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Accurate advantage



What is the legal way to build an accurate attack for multiple hexes? The options I could come up with were:


1. GM Fiat, allow Area of Effect Any, Accurate to have one target per 1m radius (+1/2), at +1/2 per additional 1m area.

2. Legal per RAW you could buy the power twice (or more times) with Area of Effect Hex, Accurate (+1/2) and Unified Power (-1/4) This seems expensive when compared to buying say, +10 OCV CSL with a single power, obviously depending on the power level.

3. Some other option?




- E

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The text on 6E1 320 states:  Typically Accurate is only taken for 1m Radius powers. Therefore a character could, in theory, buy it for a larger than 1m Area — though I doubt many GMs would allow that (I probably wouldn’t).


I’m not even sure I understand why a character would want to buy this, since by definition an Accurate attack only affects a single target — no matter how big you make it, it only hits one target. Though since a larger Area makes it harder for the target to Dive For Cover to avoid the attack, some characters might find that beneficial against martial artists and other fast-moving, dodge-y types.

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