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Else Earth: Utopia Institute


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Utopia Institute

NYSE: UI  123.11/Share 15% growth over value in 2014 


Founded in 1830 as a privately owned and funded "Think Tank," the Utopia Group was the love child of enlightened idealists and men with more money than sense. Charged with finding the answers to mankind's problems on Earth, the institute was for it's first 100 years a laughing stock of wasted money, time, and effort. Their findings were regularly denounced (even if later proven correct) and the Institute found itself on the outside looking in at important debates and discussions of the day. However, the money rolled in from dedicated backers and some of their recommendations found homes in important places.


In the 1930's however, control of the group fell into the hands of one Warren J Goode and things were never the same. Goode was (as his name suggests) an altruistic man and something of a savant; he could not only see issues and solutions but could express them in a way that put cynics at ease. The "Group" became the "Institute" and never looked back. The private funding also went Public in 1950 and the Institute began a more active role in making a better world; by 1980, the Utopia Institute had it's fingers in manufacturing, environmental engineering, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, medicine and hunger relief.


Some of their efforts have had to be reigned in by superhuman champions: in 1974 they tried to clean the oceans with a trash eating bacteria which mutated into a massive collective and tried to destroy Tokyo; an attempt in 1990 at transforming large swaths of arid desert in Africa into a fertile agriculture belt was more successful but had the unintended consequence of disturbing a number of tombs of former kings who lead an army of undead to destroy the villages and cities involved; (the Kings were later appeased and their burial grounds returned and maintained) and finally their attempt to invite an alien race to join our "peaceful coalition of planets" begat the 2003 Invasion. 


Despite these setbacks, and rumors that they're far more interested in profit and influence than saving mankind, UI is considered a force for good in the world and have helped move innovation and ethics forward. They even fund their own team of metahuman champions, the Solution. 


GM's Notes:



These guys are more obnoxious than evil. They really do want to save the world but they really think the best way to do that is to be in charge. They're idealistic about the future but play the game with exceptional cynicism. The current board of directors lean slightly to the side of increasing profits in their old age. (Though they all have managed to extend their lifespans quite a bit.) 


The Solution is a team of powerful heroes who worry more about "The Big Picture" they show up at disasters and invasions but don't "Play Cops and Robbers" and occasionally intervene in areas they're not welcome




Chad's Notes:

The Utopia Institute is very much nicked from White Wolf's Superhero game which I had a copy of back in 1991. They made the perfect backers for my favorite team of obnoxious heroes, "The New Peace Armada!" (exclamation point included) which is a name I got from the random super team name generator in Heroic Almanac 1. It was a name that conjured an image of a team of New Age Hippies who caused as much trouble as villains but were really trying to help. Originally my team consisted of The Champion of the Poor, (Alien Enemies) Titaness, (Enemies Unbound?) Granite, (example character from 4th Edition (Hand to Hand attack IIRC)) and a few characters I made up (A PETA Supporter, A Hippie Druid, An angry and violent pacifist, and a nudist), after Enemies Assembled came out I made Aries their leader.


Eventually I changed their name and when I moved away from the official CU I decided to make them a tad more serious. I love Aries but decided I couldn't use him so transformed him into the Green Knight, The Champ became Ultra Woman (my Power Girl Pastiche), the Druid became Silver Druid turned him into a recovering cardboard corporate villain copy, Titaness became Asteriope, I bumped a few others for Jungle Woman, Runaway, and Morningstar. 

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