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Help with 3 character builds for a game I am about to run.


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I am about to restart running my Champions game. We are restarting from scratch with new characters. I am restarting at standard 400 points and 60 active points but as I am making my players restart as UNTIL agents with around 20 compulsory skill and perk points I am in fact basing them on 420 points with 20 "bonus points" made of focus based points to simulate an equipment pool. So at least 20 points have to be spent on focus powers. Could anyone look over the PDF’s and make comment (if I managed to upload them properly)?











Golem The brick of the group. He is effectively is a Brick being able to transform into a Thing like character. His powers are mostly only available as OIAID. He has 50 strength and with his 4D6 HTH takes this over the 60 active limit but hay he can only use it in HTH and not at range. Should I reduce this for game balance? He has lots of Life support with effectively charges so when he finds his inner stone he can survive in electricity (a new one I came up with), high / low pressure, radiation, cold and heat for 4 x 5 minutes. So he can take short trips into extreme environments like a burning building or the outside of a space station etc.



Icential Your more normal Ice based blaster. Based loosely on Frozone from the Incredibles. A 60 active MP with 5 slots. Has dual protection versus heat and cold. She has a couple of powers that assist her colleagues (based on years going through academy together). The super conductivity that reduced DCV for electrical attacks and also brittilize drain PD / rPD.




Tesla Again your more normal electric based blaster. She has a severe complication with water. She fears it and even when wearing her protective suit she takes 1D6 when immersed in water. If she goes out in heavy rain she will spark and would take a similar 1D6 damage without the protective suit on She has a couple of attack powers. Then a drain electrical power and slow electrical based robots / characters. And also an aid to STUN and END if she can drain an electrical supply. If anyone could comment about the builds and any imbalances or things I have missed.









((OK 5th attempt at posting this. Forum does not like my machine!))


1) I did try to do it 2 times and the spaces were withdrawn by the Forum software as I wrote it in word prior to copy and paste. I added lines during an edit and it removed them. I have added lots of lines and it worked this time.


2) It was made through HD. I am not too familiar with the specific export name that everyone uses.


3) I could remove the everyman skills.


4) 7-8 is the 6th starting point for most character based on 400 points. Heroes and Villains have it around that. The 6th Champions book character generation pitches it at 7-8. So 8 is where I have pitched it.


5) PDA is a just the description of a multi function communicator / tablet which I have not fully pointed out.


Martial Strike is a martial art skill. They have basic UNTIL training.


Real Electricity is a limitation on the powers similar to taking fire or ice limitation on other powers. It is a power that not only looks like electricity but also reacts like electricity. Will not work under water etc. Some powers that look like electricity would work under water like a lot of other powers. Some may not give it a limitation but I want to.


Some spellings are different over the pond but not all :-).


Teleport is not to the level of the character yet.


As explained 420 is a 400 points but I am forcing you to have 20 compulsory points and to compensate you can have a 20 point pool which can be changed and has to be focus based. They are used to starting with 400 point characters.


Thanks for the feed back.


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1) please, as a favor to others, include some linebreaks in your posts so that its not a giant block of text. It makes the information easier to parse quickly.


2) do you use Hero Designer? If yes, sharing the hdc's makes it easier to review the characters.


3) Everyman Skills...you might find it declutters the character sheets to not bother to list everyman skills. Every character is assumed to have them and thus listing them is completely redundant and just eats valuable space.


4) In general: I find your CV's to be unnecessarily high. It seems like you are trying to buy them up to pre-6e figured levels. Entirely unnecessary. OCV vs DCV is a zero sum equation. By raising average CV's to ~8's you are just taxing all the characters about 50 points for no net difference in outcome.



5) Tesla ->


25 (Advanced PDA) ?

Martial Strike?

(Real Electricity; -¼)...?

Ball Lightening is misspelled: Ball Lightning

Revitalise is misspelled: Revitalize


Why 420 points? That's kind of an odd starting value.


The flight only along powerlines can be a bit impractical in actual usage. A limited teleport might be a bit cleaner.



...Sorry, time for dinner, don't have time to finish this right now.

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yeah, this thread was broken for a long time. I had a huge commentary with my analysis of each character but it wouldnt let me post it (and it didnt save so I can't restore it either). I may look at your guys again later and try to comment again but kinda scared to do long posts in the champions forum since it tends to bug out alot.

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