just the occasional nuisance


The Bee is a 5'6" woman with bobbed brown hair. She wears a yellow top with black stripes, and a skirt colored the same. She wears yellow gloves, and brown boots. She also wears a large pair of goggles, yellow on the left, black on the right

Plot seeds.

Giant bees attack the city. The Bee claims she knows who is responsible, but won’t tell unless some of the bees are captured alive and given to her for study.

Odd and annoying things start happening to a hero. After a few incidents he spots The Bee following him. Why has the villainess decided to harass him?

The Bee stops using her honeygun and starts throwing her stingers around indiscriminately. What has turned her into a cold blooded killer

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition



60 str 50

18 dex 24

25 con 30

15 body 10

13 int 3

13 ego 6

20 pre 10

12 com 1

12/ 25 pd

5/ 20 ed

5 spd 22

17 rec

50 end

58 stun

6/ 12 run

2/ 4 swim

42 Hardened skin armor 13pd/15ed (42)

20 Unbudging knockback resistance -10 (20)

10 Solid lack of weakness -10 (10)

10 Unshakeable power defense 10 (10)

8 Tough damage resistance 12 pd/4 ed (8)

60 Groundslam eb phy 8d6 (40) area line +1 only against things on the ground -1/2

12 Strong legs running +6 (12)

8 Strong legs 2 superleap (8)

2 Strong swimming swim 2 (2)

10+2 lv hand to hand

5 defensive maneuver 1&2

2ks local gangs 11-

2 ks underworld 11-

2 ck Campaign city 11-

2 ls English (Spanish is native)

2 ps legbreaker 11-

3 streetwise 13-

20 Hunted police

15 Hunted superteam

10 Public id Santina Delgado

15 psych bully (c,s)

20 loves to fight (vc, s)

15 wants to be respected as henchwoman (c,s)

15 dnpcs brothers (n,2x,8-)

10 rep violent enforcer (ext, 8-)

36 Exp

Background/ History

The Delgado brothers were bad seeds from the word go. Mean and violent they quickly rose to the heights of their neighborhood gang. They were also very much admired by their younger sister Santina. Seeing the fear and respect in people’s faces as they walked down the street, she wanted them to look at her that way. It wasn’t long till she joined her brothers in committing crimes.

One night the gang broke into a warehouse to rob the place. Santina had just opened a crate containing vials of something labeled Br-1867 and other chemicals, when a super attacked. In the fight the crate fell over and the contents spilled on Santina. Gaining superstrength she managed to get her brothers out of the warehouse.

The next day the Delgados announced they were quitting the gang. Santina put all those who objected into the hospital, and word hit the street. A new enforcer was in town. And Brutalia has quickly become a name to be feared.

Personality/ motivation

Brutalia is a thug. Whether she prefers the look of fear on peoples faces more than hurting them, or the other way around is hard to say. Whats easy to say is she enjoys both, and would hurt people even if she didn’t get paid. But she prefers to get paid. Thus she has become very conscious of her street reputation.

Quote "So where do you want to bleed from first?"


Brutalia is a straight forward fighter. If there distance she starts off with a ground slam. Once in close she starts pounding until he opponent stops moving. Then considers stopping.

Campaign use

Brutalia is an excellent person for using as team muscle. She’ll work for anyone if the pay is right.

So she fits into most teams pretty easily.


Brutalia is a 5'8" hispanic woman with long brown hair in a ponytail. She doesn’t use a costume, and is usually found just wearing jeans, a t shirt, and black jacket.

Plot seeds

The Delgado brothers kidnap a muscular heros dnpc and threaten to hurt them only if the hero loses a public fight to their sister.

Information on one of Brutalia’s employers is being leaked to the heros. They find the leak and it’s Brutalia. What is she up too?

Brutalia starts robbing chemical warehouses. Is she trying to find a way to give her brothers superpowers giving the world two new supervillians to worry about?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Dark Witch

13 str 3

21 dex 33

18 con 16

14 body 8

10 int

18 ego 16

20 pre 10

20 com 5

3/ 18 pd

4/ 23 ed

6 spd 29

7 rec

36 end

35 stun 5

6/ 12 run

2 swim

60 Dark Magic multipower (60)

12 Black bolt eb 12d6 (60)

12 Dire bolt 8d6 armor piercing +1/2 (40)

8 Play of shadows mind control10d6 telepathic 1-/4 only to make stand still-1/2

12 hungry darkness Drain 4d6 (60 ) ranged +1/2 return 1 minute +1/4 gestures -1/4

2 Guardian of dark vision flash defense (10) cost end-1/2

2 shrouded mind mental defense (10) cost end -1/2

11 walk behind shadows teleport 20" (20) only through dark areas -1/2 gestures -1/4

5 acting 15-

3 computer programing 11-

3 concealment 11-

3 conversation 15-

3 gambling 11-

3 high society 14-

2 ks mystic world 11-

2 ks powerful people 11-

2 ks luxury items 11-

2 ls french

5 persuasion 15-

5 seduction 15-

3 streetwise 14-

6 + 2 lv with Dark Magic

20 hunted Trismegistus Council (mp,nci, capture, 8-)

15 hunted Demon (ap, nci, capture, 8-)

15 superteam (mp, capture, 8-)

15 psyche likes to manipulate people (c,s)

15 psyche wants to build a cult (c,s)

15 demands luxury (c,s)

10 distinctive features mystic aura (nc, an, unusual detect)

15 secret id Megan Milcross

38 exp


Megan had always enjoyed life. Beautiful and charming she found it easy to get people to do things for her. She got through most of high school not having to pay for anything, because some man was around for her to get to buy it. Unfortunately for her one of the things they gave her was a drug addiction. After high school Megan spent her time going from one sugar daddy to another. And if one wasn’t available she’d act as a prostitute on the street. Whatever it took to keep a steady supply of drugs to put up her nose.

One night a john picked her up and started explaining how he was a sorcerer. He was looking to get more members into his mystic order, and had decided Megan would be perfect for luring in new members. Not believing in magic, Megan ignored his rambling and just wished he’d hurry up so she could get paid. Suddenly robed figures grabbed her, and dragged her into a secret chamber. As she screamed in terror, he explained that she was useless to him as she was. He then said he would change her with magic. Ignoring her desperate pleas they, then began a mystic ceremony.

When it was over, Megan found she no longer had any urge to do drugs.

Megan quickly agreed to join, and became their top recruiter. But the cult leader had made an error. He apparently thought Megan was serving him out of gratitude. Actually he was dealing with the old Megan. Having gone from being the one people would give anything to be with to doing anything people wanted, sickened her. She determined to be the top of the food chain again, and that meant taking over the cult. To that end she quickly worked her way into his bed, and soon learned which of the magic paripinalia lying around was for show and which held true power. She then studied in secret. It turned out she had a natural aptitude, and soon mastered several spells. When she was ready she killed the old leader in a sneak attack and declared herself leader.

Unfortunately for Megan it turned out to be one of the cults DEMON used to separate the gifted from the rest of humanity. They didn’t look kindly on her betrayal. Soon the cult was in ruins and Megan on the run. Still she had started from worse positions, and now had true power. Renaming herself the Dark Witch Megan has begun trying to build up a power base.

Personality/ Motivation

Megan is at heart a user. She likes to get what she can out of people, and when their no longer of use she throws them away. Having spent years scrounging on the streets she isn’t above theft. Still its much more gratifying to manipulate someone into giving her what she wants.

Quote "Well of course I’m trying to seduce you. And your going to let me. How else will you learn my evil plot?"

Powers/ tactics

The Dark witch alters her tactics depending on if she has a use for whoever she’s fighting. If not she’ll use hungry darkness to drain them, and blast them with her dark bolt. If she hopes to get something out of them, she uses play of shadows halt any fighting so she can talk to them.

Campaign use

The Dark Witch makes an excellent mid tier master villain for any mystic heroes as she tries to build up a cult. She can also serve on a superteam, as the most likely to betray them to the heroes. If all else fails every straight laced hero needs a sexy villainess to try and reform


At 5'*’ the Dark With has long black hair and brown eyes. In the field she wears a skimpy one piece black outfit, black high heel boots, long black gloves, and a black cape. Her hair flowing behind her. Lounging around the base she changes to a Veronica Lake come over, and n even skimpier two piece.

Plot seeds

A vice-president at some corporation important to the pcs has died, and the replacement nominee is a shock. The Dark Witch

People start showing up wandering around in the park in a dazed state. Each was missing for at least three hours. Nothing seems to have been taken. And the last thing any of them can remember is seeing a woman who meets the Dark Witch’s description.

The Dark Witch has embarked on a very strange string of burglaries. She breaks in, steals one valuable item, and leaves it behind at her next robbery. Why?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Dr. Krule

13 str 3

21 dex 33

18 con 16

14 body 8

23 int 13

20 ego 20

20 pre 10

16 com 3

3/ 20 pd

4/ 20 ed

5 spd 19

7 rec

36 end

30 stun

6 run

2 swim

3 bureaucratics 13-

3 computer programing 14-

3 electronics 14-

3 inventor 14-

2 ks history 11-

2 ks philosophy 11-

2 ks literature 11-

2 ks Nazi Germany 11-

2 ks military conquests 11-

2 ks scientific world 11-

2 ls English (german is native)

2 ls Spanish

2 ls Japaneese

2 ls Mandarin

3 +2 range levels with multigun

3 Mechanics 14-

3 paramedics 14-

3 ps scientist 14-

3 ss biology 14-

3 ss genetics 14-

3 ss chemistry 14-

3 ss zoology 14-

3 organic chemistry 14-

3 physics 14-

3 systems operations 14-

3 tactics 14-

8 wealth 3 million a year

150 bases 2 75 point bases40 followers 16 Brutemen 98 points +35 disads

20 ff 17pd/ 16 ed 11f -1/4

60 multigun eb 8d6 (40) +1 variable advantage up to +1/2 advantage oif-1/2

9 Biocharger elemental control (15) iif-1/4 8 charges -1/2

15 Boost muscle aid str 3d6 (15)

15 Boost reflexes aid spd 3d6 (15)

15 Boost movement aid running 3d6 (15)

25 Behold my creation summon 400 point creature (400) Extra time 1 moth -5, Any being +1 slavish +1

20 Hunted Superteam (mp, public id, capture, 8-)

25 Hunted Prinus (Mp, nci, public id, capture, 8-)

15 public id Doctor Helga Krule (f,major)

15 psyche born to lead (c,s)

10 psyche scientific curiosity (c.m)

15 overconfidence (c,s)

10 psyche meticulous (c,m)

15 reputation immoral monster maker (ex, 11-)

385 xp

Background/ History


Helga Krule is the granddaughter of a Nazi who escaped to South America. He instilled the Nazi beliefs into her parents. They in turn convinced the young Helga that she was one of the people destined to begin the new fifth reich. To prepare she studied many sciences and began learning more about the ideological foundation for the movement. One day she came to the conclusion Nazi’s are idiots. True there are people who were born to stand above the common sheep, she was one, but it had nothing to do with genetics. Though her studies of genetics fascinated her. The ability to take apart and rearrange the very building blocks of life appealed to her greatly.

It was in college she first tried out what would be called her bruteman formula. She just called it br-127. She assured her subjects that unlike any steroid, it would increase strength and stamina with no side effects. Of course she knew their would be, and was interested to learn what they were. The physical mutations were fascinating. Fortunately she had planned for they violent response when her subjects learned the truth. She was promptly kicked out of the college.

Since then Dr. Krule has continued with her experiments,. Most of which seem to consist of making a monster out of a horror movie and releasing it to see what happens, or to attack someone. Recently Dr. Krule has looked around and taken stock. She has money, the ability to make an army, and a safe place from which to work despite the rabble who would try to lower her to the common peasants. Happy with the results she’s decide to make a go at world conquest.

Personality/ Motivation

Dr. Krule wants two things. To be obeyed without question, and to toy with peoples genetic code. She consider both to be her right, but understands people are too stupid to see that. So she doesn’t get too upset when someone tries to foil her plans. She’ll succeed in the end anyway.\

Quote "Voice your opinion all you want. Neither I nor history will note it."

Powers/. Tactics

Tactics? Dr. Krule dose not sully her hands on silly fights with her lessers. Prepare to be eaten by her latest creation. Though in an emergency, she does have a personal force field and a gun with multiple attachments.

Campaign use

Dr. Krule is a budding world conqueror, and has the basis to pull it off. As she’s just making the transition she can be used either as focus of a story arc trying to wreck her first efforts, or simply as a source or strange villain to fight.


Dr. Krule is a 5'9" Blonde hair blue eyed beauty. Before she rejected Nazism she would have described herself as the perfect aryan. She wears a blue uniform that appears mlitiristic, but is of her own design. Her hair is always firmly in a tight bun, and she wears a monocle.

Plot seeds

Dr. Krule went on t.v. and announced that Teleios was a fraud. She then unleashed five monsters more powerful than any she had made before. Has the same mysterious force that visited Teleios visited her, and what will the master geneticist do about it?

A new superteam has been stealing the pc’s spotlight lately. Dr.Krule announces that one of the members is actually her creation. She defies anyone to prove who it is. Is she lying, and if so why?

Several of Dr. Krule’s earlier creations are being sent to a makeshift zoo. A group of monstrosities loyal only to her would make great additions to her army, if she can steal them back. The pc’s try to prevent that.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Iron Thunder

10/50 str *# 20

15/21 dex *# 24

13/20 con *# 13

13 int 3

13 go 6

10/ 20 pre * 5

12 com 1

2/22 pd

3/23 ed

2/6 spd * 23

9 rec 8

26 end

33 stun 11

6 run

2 swim


#=no figured char -1/2

40 Iron Thunder Armor 20/20 oif-1/2 (60)

40 Bring the Thunder eb 8d6 area effect radius +1 oif-1/2 (60)

40 Thunder beam 12d6 -1./2 oif (60)

27 Solid Thunder Missle peb 8d6 exp+1/2 oif -1/2 charges 8 -1/2)

27 Boot jets flight 20"x4 nc (60 ) oif-1/2

9 life support self contained breath, safe enviro low pres/vac high pres oif-1/2

6 Sensors ir and uv vision oif -1/2

3 combat driving 12-

3 computer programing 12-

3 demolitions12-

3 electronics 3 ls Spanish (English is Native)

2 ks cars- 11-

2 ks underworld 11-

2 ks high tech scores11-

3 lockpicking 12-

3 mechanics 12-

2 ps driver 11-

3 slight of hand 12-

3 streetwise 11-

5 tf common motorized ground vehicles, two wheeled motor vech, construction&ag, skateboard.

15 hunted sperteam (mp,capture, 8-)

20 hunted cops (mp, nci, 8-)

10 watched by her family (mp, nci, 11-)

15 psyche car nut (c,s)

15 protective of family (c,s)

15 lokves to tinker(c,s)

15 secret id Susan Gerat

20 dnpc family (N,8-, x4)

15 xp


Susan Gerat comes from an odd family. Her cousin is a con artist, her father if a burglar, she has one uncle who is a smuggler, and another who runs a chop shop. Between them they have a criminal empire that stretches throughout the city. Susan who developed a love of cars at an early age prefers hanging out at her uncle’s chop shop. She’s spent mainly a pleasant hour taking apart some stolen car or other and rebuilding them into new ones.

One day her father netted a bunch of high tech components in a heist. They were too advanced for his usual sources, so he took them to his brother’s chop shop. When his daughter pleaded with him to let her try and make something out of them, he couldn’t refuse. The family had expected her to try and soup up a car. They were rather surprised when she made a suit of powered armor. Their first thought was to try and sell it, But Susan wouldn’t let them and decided to use it. The family was hesitant to let her, there are some very violent superheroes out there, But they agreed.

Susan has proven very effective using the armor, and is having the time of her life. At first she just used it to keep an eye on her family’s criminal interests. Though she’s become something rather unique a superhero to criminals. Trapped in the bank before you could escape? Iron Thunder will save you. Cops have the evidence that will put you away? Iron Thunder will see to it that it never reaches the station. Incriminating evidence about to be found in your warehouse downtown? Iron Thunder will make it disappear.

Personality/ Motivation

Susan is a nice friendly young woman, with a new and dangerous toy. She’s not out to hurt anybody. Still now that she has all this power she sees no reason not to use it to help out her friends and family.

Quote "Hey you cowardly bully. Stop picking on that poor thief or I’ll rain the thunder down on you."


Iron Thunder enjoys using the suit, but isn’t really interested in hurtiing anyone. As a result she’ll start off with low powered attacks until she’s certain her opponent can handle her full power. After that she goes for the biggest and flashiest. Sometimes throwing in a missile just for fun.

Campaign use

Iron Thunder makes a good member for any villain team. But is most interesting as a foil to heros actions. Do thy hate bullies? She’ll happily point out how their powers give them an unfair advantage. Do they complain about crime? She’ll point out every crime they’ve ever committed including speeding.


The Iron Thunder battlesuit is a 6"tall red and blue sleek outfit with a large lightning bolt on the chest, and a smaller one on the forehead.

Susan is 5"7 shoulder length brown haired, brown eyed woman. Her many freckles are usually covered up by a few spots of grease.

Plot seeds

Iron Thunder is trying to rescue thieves police have trapped inside a building. What she doesn’t know is a virus has been unleashed, and is she tries to break them out the whole city could be in danger.

Iron Thunder has become infatuated with a pc. According to the comics theirs only one thing to do. Attack him until he returns the affection.

Iron Thunder breaks Black Harlequin out of prison. No one knows why, but it’s fairly certain it’s not for a good reason.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition



18 str 8

24 dex 42

18 con 16

12 body 4

16 int 6

13 ego 6

18 ore 8

14 com 2

6 spd 24

4/19 pd

4/19 ed

6 spd 24

8 rec

36 end

30 stun 8

21 run

2 swim

23 Clowning Around Martial arts

4 Missed me dodge +5 dcv

5 Hold everything martial block +1 ocv +3 dcv

5 Safe gag defensive strike +1 ocv +3 dcv 6d6 strike

4 Peekaboo +2 ocv 6d6 strike

5 running gag passing strike +1ocv Str+v/5, full move

40 Bag of tricks multipower (60) oif -1/2

6u Bouncy balls eb phy 9d6 indirect +1/4 (56)

5u Knife surprise rka 3d6 (45)

3u Flarisol flash sight 6d6 (30)

10 Slapstick ha 4d6 htoh (20) attack-1/2 oif- ½

7 Rubbery bag missile deflect nongunpowder (10) oif-1/2

20 Rubbery dress armor 15pd/15ed (30) oif-1/2

3 leg springs ec (6) oif-1/2

24 fast bounce running 15" (30)

6 long bounce superleap 12" (12)

5 acrobatics 15-

5 breakfall 15-

3 bureaucratics 13-

6 +2 lv clowning around

3 computer programing 12-

3 conversation 13-

3 high society 13-

2 ks financial world 11-

2 ks ceramic figurines 11-

2 ks romantic literature 11-

5 sleight of hand 15-

2 accountant 11-

3 stealth 14-

5 wealth 500,000

4 ambidextrous

4 double jointed

20 hunted by police (mp,nci, capture 8-)

15 hunted superteam (mp, nci, capture 8-)

20 psyche thrillseeker (vc,s)

20 no impulse control (vc,s)

15 in love with milktoast (cs)

15 secret id Jessica Williams

5 Bendy body distinctive features (ec, n)

32 exp


"Whoa what is that stench?" Peter said.

Jessica Williams looked up from the files on the desk. "Their mixing a new form of synthetic rubber in the factory."

"You should open a window." Peter said.

"I’ve opened them all."

"Then you should take a breather till the fumes clear."

"Oh and how will the books get done? Are you going to do them?’

"Nope that’s why I pay dull little drones like you. You might as well do all the work. You never have any fun anyway. This weekend I’m gonna use my hot new car to pick up some hot babes. If you weren‘t here what would you do."

"Well I got some new figurines ..."

"Stop talking. Your boring me. You really need to lighten up and have some fun Jess. Till then get those books done. I’m not paying you to loaf."

Later that night, Peter went out to his car, and saw Jessica standing in the driveway. She smiled at him and started giggling.

"Jess what are you doing here?"

"Hi Peter, I wanted see you new swiss cheese. After all you won’t shut up about it."

"What swiss cheese?"

Jessica took a rubber ball out of her purse and threw it behind her. The ball bounced around crazily smashing several large holes in Peter’s car.

"What the?" Peter said.

"Hey you said to lighten up, so Jess jest. I meant car not cheese."

"What have you done?"

"Oh you mean after I stole all that new synthetic rubber, and destroyed the formula? I blew up the factory."

"What tell me your kidding!"

"No Jess no jest Jestina. It went boom. Like this."

Jestina beat Peter unconscious.

"Now that was fun. But who to play with now?" Laughing the young woman walked off into the night.

Personality/ Motivation

Jestina has completely lost all control over her impulses, and will do whatever strikes her as fun at the moment. Unfortunately her idea of fun tends to be destructive and violent. Though she does seem to still remember what she used to be like. Whenever she runs into a man who to her seems to be being pushed around or unvalued, she declares her undying love for them. Then kidnaps them and drags them along on her next crime spree.

Quote "Oh yeah? Well I’m wearing your underwear."


Jestina prefers to use her clowning around and slapstick to attack people up close and personal. She only falls back on the spring knife or bouncy balls in her bag of tricks when their too far away, or she deems them to dangerous. Of course with Jestina plans don’t mean anything if something else seems more fun.

Campaign use

Jestina is perfect for many sort of plots, as she’ll happily do whatever pops into her head. But she’s best used a fun change of pace, or a break from darker plots.


Jestina wears a synthetic rubber dress that is a crazy patchwork of yellow, green, orange, and blue. She has a blue glove, and orange glove, a red boot and, a green boot. Her blond hair has been formed into four points resembling a jesters cap. And she wears clown make up.

Plot seeds

Jestina goes to kidnap the doormat of a reality tv show. While there she decides she want to be on the show, and threatens to kill everyone unless they make an episode with her.

Jestina starts stealing all the chocolate chip ice cream in the city.

Jestina begins stealing the chemicals to make enough rubber to build a giant bouncy ball. But is she planning to crush buildings, or use the fumes to drive people insane?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Jungle cat

30 str 20

26 dex 48

18 con 16

14 body 8

14 int 4

14 ego 8

18 pre 8

16 com 3

8/18 pd

6/18 ed

6 spd 24

10 rec

36 end

38 stun

6/14 run

2/6 swim

42 Jungle combat

4 Monkey dodge martial dodge +5 dcv

4 Rhino hide martial block +2ocv +2 dcv block

4 Baboon snatch martial disarm -1ocv, +1 dcv disarm, 50 strength

5 Anaconda coils choke hold -2 ocv grab, 5d6 nnd (2)

4 Serpent slither 55 str vs grabs

4 Lions bite nerve strike -1ocv +1 dcv 5nd6 nnd (1)

3 Rhino ram Basic strike +1 ocv 10d6

5 cheetah strike +1ocv str +v/5 fmove

8 +2 dc Jungle combat

20 Claws hka 2d6 (30) oif-1/2

30 Spider venom potion drain speed 6d6 (60) oif -1/2 8 charges -1/2

10 Ears of the cat targeting hearing (10)

23 Hardened clothes armor 10pd/12 ed (33) oif -1/2

16 Cheetah running +8 run (16)

4 Crocidile swimming +4 swim (4)

9 Animal senses + 3 to all sense rolls (9)

8 Legs of the gazelle superleap 8" (8)


19 followers 2 large cats (200)

5 animal handler felines,equines,canines, ursines 13-

3 breakfall 14-

3 climbing 14-

3 riding 14-

6 +2 lv jungle combat

3 computer programing 12-

3 concealment 12-

5 defensive maneuver 1&2

3 gambling 12-

3 high society 13-

2 ks jungles 11-

2 ks superhuman world 11-

2 ks animals 11-

2 ls English (Neteri is native)

2 ls french

3 paramedics 12-

2 ps animal handler 11-

3 shadowing 12-

3 stealth 14-

3 streetwise 13-

4 survival tropical, subtropical 12-

3 tracking 13-

2 transport familiarity riding animals

15 hunted superteam (mp,capture,8-)

20 hunted police (mp,nci, capt, 8-

10 Neteri capture squad (ap, cap, 8-)

15 psyche overconfident (c,s)

15 psyche sees world as jungle (c,s)

20 sees herself as predator (vc, s)

10 distinctive features animatistic (ec, n)

10 rep dangerous supervillianess (ext, 8-)

70 exp


As the daughter of a high ranking officer in the military junta that controlled the small African nation of Netari Jatarl Nabkau led a life of privilege. But while her friends looked to the modern age and were more interested in Paris fashions, and American movies, Jatarl looked to the nations past. So when an old shaman got caught up in one of the raids on dissidents, Jatarl’s father released the woman into her custody . The shaman spent many hours teaching Jatarl how to hunt through the jungle and to become with the animals. She even began mixing strange potions, that seemed to be increasing Jatarl’s strength, and speed. Unfortunately the only potion she would show Jatari how to make was one that used spider venom to nearly paralyze people. Even her senses seemed to be being heightened.

Her father did start to get a bit concerned as Jatarl began acting less human. Stalking the staff, and not combing her hair. Still when he needed it she could act as a lady of high refinement, and didn’t embarrass him at Netari state functions. So he allowed it to continue. Unfortunately he soon found he had more to worry about. The dissidents seemingly overnight turned into an army. Still the ruling elite wasn’t too worried. They had far superior firepower, and expected to route the rebels in a couple of days. Then NATO got involved. Talk of war crimes, referring to the rebels as legitimate, calling for the president to step down from power. The expected route turned into six months of fighting, and an overthrow of the junta,

Jatari watched helplessly as her nation crumbled around her. But just before the junta fell he came up with an idea. The country she blamed most for what was happening was America. Well they came into her jungle, now she would stalk them in theirs. Visiting her father at the government office, she stole documents that the rebels would use to try and prove their claims of government corruption. Then she smuggled herself into the United States. Shortly after a new supervillianess was stalking the street. One calling herself Jungle Cat.

Personality/ Motivation

Ideally Jungle Cat would like to tear down every city in America and replace it with jungle. Then return and do the same to her homeland. But as she has absolutely no way of doing that, So she contents herself with committing crimes and property destruction. While she can put on civilized airs, her bestial and animal instincts are never far from the surface.

Quote " Didn’t you hear? This is the urban jungle, and in any jungle the cat is the greatest predator."

Powers tactics

Like any cat, Jungle Cat prefers to attack from surprise. Using the spider venom potion to make the prey easier, and then incapacitating them with her jungle combat.

Campaign use

Jungle cat fits into a Campaign in one of two ways. As a criminal she can fit in easily with most groups, or operate solo. But she also brings politics into the Campaign. Especially if the pcs run into a group of agents from Netari trying to recapture the documents Jungle Cat stole.


At 6'1" Jungle Cat is an imposing woman, She has dark brown eyes and long black hair theat is always in a state of disarray. Her costume is what appears to be a dress made of tiger skin, but upon examination is some kind of bullet resistant material.

Plot seeds

After Jungle Cat commits several big robberies, numerous mercenary villain are flooding into the city. Ios Jungle Cat planning to retake her homeland? And if so what if anything should the pcs do about it?

The Plundress has stolen one of Jungle Cat’s cats. Now the villianesses are fighting a running war through the streets. The pc’s need to intervene before too many people get hurt.

Jungle Cat broke into the zoo. But she didn’t steal any of the cats. She stole several snakes , three crocodiles, and two elephants. What is she up to?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Lady Crime

18 str 8

24 dex 42

18 con 16

14 body 8

18 int 8

20 ego 20

20 pre 10

18 com 4

4/20 pd

4/20 ed

6 spd 26

8 rec

36 end

32 stun

6/12 run

2 swim

24 dirty infighting

4 disarm 0cv-1 +1 dcv 30 str

4 kidney blow -2 ocv ½ d6 hka (2d6) with strength

4 low blow -1 ocv +1 dcv nnd (1) 4d6

4 punch +2 dcv 67d6 str

5 roundhouse -2 ocv +1 dcv 8d6 strike

3 throw +1 dcv str +v/5 target falls

72 I’m ready for that gadget pool (60) control cost (30) oaf-1 only change between adventures- ½

33 Bulletproof costume armor 16pd/16 ed oif-1/2 (48)

15 Gun rka 2d6 (30) oaf-1 charges 16

12 Leg it +6 run

20 contact law enforcement

20 contact local government

20 contacts underworld

3 bribery 13-

3 bureaucratics 13-

3 combat driving 14-

3 computer programing 13-

10 +2 lv htoh

3 criminology 13-

3 gambling 13-

high society 13-

2 ks the law 11-

2 ks underworld 11-

2 ks superpowered world 11-

2 ks political world 11-

2 ks financial world 11-

2 ck Campaign city 11-

2 ls italian (English native)

2 ls latin

2 ps lawyer 11-

3 lockpicking 14-

3 oratory 13-

3 persuasion 13-

3 security systems 13-

3 streetwise 13-

15 hunted superteam (mp, capt, 8-)

20 hunted cops (mp.nci capt, 8-)

20 psyche greedy (vc,s)

20 psyche powerhungry (vc,s)

10 psyche vengeful (uc,s)

15 secret id Carol Whitcomb

15 rivalry other gang bosses pro, mp, seeks to outdo, aware of)

10 ruthless crime boss ( 11-)

84 exp


As a young girl Carol Whitcomb idolized her father. A police officer with many commendations he was her hero. So when he told her to never turn to crime because she’d only end up dead or in jail, she took it to heart. Of course childhood idolization never lasts. So years later when pulling her drunk father out of a bar again, the thought occurred to her. Everyone dies. The question was did you want to end your days in a fancy house, or a run down one. Course, prison was always a problem. But only if you let them take you alive. By the time she finally got her father into the run down cars back seat Carole had decide, she would turn to crime.

Being a cops daughter she had heard, all the stories about mistakes criminals make. So she decided to make none of them. First she would prepare herself. She starting by ingratiating herself with the cops at the station, especially the ones with access to records and the evidence room. She also began studying law. At first it was just to have a better idea how to avoid more serious charges, but she soon took it up as a profession. She also began volunteering for political campaigns .

She now has a nice job on the Mayor’s legal team. She’s not well liked by her coworkers, not that she cares. Once having positioned herself to catch wind of any threat to her, Lady Crime made her debut. She has quickly and ruthlessly built up a formidable criminal empire, and now plans to take over as the city’s top criminal.


Cold, ruthless, and greedy Lady Crime has seen there is no reward for leading a good life. So she’ll lead a bad one and take whatever reward she wants. And what she wants is everything there is.

quote "What you think stopping a few jewel heists means something to me? I am going to run this town."

Powers tactics

Lady Crime prefers to let others take the risks of fighting superheros. However she knows people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan. So she always carries a device on her to help her escape. If she knows what superheros, she’ll be encountering she’ll have a device suited to beating them, and defending against them. If she has nothing that will effect her opponent, she’ll try to imperil civilians and make an escape.

Campaign use

Lady Crime makes for an excellent master villain for street level heros.


Lady Crime is a 5'8" woman with blond hair and hazel eyes. As lady Crime she wears a red dress and a diamond necklace. She has a brown coat, a large floppy hat, and she wears red gloves. Her

mask is yellow with white wear the eyes should be, and red lips drawn into a cruel sneer.

Plot seeds

All of a sudden the city officials seem to have decided to persecute the pcs. Is Lady Crime using her influence just to get revenge, or trying to create a distraction.

Lady Crime proposes the city’s gang leaders settle who is in charge by holding a tournament. The gang boss who kills the most superheroes in a week gets the city.


As the elections come up an informant comes to the pcs. They claim the Mayor’s biggest opponent is in the pocket of Lady Crime, and asks for their protection. Is Lady crime really backing the candidate, or just trying to ensure they don’t get elected.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Miss Mist

13 str 3

21 dex 33

18 con 16

13 body 6

12 int 3

15 ego 10

18 pre 8

16 com 3

3/ 18 pd

4/ 19 ed

5 spd 19

7 rec

36 end

29 stun

6 run

2 swim

Mists of Mastis ec (22)

53 Dark mist of Mastis darkness all sight 6" radius personal immunity+1/4

34 Mastis mist of slumber eb 5d6 nnd defense self contained breath no need to breath +1 area effect radius +1 not in high wind rain -1/4 no range-1/3 (56)

38 Dissolving mist of Mastis 4d6 hka (60)

23 Hard mist of Mastis

10 flash defense all sight 10 (10)

5 night vision (5)

15 Float through the air gliding 15" (15)

3 Breakfall 13-

3 combat pilot 13-

3 concealment 12-

contortionist 13-

3 cryptography 12-

3 deduction 12-

2 ks history 11-

2 ks magic world 11-

2 ks literature 11-

2 ps scholar 11-

2 ls latain (English native)

2 ls arabic

2 ls sanskrit

3 lipreading 12-

3 mimicry 12-

3 stealth 13-

3 ventriloquism 13-

3 absolute time sense

20 hunted police (mp,nci,8-)

20 hunted Trismegistus council (mp, nci, 8-)

10 watched DEMON

10 distinctive features Mystic aura

15 psyche likes old things (c,s)

15 psyche distrusts technology (c,s)

15 psyche prim and proper (c,s)

15 secret id Andress Sandmark

5 exp


Miss Mist is a riddle even to herself. She’s not even sure if Andress Sandmark is her real name. What she does know is that as a young girl she was brought to the old house. The old man who took her in wouldn’t tell her anything about her past. All he would tell her is that she had been brought there for her own protection.

Andress spent her time in the library and learned of ancient powers. The one that appealed to her most was most often referred to as Mastis the Lord of the Mists. After weeks of study she learned how to access his power and formed her first mist. She went to show the old man, who finally told her of her some of her past. Now was an age when many mystical prophecies might come true. Some even spoke on the end of the world. A group of mages decided to find promising mystics to use as soldiers to seize power during the coming upheavals. Andress asked why he had never told her any of this. The old man replied that the sort of warriors they were looking for could not be trained, but would have the inner strength to forge their own mystical path. By unlocking the power of Mastis she had proven herself enough for some answers, but for the rest, she would have to go out into the world. If she could show she had the strength to forge her path their, the old man promised to reveal all,.

Personality motivation

Miss Mist finds the knowledge she is supposed to be a soldier in various end of the world scenarios, a bit overwhelming. So she ignores it. Making her nightly forays into the city, she is more concerned with exploring than any upcoming conflicts. And what she[‘s finding displeases her. All this reliance on technology, is leaving people unprepared for the upcoming calamities. So she’s found a way t both help prepare for the war, and fix society. By destroying things she doesn’t like, and helping things she does.

Quote "My sincere and profuse apologies.. As loath as I am to do it, I must hurt you severely now."


Miss Mist tactics have been developed from a lack of real opposition. She assumes simply clouding her opponent in the dark mist, and waiting for the sleeping mist to do it’s job. If that fails she’ll most likely use the dissolving mist at full blast to beat her opponent into submission.

Campaign use

If your not running a campaign based around magic, Miss Mist is best used as a figure of mystery. Quietly appearing at midnight to perform strange crimes and acts of vandalism. If your not, she can still be one, as the mysterious organization starts trying to shape events.


Miss Mist is a 5' 6" woman of light brown hair, and brown skin. Though her eyes are blue she has a vaguely middle eastern look about her. When operating as Miss Mist she wears a light purple one piece, half mask, gloves, and boots. She also wears a black cloak

Plot seeds

After declaring they’ll stop carrying actual books in their stores, the local outlets of a megachain find themselves being destroyed. However the books they have left, are being taken and showing up in small bookstores. In those bookstores it is found all their horror stories have been stolen.

The local museum has acquired a collection of minor unimportant Aztec pieces. So why is Miss Mist so anxious to get them?

A dark cloud settles over a city block. No one inside comes out. those who go in come out two hours later with no memory of what happened. Could Miss Mist be responsible?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


The Plundress

18 str 8

24 dex 42

20 con 16

16 body 12

13 int 3

18 ego 16

20 pre 10

16 com 3

4/18 pd

4/18 ed

6 spd 24

8 rec

40 end

35 stun

6/12 run

2 swim

Circus skill

4 Trapeze grace dodge +5 dcv

4 Strongman tricks -1 ocv +1 dcv disarm +20str to roll

4 Rubberman moves escape +25 str vs grabs

3 Downlow legsweep +2ocv -1 dcv 7d6 target falls

3 Cannonball throw +1 dcv Str +10 + v/5 target falls

5 No scratch defensive strike +1ocv + 3 dcv 6d6

33 Boomerangs 10d6 eb phy oif-1/2 (50)

33 whip multipower ( oif-1/2 (50)

1u rka 1d6 (15)

7u entangle 5d6 entangle takes no damage +1/2

1u clinging (10)

1u swinging

1u stretching 3" (15)

27 Armored costume armor 14pd/14ed (42) oif -1/2

12 Strong legs +6" running

6 +2 levels Circus arts

8 +2 damage class with circus arts added in

3 acrobatics 14-

3 animal handler 13-

3 breakfall 14-

3 climbing 14-

2 ks adventures stories 11-

2 legends of lost empires 11-

2 ks superhuman world 11-

2 ps circus performer11-

3 concealment 12-

3 disguise 12-

3 fastdraw whips 14-

3 gambling 12-

3 navigation 12-

3 stealth 14-

5 htoh rapid attack

3 lightsleep

3 lightning reflexes

20 hunted by cops (mp,nci,capt,8-)

15 hunted by superteam (mp,capt,8-)

15 psyche thrillseeker

15 psyche hunts ancient treasures (c,s)

15 likes to tell jokes (c,s)

5 1d6 untuck

15 secret id

34 exp


Amanda Pulan was the daughter of a circus animal trainer. She loved being on the road with the circus and would often bother the other performers to show her some of the tricks of their trade. But her favorite thing was sitting in bed listening to her father read her some adventure tale of daring heroes plundering some long lost Atlantian tomb. She would always put herself in the story. Sadly that was all they were. Oh sure there was the occasional superbeing who would claim to be an alien, or sorcerer, or from a lost city. But Defender said there was no such thing as magic. And people like Grond, Hornet, and Fenris could claim to be anything they wanted, but they were just humans. And that Mirage woman had faked three alien and one demonic invasion. No. No matter what they claimed to make them sound important there were no lost wonders.

One day playing in a small out of the way town the circus was attacked by Zorran the Artificer. Waving a strange rod he turned most of the crowd into monsters, and had them start digging into a nearby mountain. After a few hours Zorran entered the hole they dug then took off . Amanda had watched it all with great fascination, and as the townsfolk began to refer to their true forms, she became the first among them to enter the hole.

It couldn’t be real, but it was. Inside the mountain was some sort of ancient temple. Zorran had claimed it was Lemurian, and it certainly had many odd frescos. This was no fake. No one could have built this inside the mountain any time recently. Amanda realized her dreams could be a reality. Their were ancient civilizations, containing objects of great power. Power she could harness to maybe even rule the world. There in that strange temple Amanda Pulan vowed to seek them out wherever they were, and plunder everything in them.



The Plundress is a nice fun loving young woman who is always quick with a quip. Unfortunately she is also very determined to loot ancient societies. Preferably for objects of power, but she’ll take whatever she can get. What exactly she’ll do with them once she gets them she isn’t sure. At the back of her mind is thoughts of world domination. But she’s having far too much fun enjoying the chase to concern herself with what comes after.


Quote "Oh please they haven’t done anything with it for a thousand years, I might as well have it"

Powers tactics

Not being able to go toe to toe with a lot of supers Plundress prefers to keep her distance and use her boomerangs. If they get within striking distance she’ll use her whip to prevent them from attacking, and then use the boomerangs.

Campaign use

The Plundress works best in one of three ways. If the Campaign doesn’t have much to do with lost civilizations, she’s a jovial and friendly thief. If one of the pcs if from an unusual place she’s more dangerous as she tries to rob them blind, or interrogate them for information. Or if you have a more globe trotting Campaign, she comes into her own as she tries to loot some out of the way place without concern for the consequences.


The Plundress is a 5'8" blond haired blue eyed woman with a muscular build. She wears khaki jeans and a khaki jacket over a white shirt. She hides her identify with a special pith helmet with a pull down flap.


Plot seeds


Having broken into an eerie mansion to steal a map, The Plundress is surprised to find a means of controlling an ancient statue. Now with an unliving powerhouse to back her up, she becomes bolder than ever. Can the pc stop this new deadly duo?


In the city’s biggest park strange creatures break through the ground. They demand the surface dwellers return the Haarkkej Light. Any bets on if the Plundress had something to do with this?


The Plundress has committed a series of robberies the pcs catch up to the Plundress. She explains that she was financing her latest expedition. One to a place that holds an object that will destroy Takofanes forever. Would they care to come along?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition



13 str 3

24 dex 33

18 con 16

13 body 6

15 int 5

25 ego 30

18 pre 8

16 com 3

6 pd 3

6 ed 2

5 spd 19

7 rec

36 end

31 stun 4

6/12 run

2/3 swim

5 ec mental strength (5)

55 telekinesis 35 str fine manipulation (60)

5 mental defense 10 (10)

55 Mental force eb 12d6 (60)

15 missile deflection deflect all ranged (20)

55 force wall 12pd/12 ed (60)

12 runs daily +6 running

1 good swimmer +1 swim

3 bureaucratics 13-

3 conversation 13-

3 gambling 12-

3 high society 13-

2 ks society world 11-

2 ks fancy places 11-

2 ks museums 11-

2 ps socialite

3 trading 13-

8 wealth 3 million

20 hunted by cops (mp,nci,capt,8-)

15 hunted superteam (mp,capt, 8-)

5 hunted Guru Japal (lp,8-)

15 psych short tempered (c,s )

15 psych cannot tolerate disrespect (c,s)

20 sense of entitlement (vc,s)

20 berzzerk when insulted ©, 11- go, 11- rec)

15 secret id Stephaine Harington Whitaker.

17 exp

Background/ History

The man who would become known as Guru Japal thought the Tibetan monk was a nut. Meditation was meditation. You didn’t need some ancient scroll to tell you how to do it, and you certainly didn’t need to keep it locked up in the monastery to keep the world safe. He was doing them a favor when he stole it.

Still he thought it was best to leave till they had a chance to calm down. So he moved to America and started calling himself Guru Japal. He didn’t really understand to much on the scrolls, but the wealthy ladies who paid him for spiritual enlightenment seemed to love what he copied from them. Except for one. The more she meditated the angry she got. Fearing he’d lose one of his best clients Japal pushed her to start doing what the scrolls called advanced techniques. She just got angrier, but started talking about a door. Japal got excited. The scroll’s whole purpose was something about unlocking a door to power. So as best he could he directed her to open the door.

He knew he had succeeded when a beam of energy blasted forth from her mind and rendered him unconscious. When he awoke the building was a shambles, and Stephaine Harington Whitaker was no longer just angry, but the violent supervillianess Psiast. Japal’s not too sure what to go about this, but his position here is too lucrative for him to want to run.


Psiast was a slightly selfish person mainly concerned with going to the right gala, and whether to vacation in the Hamptons or Monte Carlo. But her recent spiritual journey instead of leading her to inner peace has unlocked her inner anger.

For too long she’s had to be kind to little jerks who should be holding her door, and asking her permission to speak. Oh it’s fine for them to insult her and nitpick every dime she spends, but god forbid she return the favor. Well thats over. From now on Psiast bows to no one. Break them and beat them yes. Bow no.

Quote "How dare you speak to me like that you pathetic little nobody? Take this."


Psiast’s tactics after setting up her force wall depends on her current state of anger. Angry she uses her telekinesis to throw her target around and humiliate them..Very angry Telekinesis then blast them till they beg for mercy. Furious blast them and everything else in sight.

Campaign use

Psiast as a mentalist with non usual mental powers is a bit of a change of pace for mentalist charecters. She also works well as a nemesis for rich playboy type pcs


Psiast is a regal woman with shoulder length black hair with a silver streak through it. She wears a pinkish-purple fullbody outfit with a chest insignia that is an orb being circled by a black ring and a white ring.

Plot seeds


A rabble rouser is encouraging rioting at rich peoples homes. It won’t take Psiast long to decide to demonstrate her displeasure. Can the pcs prevent the city from being torn apart in a class war?

Buildings that charities operate out of are collapsing all over the city. Psiast has often complained about the scuzzy little leeches, but is she responsible?


All over the city people start lashing out in blind rages. Only to be stopped by Psiast. Has she turned hero? And what is causing this plague of anger?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition



13 str 3

24 dex 42

20 con 20

13 body 6

13 int 3

18 ego 16

18 pre 8

16 com 3

3/20 pd

4/24 ed

6 spd 26

7 rec

40 end

35 stun 5

6 run

2 swim

60 Electricity multipower (60)

12 eb 12d6 (60)

12 eb 8d6 (40) ap+1/2

6 flight 15" (30)

7 17pd/20ed (37)

75 transfer 4d6 electrical power to end and stun(60) any power one at a time +1/4

3 breakfall 14-

3 climbing 14-

2 forgery documents

2 ks hottest clubs 11-

2 ks party world 11-

2 ks hottest bands 11-

2 ps party girl 11-

4 +2 lv with transfer

4 +2 lv with eb

3 oratory 13-

3 paramedics 12-

3 streetwise 13-

20 hunted cops (mp,nci, capture,8-)

15 hunted superteam (mp,capt,8-)

15 psyche loves to party(c,s)

15 psyche hates to be told no (c,s)

15 psyche hedonist (c,s)

15 secret id Tammi Lake

10 dnpc Shelly Cardin (n,8-_

20 vulnerable to water attacks x2 stun ©

12 exp


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll wasn’t just a saying to Tammi Lake it was a mantra. The harder her parents pressed for her to clean up her act, the harder she partied. Unfortunately for her going to wild parties required cash. For a while it looked like she would have to clean up her act, and get a job. Then she found out about some clubs who would pay people to get good looking women to come to the club. Tammi had found her dream job.

It got even better when she saved fading b movie starlet Shelly Cardin from a bad trip with drugs at a rave. With star power backing her Tammi quickly rose through the ranks and was a fixture at both respectable and underground clubs. It was at an underground club that she was trying various new drugs, then the police raided it. She tried grabbing the band’s electrical guitar, and fighting off the cops. Unfortunately all she got was a nasty electrical jolt. Fortunately she gained electrical powers. Now she doesn’t just have to argue with those who would stop the party. He can stop them.


Tammi is a rebellious teenager who never grew up. As far as she’s concerned the only problem with the world is the uptight moralist hypocrites who want to kill everyone elses fun. So you have three choices drink some booze and get with the party, shut up and go away, or get blasted.

Quote "Your just jealous that people aren’t all uptight. Why don’t you just lighten up? Better yet, I’ll light you up."

Powers/ tactics

Spark has a very limited amount of choices when it comes to offense. She tends to amp herself up with the nearest powerline, and just try to outlast her opponent

Campaign use

Spark makes an excellent foil for decent upstanding heroes. Or for a more serious tone as a frequent drug user a chance to do a close up look at the drug trade.



Spark stands at 5'6". She has red hair and green eyes. He costume is red with jagged yellow on the gloves and boots.


Plot seeds


Spark is helping plan the biggest rave the city has ever seems. And various chemical companies are going to contribute to the drugs. Whether they like it or not.


Spark has been harassing a local evangelist for weeks. When an attempt on his life is made , she denies all responsibility. Though she promises to show whoever is doing it a real good time. Is she telling the truth?


One night Spark gets hopped up on drugs, and decides to try and blackout the city by absorbing all the power from the power plant. While several areas go dark from the attempt, that isn’t the problem. The trouble is Spark can’t contain the power. The overcharged Spark is now flying around the city ,occasionally raining down death bolts from the sky.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Weeping Lilly

30 str 20

21 dex 33

22 con 24

14 body 8

13 int 3

13 ego 6

18 pre 8

14 com 2

6/20 pd

4/20 ed

5 spd 19

10 rec

44 end

35 stun

6/15 run

2 swim

50 Clinging Vines 5d6 ent (50)

30 Pollen Cloud flash 6d6 all sight (30)

27 Plant skin regenerate 4d6 (40) oend+1/2 persistent +1/2 extra time 1 turn-1 self only-1/2

45 Plant skin 2 armor 14pd.16ed (45)

18 Mobile Plant run 9" (18)

13 Pulpy arms ha +4d6 htoh-1/2 (20)

3 computer programing 12-

3 contortionist 13-

3 electronics 12-

4 ks plants 12-

2 ks history 11-

4 ks botany 12-

4 ps botanist 12-

3 navigation land, marine 11-

20 hunted cops (mp, nci.,8-, capture)

15 hunted superteam (mp,nci,capture, 8-)

15 psyche worried no longer human (c,s)

20 psyche afraid of being experimented on (c,t)

15 psyche scientific curiosity (c,s)

15 distinctive features green skin (c,n)

15 vulnerable X1.5 stun from fire (vc)

1 exp

Background/ History

Lilly Saunders may not have been a household name in science, but she was a pretty decent botanist. So when a friend called her up about an odd plant problem in her mother’s house, she wasn’t too surprised. Though an odd plant problem did seem odd. Lilly had no idea how odd it was going to get.

Her friend had discovered a secret room in her grandmother’s house. And inside that room she found her grandmother’s greatest secret. She had been Victory garden the WWII superheroine. The problem was that one of her mutated plants had really mutated over the years. Now taking up have the room, and pulsating she figured Lilly could help. Lilly started examining the pod when it suddenly burst open. Choking on the pod’s strange pollen Lilly passed out. When she awoke her skin had gone green, and she was in the hospital. She overheard the doctors discussing various tests How they were going to cut her open Lilly realized she was no longer human. Not even in the animal kingdom. Convincer the doctors were going to chop her up into little pieces Struck by total terror she smashed her way out of the hospital.

Personality/ motivation

Weeping Lilly is a conflicted woman. Feeling cut off from humanity, she would like to be returned to normal. However every time she thinks about getting treated, and total panic overcomes her. So for now she tries to stay under the radar. Gravitating towards criminal enterprises for cash, and human contact. All the while fearing the loss of whatever is lest of her humanity.

Quote "How can you talk to me about human rules? My humanity is long gone, and I’ll never get it back."


Lilly tactics depend on her goal. If she’s after something for herself she’ll use clinging vines to keep people out of her way until she’s done. If others are counting on her she’ll be much more aggressive using her pollen to blind them, and then beat them so they won’t interfere.


Campaign use

Lilly makes for a tragic villain. She mostly commits crimes to be near people. As such the pcs will often be moved to try and help her. Though overcome her terror of what that help entails won’t be easy.



Weeping Lilly is a 5'9" woman with green skin and eyes. Her hair is brown and shoulder length. She wears a green leotard, loves, and boots. She also has a green cape with pink sections sticking up behind her neck like the petals of a flower.


Plot seeds


Weeping Lilly becomes convinced the christmas trees isn a store are calling for her to help them. Has she developed the ability to communicate with plants, or is something else going on?


Weeping Lilly decides she might as well embrace her new life as a plant. And begins committing acts of ecological terrorism throughout the city.


Weeping Lilly’s worst fears have come true. A crazed scientist has kidnaped her, and is using her to create plant monsters to attack the city. The pcs must fight their way through and rescue her. But what state will she be in?

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Lady Crime

18 str 8

24 dex 42

18 con 16

14 body 8

18 int 8

20 ego 20

20 pre 10

18 com 4

4/20 pd

4/20 ed

6 spd 26

8 rec

36 end

32 stun

6/12 run

2 swim

24 dirty infighting

4 disarm 0cv-1 +1 dcv 30 str

4 kidney blow -2 ocv ½ d6 hka (2d6) with strength

4 low blow -1 ocv +1 dcv nnd (1) 4d6

4 punch +2 dcv 67d6 str

5 roundhouse -2 ocv +1 dcv 8d6 strike

3 throw +1 dcv str +v/5 target falls

72 I’m ready for that gadget pool (60) control cost (30) oaf-1 only change between adventures- ½

33 Bulletproof costume armor 16pd/16 ed oif-1/2 (48)

15 Gun rka 2d6 (30) oaf-1 charges 16

12 Leg it +6 run

20 contact law enforcement

20 contact local government

20 contacts underworld

3 bribery 13-

3 bureaucratics 13-

3 combat driving 14-

3 computer programing 13-

10 +2 lv htoh

3 criminology 13-

3 gambling 13-

high society 13-

2 ks the law 11-

2 ks underworld 11-

2 ks superpowered world 11-

2 ks political world 11-

2 ks financial world 11-

2 ck Campaign city 11-

2 ls italian (English native)

2 ls latin

2 ps lawyer 11-

3 lockpicking 14-

3 oratory 13-

3 persuasion 13-

3 security systems 13-

3 streetwise 13-

15 hunted superteam (mp, capt, 8-)

20 hunted cops (mp.nci capt, 8-)

20 psyche greedy (vc,s)

20 psyche powerhungry (vc,s)

10 psyche vengeful (uc,s)

15 secret id Carol Whitcomb

15 rivalry other gang bosses pro, mp, seeks to outdo, aware of)

10 ruthless crime boss ( 11-)

84 exp


As a young girl Carol Whitcomb idolized her father. A police officer with many commendations he was her hero. So when he told her to never turn to crime because she’d only end up dead or in jail, she took it to heart. Of course childhood idolization never lasts. So years later when pulling her drunk father out of a bar again, the thought occurred to her. Everyone dies. The question was did you want to end your days in a fancy house, or a run down one. Course, prison was always a problem. But only if you let them take you alive. By the time she finally got her father into the run down cars back seat Carole had decide, she would turn to crime.

Being a cops daughter she had heard, all the stories about mistakes criminals make. So she decided to make none of them. First she would prepare herself. She starting by ingratiating herself with the cops at the station, especially the ones with access to records and the evidence room. She also began studying law. At first it was just to have a better idea how to avoid more serious charges, but she soon took it up as a profession. She also began volunteering for political campaigns .

She now has a nice job on the Mayor’s legal team. She’s not well liked by her coworkers, not that she cares. Once having positioned herself to catch wind of any threat to her, Lady Crime made her debut. She has quickly and ruthlessly built up a formidable criminal empire, and now plans to take over as the city’s top criminal.


Cold, ruthless, and greedy Lady Crime has seen there is no reward for leading a good life. So she’ll lead a bad one and take whatever reward she wants. And what she wants is everything there is.

quote "What you think stopping a few jewel heists means something to me? I am going to run this town."

Powers tactics

Lady Crime prefers to let others take the risks of fighting superheros. However she knows people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan. So she always carries a device on her to help her escape. If she knows what superheros, she’ll be encountering she’ll have a device suited to beating them, and defending against them. If she has nothing that will effect her opponent, she’ll try to imperil civilians and make an escape.

Campaign use

Lady Crime makes for an excellent master villain for street level heros.


Lady Crime is a 5'8" woman with blond hair and hazel eyes. As lady Crime she wears a red dress and a diamond necklace. She has a brown coat, a large floppy hat, and she wears red gloves. Her

mask is yellow with white wear the eyes should be, and red lips drawn into a cruel sneer.

Plot seeds

All of a sudden the city officials seem to have decided to persecute the pcs. Is Lady Crime using her influence just to get revenge, or trying to create a distraction.

Lady Crime proposes the city’s gang leaders settle who is in charge by holding a tournament. The gang boss who kills the most superheroes in a week gets the city.


As the elections come up an informant comes to the pcs. They claim the Mayor’s biggest opponent is in the pocket of Lady Crime, and asks for their protection. Is Lady crime really backing the candidate, or just trying to ensure they don’t get elected.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Good additions to Herodom. I particularly liked Weeping Lilly. :thumbup:


As a formatting note, the ones where you separate the sections with blank lines are much easier to read. Putting section titles on bold also helps. I'm not trying to bite the hand that is feeding me; I just know that you wouldn't have posted them if you didn't want them to be read.

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


No need to apologize. like I said constructive criutism is welcom. As for the spaces. Thats the weird thing. They were their whent I typed them up, but for some reason when I cut pasted, they disappeared. I know I should go back and add them but I've been being lazy. Sorry:(

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Re: The Nothere Enemies book Supervillianess edition


Formatting only survives cut and pasting if you actually write out your formatting tags in the code document type which you are planning on pasting into. Personally, I've always found it easier to do the cut and paste and then go through and format it prior to posting. However, even that is a bit of a hassle and you don't need to say you are sorry for not doing it. It's all good.

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