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Character for review


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NOte: Origin is still a rough draft


Character Clasification: Perfect

Sub Cat: Super Mage

Background: Rachel's father was to be the next Loremaster (Archmage type of thing), however things did not work out that way. Her father died in a battle with an interdimensional being.


8Simply put Rachel's mother was devestated, she decided that magic would have no part in the child she carried in her womb's life. Moving from the small appartment she had shared with her husband to the upper east side, where her family lived, she tried to make a break from all things having to do with her husband.


She would tell Rachel as she grew that her father had been a police officer who had died in the line of duty, she had also started training her daughter in how to defend herself, and other combat orientated skills, knowing that her daughter would have inhereted more than the fine hands and sharp eyes of mind of her father.


At 16 things changed for rachel, she stumbled on an old box, a box that contained remenants of her father's career, including his spell books. She studdied, as a form of rebellion on her mother. At 18 she was attacked, and for the first time realised how powerful she was, that magic was almost instinctual.


Her mother refused to talk to her for three years, having felt betrayed by her daughters taking up the craft, recently they have started to talk again but the relationship is barley corgial.





Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
23 DEX 39
20 CON 20
12 BODY 4
20 INT 10
14 EGO 8
20 PRE 10
20 COM 5
10/25 PD 4
10/25 ED 3
5 SPD 17
7 REC 0
40 END 0
30 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 125


Cost Power END
5 Magicsight: Detect A Class Of Things 13-
84 Street Magic: Variable Power Pool (Magic Power Pool), 60 base + 24 control cost (90 Active Points); All powers must take -1/2 in limitations (-1/4)
0 1) Stunner Shots: Flash 8d6 (Touch Group), Does Knockback (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Double Knockback 2x KB (+3/4) (60 Active Points); OAF: Pistol (-1) Real Cost: 30
0 2) Protection of the spirits: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance Only Costs END to Activate (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4) Real Cost: 15 3
0 3) Mystic Bullets: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1) Real Cost: 15 3
7 Strong Mind: +7 Mental Defense (10 points total)
3 Magical Defenses: Power Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); Only Vs Magic (-1/2)
Enchanted Clothing, all slots: IIF (-1/4)
12 1) Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points)
4 2) Life Support , Safe in High Pressure, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat (5 Active Points)
7 Centurion Radio Link: Mind Link (Specific Group of Minds), Number of Minds (x2), Radio not Mental (+0) (15 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), IIF (-1/4)
15 Pistol: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. PD), 4 Clips of 8 Charges (+0) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1)
Powers Cost: 137



Cost Skill
3 Combat Driving 14-
5 AK: New York (INT-based) 15-
4 CuK: New Yorkers (INT-based) 14-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Cryptography 13-
5 Forgery (Commercial Goods, Documents, Paper Money) 13-
6 Gambling (Board Games, Craps, Poker, Sports Betting) 13-
3 Lockpicking 14-
3 Mechanics 13-
3 Navigation (Astral, Dimensional) 13-
3 Paramedics 13-
7 Magic (INT-based) 15-
3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
3 Stealth 14-
5 Streetwise 14-
2 Survival (Urban) 13-
3 Teamwork 14-
3 Trading 13-
2 TF: Centurion Vehicles, Everyman skill, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
3 WF: Blades, Small Arms
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Cults (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
4 2) KS: Urban Magic (INT-based) (5 Active Points) 15-
1 3) KS: Thaumaturgy (2 Active Points) 11-
2 4) KS: Mystics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
1 5) KS: Secret Societies (2 Active Points) 11-
2 6) KS: Extra-Dimensional Beings (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
Skills Cost: 90


Cost Perk
8 Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers, Member of the Centurions
3 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Weapon Permit (where appropriate)
6 Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-
Perks Cost: 17


Cost Talent
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
Talents Cost: 6



Total Character Cost: 375


Val Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)
10 Hunted: Centurians 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
20 Hunted: The World Hostility Implementation Party 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
20 Hunted: Mystic Overlord 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)
20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Inoccence (Very Common; Strong)
20 Psychological Limitation: Feels Need to Prove Self (Very Common; Strong)
5 Reputation: Mystic Investigator 11- (Known Only To A Small Group)
5 Social Limitation: Weirdness Magnet (Occasionally; Minor)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Iron (Common)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Body (Common)

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 25

Total Experience Available: 25

Experience Unspent: 0

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Good background. Good skill selection. Good perks. Dex is a bit high & Ego is a bit low IMO, but overall stats are fine. Cool that she caries a pistol.


The only complaint I have is the VPP. Why in God’s green Earth does every friggin mage have to have a huge VPP? That was one of the things I loved best about the Ultimate Supermage; it got away from VPP mages. Nothing personal … I’m just sick of seeing mage = VPP.

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A test


Okay, my computer is acting up so this is in part a test:


This is suppose to be in responce to Character for review:


I agree most mages should not have there powers come from a VPP. A small VPP similar to Witchcrafts is appropriate most of the time.


The reason for this character having one is that I see her becoming not the next Loremaster, but maybe the one after next, as such her powers are built accordingly, a large VPP with verry few limitations (A variant of the VarLim, not I disagree with the idea of a F/X Limit such as Magic)

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The origin is pretty similar to the Ultimate version of Dr. Strange from Ultimate Marvel Team-up. Great minds think alike!

In that world, Stephen Strange had a son with Cleo and died (seemingly) in the astral plane soon there after. His son (Also Stephen) was raised by his mother who adopted a life devoid of magic and hid his father's identity as the Sorcerer Supreme hidden from him. Like your character's mother, Cleo became slighlty unhinged. Stephen Jr. made it all the way to college before Wong (Dr. Strange's faithful servant) sought him out to give him his inheritance. His fathers mystical townhouse in Soho and all the artifacts therein. Also, due to both his parents having great magical prowess (and they were rumored to have concieved him on the astral plane) Stephen Jr. has the potential to be the greatest Sorcerer ever.

I like mystical characters and this one seems cool. Reminds me of Constantine too. Both are good company to be in. As long as you have a reasonable fx for the vpp, like a spell book or maybe access to her dad's magical journals, it makes sense to me. I never liked Mystics who spontaneously develop new spells without a source. A cool idea might be to have her Dad's spirit help her and give her spells.

How do you envision her? Does she wear the typical costume? Robes? The standard issue trench coat? Also, for some reason, I'm not feeling the "Street Magic" Does that mean she has a mentor from "The Street" or was her dad from "The Street"? I like the character overall! Cool disad with the Iron thing, is that a typical side effect of spell-casting in your world?

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Originally posted by Fireg0lem

Was "mystic bullets" intended to add to the gun?


Not exactly, it was seen more as a "I'm out of bullets but can still fire my gun at the cost of my personal END" Type of thing. The Stunner Shots however are seen as either a substitution or a add on to the normal shots (either the Mystic or normal bullets)

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Originally posted by Eyendasky80

The origin is pretty similar to the Ultimate version of Dr. Strange from Ultimate Marvel Team-up. Great minds think alike!

In that world, Stephen Strange had a son with Cleo and died (seemingly) in the astral plane soon there after. His son (Also Stephen) was raised by his mother who adopted a life devoid of magic and hid his father's identity as the Sorcerer Supreme hidden from him. Like your character's mother, Cleo became slighlty unhinged. Stephen Jr. made it all the way to college before Wong (Dr. Strange's faithful servant) sought him out to give him his inheritance. His fathers mystical townhouse in Soho and all the artifacts therein. Also, due to both his parents having great magical prowess (and they were rumored to have concieved him on the astral plane) Stephen Jr. has the potential to be the greatest Sorcerer ever.

I like mystical characters and this one seems cool. Reminds me of Constantine too. Both are good company to be in. As long as you have a reasonable fx for the vpp, like a spell book or maybe access to her dad's magical journals, it makes sense to me. I never liked Mystics who spontaneously develop new spells without a source. A cool idea might be to have her Dad's spirit help her and give her spells.

How do you envision her? Does she wear the typical costume? Robes? The standard issue trench coat? Also, for some reason, I'm not feeling the "Street Magic" Does that mean she has a mentor from "The Street" or was her dad from "The Street"? I like the character overall! Cool disad with the Iron thing, is that a typical side effect of spell-casting in your world?


Typical costume: None, she normaly will wear sweatshirts/T-Shirts and Jeans, a NY Yankee's cap will also be common. Trenchcoats when the weather is appropriate...


As said above she has learned the principles of magic from her father's old stuff, however the reason for the "Street" is that she has improvised alot of it. The spells she has on her gun for instance were designed for a Bow & Arrow, well she has changed them some. Most of her spells will have an "Urban" flavor to them.


Thanks for the info on Ultiamte Dr.Strange, I was not familiar with him before.


As for the Iron, no it is not a common Mage lim, it is a lim common to people with Fay Blood in them (most of whom become powerfull sorcerers), it is actualy a lim on her from when her origin was different...

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