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Combined Attack and modifiers.





If someone is making a combined attack lets say with two weapons one in each hand, does he roll once, takes that as a base number and then adds different modifiers for each weapon to see if that hit? ( like off hand penalty, different OCSLs with each weapon in hand etc.) ?




i have OCSLs with daggers + 2


I hold a longsword in my good hand

and a dagger in my off hand


i assign my CSLs

if decide for an combined attack on an enemy


i roll a 13


My good hand is at 13 total

My off hand is at 13+2-3 = 12 total


is that correct?


thank you for your time!!!

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1 answer to this question

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There are a couple of things going on here:


1.  What you’re describing is a Multiple Attack, not a Combined Attack. Per 6E2 74, Combined Attacks are for  “sing two or more powers or similar abilities[.]” That primarily refers to superpowers in Champions campaigns, but it could also apply to spells in some Fantasy campaigns, psionic powers in some Science Fiction campaigns, and so on.


Combined Attack specifically says it’s for powers or similar abilities, and not for Combat/Martial Maneuvers — and using a weapon is typically a Strike Combat Maneuver, or some Martial Maneuver. So a character making two weapon-based attacks is using Multiple Attack in its standard form.



2.  Now to the meat of the question:  how many Attack Rolls are required, and what modifiers apply.


A Combined Attack is considered a form of Strike (6E2 74). Therefore it only requires a single Attack Roll regardless of how many powers the character Combines. (And Strike, of course, provides no CV bonuses, damage bonuses, or other benefits.)


For modifiers, use the rules for Multiple Attacks on 6E2 76-77 (ignoring anything specific to Multiple Attack, of course, such as -2 OCV penalty, halving of DCV, or attacking multiple targets). The Off Hand penalty does not apply, just like for Multiple Attack (6E2 74, 78).



I think that covers your question, but if I overlooked something, please post a follow-up.

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