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Limited CSL



6e 71 Prohibits buying CSL with the limitation "Only for OCV". Is it legal to buy them as "Not for DCV" to simulate attacks that can be more accurate or more damaging but not provide defense? If so, would this be worth any limitation? If it is not legal, is there an alternate way to buy damage classes to augment the OCV purchased as a power for this purpose?


On a similar vein, can CSL (this would be the 8 or 10 point level) be bought only versus a creature or class of creatures? Or is this better simulated by buying a lower level of CSL (3 or 5 point level) with the group of attacks set as "Attacks against Orcs" or "Attacks versus Giants"?




- E

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1 answer to this question

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1.  No, that’s not legal — though of course any given GM can allow whatever he wants, regardless of what the rulebook says. TUS/HSS does suggest, for example, that allowing Limitations on low-cost CSLs for -0 value might work in some situations.


Keep in mind also that in 6E, OCV and DCV are Characteristics. Therefore you could buy, for example, +3 OCV, Only Versus Orc or +3 DCV, Requires An Acrobatics Roll using the Characteristics Power. That’s much easier than monkeying around with CSL.


2. Yes, you could buy a high-cost CSL and Limit it that way — but again, buying Limited OCV and/or DCV may work better in many situations.

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