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Everything posted by brak1

  1. And those of us who DO live there can't seem to find the hidden ways to get out, although there is the mythological DW who - it is said - not only found a way out, but who also returns periodicaly. We're not sure why, especially on days like today when the forecast highs are -15 to -5. Although in the summer, it is kinda like Shangri-la here... -bob
  2. >>1. Is this the whitest Hero product to date? (Yeah, I know there's something about the genre that makes people think about old Europe. I guess I thought the artists would be hungry to try out distinctive looks in the fantasy genre). <<< I haven't seen it yet either, but I know I specifically realized while I was doing the four pieces I contributed to this that I had not been doing enough to try and provide characters of different cultures and backgrounds. I made one of the characters black, but of course there's no real context - he's sort of just another cleric fighting skeletons. As Storn also said - keep bringing it up, it needs to be addressed and I too will endeavor to do a better job at providing multi-cultural characters in the future. -bob cram
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