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Aquarian Age: Post-Apocalyptic Revisions


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After reading through my notes, it seems that I've been gradually veering towards having a more post-apocalyptic feel for the setting. I've decided to expand things in that direction.


In this version of events, the Blight flared up in more regions of the world than China and Asia, hitting far more of the Earth than I had previously envisioned, its reach expanded by carriers before the cause of it and a cure could be found. The Unseelie had intended it to bring down their enemies and make the humans more "manageable" for them, but it killed off large numbers of their servants, nullifying any tactical advantage. When the truth was learned, war broke out with a fury not seen since the Second World War.


Between the Unseelie War and the Blight, humanity's numbers were reduced by over 70%. Vast regions of the planet were depopulated. The surviving humans and their Sidhe allies clustered together into the cities and nearby suburbs, abandoning some in the process and restoring a semblance of pre-Blight life. Homonculi became more popular due to the significant labor shortages, prolonged by a fall in the fertility rate that some scientists believe is a lingering effect of the Blight.


Away from the lights of the cities, pockets of humanity stubbornly hang on, refusing to leave smaller towns, surrounded by a reborn wilderness affected by gathered Glamour. Goblins and more powerful humanoids like Orcs, Ogres and Trolls are the most common threats, appearing in regions of polluted Glamour like cancers and ravaging the countryside near their lairs. Human and Sidhe posses are put together on a semi-regular basis to hunt them down before their numbers grow too unmanageable.

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